Fig 1 Line drawings of protargol stained cell, showing kineties, oral structures, extrusomes, and nucleus.
Fig 2 Lugol?s fixed cell, showing anterior dome shape.
Fig 4 Lugol?s fixed and DAPI stained cell, illustrating nuclear shape; cell shape not preserved.
Fig 5 SEM of Lugol?s fixed cell with extruded trichites (Tr).
Fig 6: Protargol stains, lateral view, showing distinct extrusomes (E), the girdle kinety (G), and the macronucleus (Ma).
Fig 7: Protargol stains, lateral view, showing distinct extrusomes (E), the girdle kinety (G), and the macronucleus (Ma).
Fig 8: Protargol stains, lateral view, showing distinct extrusomes (E), the girdle kinety (G), and the macronucleus (Ma).