Figures 1–10.Antillotolania myricae, sp. n. 1–3 female habitus in anterior, dorsal, and lateral views, respectively 4–6 male, same views 7 Dorsal views, distal half of pygofer with aedeagus and styles in resting position over subgenital plates. 8 Lateral view, aedeagus and styles 9–10 left forewing and hind wing, respectively.
Figures 28–32.Photographs of live Puerto Rican Membracidae. 28–31 Antillotolania myricae, sp. n. adult female (28), adult male (29), third instar (defensive position) (30), and fifth instar (31), all on Myrica splendens (Myrtaceae) 32 Nessorhinus abbreviatus Ramos in same xeric habitat of Deiroderes inermis type locality (Guánica) on an unidentified host.