FIGS. 11-16. Prorocentrum elegans sp. nov. FIG 11. Cells are oval in valve view; the cell surface is smooth with few valve pores. The two flagella are not present. FIG.12. Left valve margin at the anterior end is flat or inclined. FIG.13. Cells are ovate in side view. The periflagellar area is large relative to the cell size. It has a flagellar (F) and auxiliary (A) pore and an angled flagellar plate (arrowhead adjacent to the auxiliary pore). Large pores (arrow) and small pores (arrowheads) are present on the valves. The small pores are better illustrated at higher magnification in Figure 15. FIG.14. Periflagellar area is detached from the right valve. It has a smooth inner surface, and discrete platelets are unequal in size. FIG.15. The intercalary band is transversely striated, and the inner surface appears ribbed. Small pores (arrowheads) are situated in an array along the intercalary band. FIG.16. The two apical pores are separated by a ridge in this naked cell. Scale bars = 5 µm.
Note:Holotype SEM negative # 86075A; SEM stub #86; Field # n.a; Accession # 407164; Catalog # 44; Figure # 11.