Figs. 1-10. Prorocentrum belizeanum sp. nov. Fig.1. Valve surface is areolated. Fig.2. Cells are round to oval in valve view. Fig.3. In side view, cells are ellipsoid, the apical area exhibits a rounded lip, and both left and right valves are excavated. Fig.4. Periflagellar area is a wide, V-shaped depression located in the right valve. It has a flagellar and auxiliary pore, equal in size. Fig.5. Auxiliary pore (A) is surrounded by a curved apical collar (arrowheads) and is adjacent to the flagellar pore (F). The left valve margin exhibits a wide, rounded ridge (arrow). The two flagella are not shown. Fig.6. Intercalary band is horizontally striated. Fig.7. Areolae are round to ovoid with a smooth margin. Some areolae have trichocyst pores (arrowheads). Fig.8 . The center of the inside valve surface is smooth. The arrangement of round trichocyst pores is shown. Fig. 9. Inside valve surface shown at higher magnification. Trichocyst pores (arrowheads) are arranged in an array along the intercalary band. Fig.10. Inside of the intercalary band is constructed of evenly spaced rectangular sections separated by shallow grooves. Scale bars =10 µm.
EMu: Holotype SEM negative # 104052; SEM stub #104; Field # n.a; Accession # 407164; Catalog # 34; Figure # 1.
Plate 39. Prorocentrum belizeanum. Figs. 1-6. SEM. Fig. 1. Right valve: cell round to oval; surface heavily areolated. Fig. 2. Left valve: anterior margin with flared curved apical collar. Marginal areolae visible. Fig. 3. Lateral view: valve center concave; intercalary band smooth and wide. Fig. 4. Apical view: apical area with rounded lip; both valves excavated. Fig. 5. Areolae round to ovoid with smooth margins; some with pores. Fig. 6. Periflagellar area: auxiliary pore (a) surrounded by curved periflagellar collar (arrows); adjacent to flagellar pore (f). Left valve with flared apical collar (arrowheads). Fig. 7. Left valve: central pyrenoid (arrow) and posterior nucleus (n). Fig. 8. LM: right valve; flagella present. Fig. 9. Line drawing: areolae arrangement (after Faust 1993a).