provided by EOL authors
Plants monoecious, very mucilaginous, 2-8 cm high, 300-350 μm in diameter, richly or sparsely branched, bluish green. Whorls almost spherical, ellipsoidal or barrel-shaped, separated or confluent. Fascicles 3, primary fascicles 6-8 cell-storeys cells rather uniform, shortly cylindrical, ellipsoidal or obovoidal, proximal cells 7-12 μm in diameter, 13-30 μm long, terminal hairs frequent or sparse. Secondary fascicles more or less frequent, finally covering all internodes, reaching the length of primary ones. Spermatangia spherical or ovoid, ca. 6 μm in diameter, terminal on fascicles at different levels. Carpogonium-bearing branches straight or slightly curved, consisting of 3-6 disc-shaped cells, arising from periaxial cells. Involucral filaments numerous, consisting of ellipsoidal cells, of varying length. Carpogonia 4-5 μm in diameter at the base, 15-26 μm long, trichogyne short, ellipsoidal, obovoidal, lanceolate cylindrical, indistinctly stalked. Carposporophytes single or rarely in pairs, spherical or hemispherical, 100-120 μm in diameter, of densely aggregating gonimoblast filaments, centrally inserted. Carposporangia ellipsoidal, obovoidal, or pear-shaped, 8-10 μm in diameter, 10.5-14 μm long.
Kumanoa virgatodecaisneana: Brief Summary
provided by wikipedia EN
Kumanoa virgatodecaisneana is a species of alga belonging to the family Batrachospermaceae.
Batrachospermum virgatodecaisneanum Sirodot (=
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