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Fissidens dissitifolius Sullivant 1861

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Fissidens dissitifolius SuU. Proc. Am. Acad
5: 274. 1861.
Plants more or less gregarious, propagating by multicellular septate brood-bodies borne on slender filaments from the bases of the leaves; stems slender, flaccid, erect or decumbent, 1-1.5 cm. long; leaves remote, much curled and twisted when dry, about 8-12 pairs, up to 2 X about 0.25 mm., oblong-lanceolate, the margins bordered by 1-2 rows of cells 67-81 /* long, disappearing toward the apex, where the cells are shorter and subserrulate, the costa thick, more or less flexuous and variable in length, ending below the acute or apiculate apex, sometimes reaching within 4-6 cells of apex; apical lamina about as long as the basal but wider; vaginant laminae much collapsed and shrunken when dry, very oblique at junction with apical lamina, the border of 2-3 rows of cells; dorsal lamina about half as wide as vaginant laminae, tapering to base, ending rather abruptly or slightly decurrent; perichaetial leaves smaller; apical leaf-cells in oblique rows, hexagonal, 13-27 m, longest next the costa, with thick walls, those of the vaginant lamina longer, up to 65 /x, parallel with the costa; dioicous, the antheridia terminal on more or less branched stems up to 5 mm. high; setae sometimes several, 5-6 mm. long, erect or ascending; capsule straight, cylindric, 1-1.5 mm. long, the walls of irregular hexagonal parenchyma cells up to 40 ii long, the neck distinct; "calyptra dimidiate"; operculum long-beaked, equaling the urn, the basal cells collenchymatous; annulus falling with the operculum; peristome red, the teeth paler and spirally thickened at apex, their outer basal plates granular, the inner plates crista te-ciliate ; spores smooth, 8-10/* in diameter, maturing in spring.
Type locawty: Cuba.
Distribution: On wet rocks or banks of rivulets, in shade; western Cuba; Puerto Rico,
bibliographic citation
Robert Statham Williams. 1943. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(3). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora