Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Botany
Sematophyllum masafuerae
Sematophyllum masafuerae (Broth.) Bartr., Ark. Bot. ser. 2, 4:42, 1957.
Rhaphidostegium masafuerae Broth. in Skottsb., Nat. Hist. Juan Fernandez 2:440, 1924. [Original material: Correspondencia, 1150 m, Mas Afuera, coll. C. & I. Skottsberg n. 499 (S!).]
Hypnum masafuerae Bartr., Ark. ser. 2, 4:42, 1957. [Original material: SE coast escarpment, Chorro de Dona Maria (Floripa), Mas Afuera, coll. C. & I. Skottsberg n. M174 (S!).]
Medium-sized, pale yellowish green, often lustrous, sparsely branching plants in dense mats, with procumbent stems to 10 cm long. Stems without central strand; surface cells elongate, 12–15 μm wide. Leaves densely imbricate when young, more lax and less appressed in older parts, very slightly falcate-secund, 2.5–3.0 mm long, 0.7–0,8 mm wide, becoming flattened and very slenderly long-acuminate from an oblong, rather concave base; margins erect to slightly incurved, distinctly serrulate on subula; median cells linear, 6–8 μm wide, 50–80 μm long; apical cells becoming progressively shorter, extreme apical cells to 25 μm long; extreme basal cells yellow with thicker, more porose walls, length 40–80 μm; alar cells much enlarged, hyaline or yellowish, forming prominent auricle which is 100–125 μm in diameter, cells in 3–4 tiers of 5–6 rows, largest cell rectangular, to 25 μm wide and 75 μm long. Dioicous. Perichaetial leaves ca. 1.5 mm long, oblong-ovate with rather strongly and narrowly acuminate tip, distal margins with numerous small but sharply erect teeth, apical cells short, a few cells of acumen projecting as papillae abaxially at upper ends. Setae to 13 mm long. Capsule urn 1 mm long, oval.
MAS AFUERA: Camp Correspondencia, 1150 m, Sk. n. 499 (type, S); Chorro de Dona Maria (Floripa), Sk. n. M174. (type of Hypnum masafuerae, S); Los Innocentes, near summit, 4500–5000 ft, H. & E. 96; trail to Los Innocentes, ca. 3000 ft, H. & E. 490, 584; below summit, ca, 4000 ft, H. & E. 498, 499, 629.
The species is apparently endemic to Mas Afuera. Brotherus seems to have erred in calling the species autoicous. Bartram seems to have erred in considering his Hypnum masafuerae distinct. Bartram’s records of Sematophyllum masafuerae from Mas a Tierra were based on specimens of S. kunkelii Robinson.
- bibliographic citation
- Robinson, Harold E. 1975. "The mosses of Juan Fernandez Islands." Smithsonian Contributions to Botany. 1-88.