Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Cryptothelea watsoni (Jones)
Psyche watsoni Jones, 1923:101.
Cryptothelea watsoni (Jones).—Davis, 1964:52
Previously this species was known only from its type-locality, Aux Cayes, Fort Ilet District, Haiti. Specimens, believed to be conspecific, are now known from St. John and Virgin Gorda in the Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico, respectively. The four males are slightly larger with somewhat more robust genitalia (Figure 81) than typical C. watsoni, but agree with the latter in antennal structure and form of wing scales. The wing expanse of the two males from St. John measure 22.5 mm and that from Virgin Gorda 27 mm.
The specimens from Virgin Gorda were found associated with two different plants. Larvae were actually observed by J. F. Gates Clarke feeding on Schaefferia frutescens and not on Randia aculeata. Because most of the larval cases were collected attached to the latter, however, this plant too is probably a natural host. Three larval cases examined from Puerto Rico resemble the stick cases from Prickly Pear Island; thus representing perhaps, the first record of C. watsoni from Puerto Rico. The cases were collected on Casuarina equisetifolia along with several questionably associated larvae. Since the cases all bear fragmentary pupal remains, the larvae cannot be from these cases. Until adults are reared from this population, precise identification will remain in doubt.
The immature stages of this species were described by Jones (1923). Likewise, the larval case has been described and illustrated (Jones, 1923; Davis, 1964), but because the form of the cases from Virgin Gorda differ superficially from that previously known, Figure 195 is presented herein.
HOSTS.—“Polygonaceae: Coccoloba sp. (sea grape)” (Jones, 1945). “Celastraceae: Schaefferia frutescens Jacq.; Rubiaceae: Randia aculeata Linn.” (J. Gates Clarke, pers. comm.).
WEST INDIAN RECORDS.—Haiti: Aux Cayes, Fort llet District: (holotype), 10 Aug. (AMNM), , 24 June; , 7 Aug.; , 8 larval cases (USNM). Puerto Rico: Mona Island: 3 larval cases, Aug. (UPR). San Juan, Isla Verde: , 16 Mar., 2 larval cases, 6 Aug. (UPR) 1 larval case, same data (USNM). Virgin Islands: Prickly Pear Island, Virgin Gorda: emerged 10 Apr.; 6 larval cases, Apr. (USNM). St. John: 2 , 7–11 July (USNM).
- bibliographic citation
- Davis, Donald R. 1975. "A Review of the West Indian Moths of the family Psychidae with descriptions of New Taxa and Immature Stages." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-66.