
Comprehensive Description

provided by Memoirs of the American Entomological Society
Bucculatrix illecebrosa new species (Figs. 10, 140, 140a. 141.)
Face gray, tuft with dark brown and bright ocherous-brown hairs ; eye-caps white, finely speckled with dark brown, antennal stalk pale grayish, annulate with blackish brown, the annulations narrow and closely placed toward base. Thorax bright brown. Fore wing (fig. 10) predominately bright brown, the scales below the fold black-tipped; at one-third of costa, black-tipped scales form the inner margin of an oblique white streak, broad on costa, but dusted with black specks in the outer part on costa; beyond middle of wing, a second oblique costal streak, also margined inwardly by black-tipped scales, attains the middle of the disc and is here acutely angled (this angle not always distinctly defined) ; apical area of wing white, speckled with black-tipped scales, a black apical spot usually distinct; a line of black-tipped scales around apex continues less distinctly toward tornus; the black-tipped scales form a dark shade below fold, and margin an oblique white streak which is divided by a line of black-tipped scales ; beyond this white streak, black scales are massed to form a rather conspicuous black patch below fold, and inwardly border a second oblique white streak; cilia pale gray. Hind wings and cilia gray. Legs fuscous, tarsal segments blacktipped. Abdomen dark gray above, silvery gray beneath.
Alar expanse 7.5 to 8 mm.
Male genitalia (figs. 140, 140a). Harpe typical of the group, abruptly tapering near apex, setal arrangement as in diz'isa; socii broadly triangular, setose; subscaphium an elongate dorso-ventral plate; anellus conical; aedeagus long, sinuate, slender throughout its length; vinculum with a broad anterior sinus. Scale sac present.
Female genitalia (fig. 141). Segment 9 modified, rasping rods feebly developed ; vaginal setae very minute, notched at tips ; on segment 8, a large tuft of specialized scales each side of ostium, and near lateral line a small triangular sclerotized plate; ostium in a depression at anterior margin of segment 8, two diverging posterior sculptured bands ; posterior dorsal margin of segment 8 bilobed ; ductus bursae sclerotized into segment 6 and bent to the right ; signum ribs with very long slender spines.
Type. — 8, Colfax, Placer County, California, "wild sunflower," iss. VII. 5 (A. H. Vachell) [U.S.N.M., Type No. 65026].
Allotype. — $, same data as the type.
Paratypes. — 4 $ , 5 9 , same data as the type ; 1 8 , Shasta Retreat, Siskiyou County, California, June 16-23 [U.S.N.M.].
Food plant as given on the locality labels is " wild sunflower." The larvae are leaf-skeletonizers, as shown by fragments of leaves accompanying the specimens. Cocoon white or pale yellow, with ten or eleven sharp ridges.
There is unusual constancy of wing markings ; the configuration of markings however suggests relationship to B. divisa, from which it is amply differentiated by characters of the genitalia, especially of the female, by the different larval feeding habits, and by the fewer ridges of the cocoon.
bibliographic citation
Braun, A.F. 1963. The Genus Bucculatrix in America North of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). Memoirs of the American Entomological Society vol. 18. Philadelphia, USA

Bucculatrix illecebrosa

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Bucculatrix illecebrosa: Brief Summary

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Bucculatrix illecebrosa is a moth in the family Bucculatricidae. It is found in North America, where it has been recorded from California. The species was first described by Annette Frances Braun in 1963.

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