Description: Halimeda incrassata (Ellis, 1768) on shallow, aragonitic sandy seafloor. Halimeda species are calcareous green algae consisting of upright stacks of greenish-colored, usually flattened segments. Each segment has an internal chip of calcium carbonate (aragonite, CaCO3). After the algae die and the soft parts decay away, the aragonitic chips become sand-sized seafloor sediments. A significant percentage of shallow seafloor and shoreline sediments in the Bahamas is from calcareous algae. The fuzzy algae surrounding the Halimeda at center are Batophora dasyclad green algae. Classification: Chlorophyta, Caulerpales, Halimedaceae Locality: shallow seafloor just west of North Point Peninsula, southeastern Graham's Harbour, northeastern San Salvador Island, eastern Bahamas. Date: 22 June 2010, 09:42. Source:
Halimeda incrassata (calcareous green algae) (San Salvador Island, Bahamas) 2. Author:
James St. John.