
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Harbansus barnardi

ETYMOLOGY.—The species is named after J. Laurens Barnard, Smithsonian Institution, who collected the specimens.

HOLOTYPE.—USNM 156907, ovigerous female on slide and in alcohol.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—JLB Hawaii 10 (see Barnard, 1970), Sampan Pass, Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, 2 m.

PARATYPE.—USNM 156906, 1 A–1 male from same sample as holotype.

DISTRIBUTION.—Known only from the type-locality.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figures 27–29d; Plate 12).—Carapace (Figures 27–28b): Elongate with prominent rostrum and caudal process.

Ornamentation: Ventral and anterior margins of rostrum with minute protuberances (Figures 27, 28a); posterodorsal corner of carapace with faint low ridge (Figures 27, 28b); surface of valve with abundant shallow fossae (Plate 12a,b); bristles scattered over valve surface (Plate 12a–d) and along ventral margin, also near outer edge of caudal process; 2 bristles present on edge of valve at inner end of incisur (Figure 28a); surface between shallow fossae with shallow pores (Plate 12b–f); minute nodes with central pit forming row around rim of fossae (Plate 12b,e).

Infold: Rostral infold with 7 or 8 long bristles; 1 short bristle on infold just ventral to inner end of incisur; anteroventral infold with 7 parallel ribs and 1 short bristle near ventral margin; posterior half of ventral infold anterior to caudal process with 4 or 5 small bristles; infold of caudal process with 7 setose bristles along anterior edge of pocket; 1 small bristle near inner edge of infold opposite dorsal end of caudal process.

Selvage: Wide lamellar prolongation with fringed edge present in vicinity of incisur, narrower along anterior and ventral margins.

Size: USNM 156907, length 1.01 mm, height 0.53 mm.

First Antenna (Figure 28c): 1st joint: spines on lateral surface. 2nd joint: spines along ventral and dorsal margins and on medial and lateral surfaces, and with 1 spinous dorsal bristle. 3rd joint: short, with spines on ventral margin and medial surface, and with 3 bristles (1 ventral, 2 dorsal). 4th joint: faint hairs along ventral and dorsal margins and with 5 bristles (3 ventral, 2 dorsal). 5th joint: sensory bristle with 2 short proximal filaments and 1 short and 2 long terminal filaments excluding stem (stem with 2 minute spines at tip, filaments with only 1). 6th joint: medial bristle about same length as 5th joint, with minute spine at tip. 7th joint: a-bristle slightly longer than bristle of 6th joint; b-bristle slightly shorter than sensory bristle of 5th joint, with 2 short subterminal filaments (stem with 2 minute spines at tip, filaments with only 1); c-bristle same length as sensory bristle, with 1 short proximal filament, 1 filament near middle, and 3 subterminal filaments (1 short, 2 longer) excluding stem (stem with 2 minute spines at tip, filaments with only 1). 8th joint: bare d- and e-bristles of equal length, same length as sensory bristle; f-bristle similar to c-bristle; g-bristle similar to f-bristle but slightly longer.

Second Antenna: Protopodite bare. Endopodite 2-jointed (Figure 28d): 1st joint with 3 short anterior bristles; 2nd joint elongate, with 1 long spinous ventral bristle and 1 short terminal bristle. Exopodite: 1st joint with short, recurved, terminal, medial bristle; 2nd joint with bristle reaching just past 9th joint, with about 12 stout ventral spines, no natatory hairs; bristles of joints 3–8 relatively short, with stout ventral spines but no natatory hairs; 9th joint minute, with 1 or 2 bristles (longest of these ventral, with slender ventral and dorsal spines; dorsal bristle when present very short, with minute dorsal spine); joints 2–8 with fairly long spines forming row along distal margin, but no basal spines.

Mandible (Figure 28e,f): Coxale endite spinous, bifurcate, no bristle observed near base. Basale: medial side with 3 short bristles in proximal ventral corner, 1 short bristle near middle close to ventral margin, and long hairs forming rows; lateral surface with 2 bristles close to middle of ventral margin, and few long hairs; ventral margin with I terminal bristle; dorsal margin with 1 mid-bristle and 2 terminal bristles. Exopodite hirsute, about two-thirds length of dorsal margin of 1st endopodite joint, with 1 long subterminal bristle and 1 short terminal bristle. Endopodite: 1st joint with ventral margin with 3 bristles (1 short, 2 long; short bristle not visible in Figure 28e); 2nd joint with ventral margin with bristles forming 2 distal groups (proximal group with 2 bristles, distal group with 3 bristles including 1 clawlike bristle), dorsal margin of joint with bristles forming 2 groups near middle (2 bristles in proximal group, 5 in distal group); end joint with 2 stout subequal claws, 1 minute dorsal claw, and 3 bristles.

Maxilla (Figure 28g): Coxale with dorsal margin hirsute, with spinous dorsal bristle. Endite I with 5 or 6 bristles; endite II with 6 bristles; endite III with 9 terminal bristles and 1 proximal bristle. Basale with distal margin with 3 bristles. Exopodite with 2 long bristles (with long hairs near middle) and 1 short bare bristle. Endopodite: 1st joint with 1 α-bristle and 3 β-bristles; end joint with 2 stout claws and several bristles.

Fifth Limb (Figure 28h): Endite I with 1 short bristle; endites II and III indistinct but with total of about 10 bristles. Exopodite: 1st joint with main tooth with 3 constituent pectinate teeth and 1 proximal smooth tooth; spinous bristle present on edge proximal to constituent teeth; anterior side with 2 bristles at middle of distal edge; posterior side with 2 or 3 bristles; 2nd joint with large squarish tooth; 3rd joint with 2 bristles on outer lobe and 3 on inner lobe; 4th and 5th joints fused, hirsute, with total of 6 bristles.

Sixth Limb (Figure 29a): Endite I with 3 bristles; endite II with 3 bristles: endite III with 6 bristles; endite IV with 5 bristles; end joint with 4 spinous anterior bristles and 2 hirsute posterior bristles; limb hirsute in vicinity of posterior margin; 1 short bristle in place of epipodial bristle.

Seventh Limb (Figure 29c): 2 bristles in proximal group (1 on each side); 6 bristles in distal group (3 on each side); each bristle with distal marginal spines and up to 6 bells; terminus with comb of about 7 teeth opposite 3 spinous pegs.

Furca (Figure 29b): Each lamella with 6 claws: claws 1, 2, and 4 primary; claws 3, 5, and 6 secondary; claw 1 with stout teeth along proximal half of lateral and medial margins, and slender teeth distally; claws 2 and 4 with teeth along posterior margins; hairs present along lamella following claw 6.

Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 29d): Elongate with about 7 sutures in proximal half and with rounded tip.

Eyes (Figure 29d): Medial eye bare, lightly pigmented. Lateral eyes about one-half length of medial eye, with 3 minute ommatidia; lateral eye hidden behind protopodite of 2nd antenna when animal viewed laterally.

Upper Lip (Figure 29d): Hirsute, projecting anteriorly.

Y-Sclerite (Figure 29b): Normal for family.

Genitalia (Figure 29b): Oval sclerotized ring on each side of body.

Eggs: USNM 156907 with 2 eggs in marsupium.

DESCRIPTION OF A–1 MALE (Figure 29e–h).—Carapace (Figure 29e): Similar in shape to that of adult female.

Ornamentation: Surface of valve with abundant shallow fossae; minute protuberances with central pit forming row just within edge of fossae; surface of valve between fossae with minute pits with low raised rim; bristles emerging from closed pores with irregular raised rim scattered over valve surface and along ventral margin, also near outer edge of caudal process; 2 bristles present on edge of valve at inner end of incisur.

Infold: Rostral infold with 7 long bristles; 1 short bristle present near inner end of incisur; anteroventral infold with about 7 parallel ribs; ventral infold near caudal process with 5 short bristles forming row; infold of caudal process with 6 setose bristles along anterior edge of pocket.

Selvage: Similar to that of adult female.

Size: USNM 156906, length 0.89 mm, height 0.45 mm.

First Antenna, Mandible, Maxilla, 5th Limb (Figure 29g), 6th Limb, Furca: Similar to those of adult female.

Second Antenna: Protopodite similar to that of adult female. Endopodite 3–jointed (Figure 29f): 1st joint with 3 small anterior bristles; 2nd joint elongate with 3 proximal ventral bristles; 3rd joint elongate with 2 small terminal bristles. Exopodite with 2 bristles on 9th joint of both limbs, otherwise similar to that of adult female.

Seventh Limb: 4 bristles in distal group, each with distal marginal spines and 4 bells; bristles tapering distally (juvenile character); no proximal bristles; terminus with comb with 3 or 4 teeth opposite single spinous peg.

Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 29h): Similar to that of adult female.

Eyes (Figure 29h): Medial eye similar to that of adult female. Lateral eye about same size as medial eye, with about 9 minute ommatidia.

Upper Lip (Figure 29h): With minute anterior processes.

COMPARISONS.—The new species Harbansus barnardi differs from previously described species in having a terminal claw on the ventral margin of the 2nd endopodial joint of the mandible that is about three-fourths the length of the largest claw of the end joint.

Harbansus species A

MATERIAL.— USNM 157752, I ovigerous female from off Guadalupe Island, Mexico, R/V Velero III, sta 1927, 73.2–102.4 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE (Figure 30; Plate 13).—Carapace (Figure 30a): Similar in shape to that of Harbansus mayeri but slightly larger.

Ornamentation: Surface without lateral ribs or posterior nodes; ventral half of rostrum with low lateral process; surface with shallow fossae (Plate 13a–c); anterior and ventral margins of rostrum with about 14 minute tubercles (Plate 13b); 2 bristles at inner edge of incisur; bristles scattered over valve surface and along ventral and anterodorsal margins, some with pore near base (Plate 13d); surface with few pores (Plate 13e) and minute pustules (Plate 13d,f).

Infold: Rostral infold with 4 bristles; single short bristle just below inner end of incisur; 7 short bristles along inner edge of posterior half of ventral infold; infold of caudal process with 6 or 7 frond like bristles.

Selvage: Similar to that of H. mayeri.

Size: Length 1.18 mm, height 0.64 mm.

First Antenna, 2nd Antenna (Figure 30b), Mandible, Maxilla, 5th Limb: Similar to those of H. mayeri.

Sixth Limb: Endites I and II with 3 bristles; endites III and IV each with 5 bristles; end joint with 4 or 5 spinous anteroventral bristles separated by space from 2 posterior hirsute bristles; 1 short bristle in place of epipodial bristle.

Seventh Limb: 2 bristles in proximal group (1 on each side); 4 bristles in distal group (2 on each side); each bristle with up to 4 bells and distal spines; terminal comb with 5 recurved teeth opposite smaller comb with about 3 short teeth.

Furca, Rod-shaped Organ (Figure 30c), Genitalia, Brushlike Organ, Upper Lip (Figure 30c): Y-Sclerite, Posterior of Body: Similar to those of H. mayeri.

Eyes (Figure 30c): Medial eye pigmented, bare; lateral eyes small, faint, unpigmented, with 5 ommatidia.

Eggs: Holotype with 5 eggs in brood chamber.

COMPARISONS.—The specimen designated herein Harbansus species A, may be conspecific with Harbansus mayeri. It is separated from that species because Harbansus species A has only 4 instead of 7–8 bristles on the rostral infold. Also the carapace of H. species A is slightly larger than known specimens of H. mayeri, and does not have posterior nodes such as those present on H. mayeri. Having only 1 specimen of H. species A, it was not possible to determine whether the differences noted between H. species A and H. mayeri could be intraspecific variation.

Harbansus species B

MATERIAL.—USNM 157753, 1 ovigerous female from Santa Rosa Island, California, R/V Velero III, sta 23086, 140 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Carapace (Figures 31, 32a:) Similar in shape to that of Harbansus bradmyersi but somewhat larger.

Ornamentation: Surface with lateral ribs (Figures 31, Figures 32a; Plate 14a–c); rib dorsal to central muscle scar area angling upward posteriorly; rib passing through muscle scar area terminating posteriorly in vicinity of caudal process (Plate 14c); surface with shallow fossae (Plate 14a–c); bottom of fossae with small nodes with central pore (Plate 14c–e); central pore of nodes with minute inner teeth (Plate 14f); surface between fossae with pore fields (Plates 14d, e, 15c,d); surface between pore fields with minute pustules (Plate 15a,c,d); surface with widely scattered long bristles having pore near base (Plates 14d,e, 15a,b); minute nodes with central pore also present along dorsal margin in vicinity of 2 narrow dorsal ribs (Plate 15e); narrow ligament connecting dorsal edges of valves (Plate 15e,f).

Infold and Selvage: Similar to those of H. bradmyersi except 4–6 bristles on rostral infold.

Size: Length 1.26 mm, height 0.71 mm.

First Antenna: Similar to that of H. bradmyersi.

Second Antenna: Similar to that of H. bradmyersi (Figure 32b).

Rod-shaped Organ, Eyes, Upper Lip (Figure 32c): Similar to those of H. bradmyersi.

Remaining Appendages: In general, similar to those of H. bradmyersi.

COMPARISONS.—This species differs from H. bradmyersi in having the upper lateral rib on carapace oriented at a distinct angle, not horizontal as on H. bradmyersi.

MATERIAL.—USNM 157755, 1 adult female from off west end of Santa Catalina Island, California, R/V Valero III, sta 24075, 414 m.

DESCRIPTION OF ADULT FEMALE.—Carapace: Of unique specimen decalcified, film-like, no lateral ribs apparent, but because of poor condition of specimen the possibility that they were once present cannot be excluded.

Size: Length of distorted shell 1.43 mm, height 0.83 mm.

Appendages: Not all appendages examined in detail, but in general similar to those of H. mayeri.

Second Antenna: Endopodite similar to that of H. mayeri (Figure 33a).

Rod-shaped Organ, Eyes (Figure 33b): Rod-shaped organ with about 8 sutures and pointed tip; medial eye pigmented, bare; lateral eye faint, unpigmented, with 5 ommatidia.
bibliographic citation
Kornicker, Louis S. 1978. "Harbansus, a New Genus of Marine Ostracoda, and a Revision of the Philomedidae (Myodocopina)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-75. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.260