Probably trivittata rather than daturaphila, but I'm not sure.On groundcherry.
I think this is a larva of the Lema beetle featured previously. It's eggs are next in the photostream.
The guy was waving his antennae around from image to image so it's a little noisy around the beetle's right antenna. A little noisy in other places too--perhaps with Photoshop I could do a better job of the focus stack--or at least clean up the image post-stacking. Probably trivittata rather than daturaphila, but I'm not sure.On a ground cherry leaf, Physalis pruinosa. These beetles eat Solanaceae, so it does make sense that it was there.
After over a week of wandering around on my groundcherry plant, the Lema beetle finally laid some eggs. These particular ones were removed, but there must have been others that hatched--see "ugly" in the adjacent photo. This photo was taken a few weeks ago, but somehow I'm either losing my EXIF data in processing or Flickr is ignoring it. I didn't have this problem before...
On groundcherry.