2005 Nick Kurzenko   cc-publicdomain

Marasmiellus candidus is a species of Fungi in the family Omphalotaceae.

EOL has data for 6 attributes, including:

Known occurrences, collected specimens and observations of Marasmiellus candidus (Fr.) Singer 1948. View this species on GBIF
Marasmiellus candidusProphysaon andersoniiMonterey cypresssycamore mapleCommon NettleBrambleStigmella speciosaEurhadina loewiiHebata vitisMegacoelum beckeriMycolindtneria leucobryophilaCinara cupressiGang-gang CockatooOrange TortrixMacrosteles urticaeLady beetle

Trophic Web

data from GloBI