Comprehensive Description
provided by North American Flora
Diderma cor-rubrum Macbr. N. Am. Slime-Moulds
ed. 2. 140. 1922.
Sporangia clustered or gregarious, globose or depressed, 0.5-0.7 mm. in diameter, shortstalked or sessile, white or pale pinkish-gray; peridium double, the outer layer cartilaginous, polished, rugose, reddish-purple within, the inner layer delicate, shining, membranous, translucent, closely applied to the outer layer but somewhat separable; columella clavate, spherical above, grayish-purple to deep purplish-red, sometimes connected by stout, calcareous bars with the peridium; stalk when present short, stout, furrowed, white or pinkish, merging with the white hypothallus; capillitium of slender purplish or hyaline threads, or purplish with hyaline tips, sparsely branched; spores black in mass, smoky-brown by transmitted light, verrucose, 11-12 ^ in diameter.
Type locality: Iowa. Habitat: Dead wood and leaves. Distribution: Iowa, Kansas, Colorado; Africa.
- bibliographic citation
- George Willard Martin, Harold William Rickett. 1949. FUNGI; MYXOMYCETES; CERATIOMYXALES, LICEALES, TEICHIALES, STEMONITALES, PHYSARALES. North American flora. vol 1. New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY