
Associations ( الإنجليزية )

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In Great Britain and/or Ireland:
Animal / parasite / endoparasite
Cephaloidophora communis endoparasitises mid-gut of Cirripedia

Animal / epizoite
Epistylis lives on mantle of Cirripedia

Animal / predator
adult of Muricidae is predator of Cirripedia

Animal / parasite / endoparasite
Pyxinoides balani endoparasitises mid-gut of Cirripedia

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BioImages, the virtual fieldguide, UK

Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors

Cirripedia, the barnacles, make up an infraclass of arthropods (although they are sometimes considered a class or subclass) with about 1000 species.They are exclusively marine organisms, well-represented in the fossil record back to the Cambrian (500 million years ago), very diverse and abundant, and found in just about every marine environment, from shallow and tidal waters to deep sea abyss.

As adults, most barnacles are sessile suspension feeders; they pump the current with six biramous thoracic appendages, a feature they are named for: Cirripedia is Latin for curled foot.The most highly modified of the arthropods, barnacles generally secrete a calcareous carapace; in fact Linnaeas originally classified the barnacles as molluscs for this reason.

Most adult barnacles filter feed from hard substrates, upon which they glue their shells directly or attach from a stalk, or form burrows in mollusc shells or coral skeletons with a scute across the opening. Some species are parasites, such as barnacles in order Rhizocephala which live on other crustaceans, especially decapods. The adult phase of parasitic barnacles usually has a derived morphology specialized for its lifestyle, and far simpler than that of free-living barnacles.These parasites are essentially an unsegmented sac-like body with no appendages, no carapace, and thin rhizomes for extending into the body of their host to feed.While these adult stages are so diverse as to share almost no features with free-living adult species, barnacles are united by the morphologies of their larval stages, especially the nauplus stage.

Barnacles are one of the better-known marine invertebrates, since they are water-foulers, attaching to ships and other structures where they can cause damage.Some species are eaten as a delicacy, such as gooseneck barnacles, e.g. Pollicipes cornucopia harvested for consumption especially for the Spanish market, where they are called percebes) and acorn barnacles, such as the giants Austromegabalanus psittacus (called picoroco in Chilean cuisine) and Balanus nubilus, the world’s largest barnacle at up to 3 inches across which is endemic to the Pacific coast of North America and traditionally eaten by Native Americans.

(Kozloff 1990; Newman and Abbott 1980; The Oregon Coast Aquarium 2014; Wikipedia 2013)

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Dana Campbell
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EOL authors

Cirripedia ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من EOL authors
Barnacle From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from Cirripedia) Jump to: navigation, search For other uses, see Barnacle (disambiguation). Barnacle Temporal range: Mid Cambrian–Recent PreЄ Є O S D C P T J K Pg N "Cirripedia" from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur (1904). The crab at the centre is nursing the externa of the parasitic cirripede Sacculina Chthamalus stellatus Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Arthropoda Subphylum: Crustacea Class: Maxillopoda Subclass: Thecostraca Infraclass: Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834 Superorders Acrothoracica Thoracica Rhizocephala Synonyms Thyrostraca, Cirrhopoda (meaning "curl-footed"), Cirrhipoda, and Cirrhipedia. A barnacle is a type of arthropod belonging to infraclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. They are sessile (non-motile) suspension feeders, and have two nektonic (active swimming) larval stages. Around 1,220 barnacle species are currently known.[1] The name "Cirripedia" is Latin, meaning "curl-footed". Contents [hide] 1 Ecology 2 Adult anatomy 2.1 Parasitic barnacles 3 Life cycle 3.1 Nauplius 3.2 Cyprid 3.3 Adult 3.4 Sexual reproduction 4 Fossil record 5 History of taxonomy 6 In human culture 7 Classification 8 References 8.1 Bibliography 9 External links Ecology[edit] File:Semibalanus balanoides upernavik 200px.ogv Semibalanus balanoides feeding (also available at higher resolution) Barnacles are encrusters, attaching themselves permanently to a hard substrate. The most common, "acorn barnacles" (Sessilia), are sessile, growing their shells directly onto the substrate.[2] The order Pedunculata ("goose barnacles" and others) attach themselves by means of a stalk.[2] Most barnacles are suspension feeders; they dwell continually in their shell – which is usually constructed of six plates[2] – and reach into the water column with modified legs. These feathery appendages beat rhythmically to draw plankton and detritus into the shell for consumption.[3] Other members of the class have quite a different mode of life. For example, members of the genus Sacculina are parasitic, dwelling within crabs.[4] Although they have been found at water depths up to 600 m (2,000 ft),[2] most barnacles inhabit shallow waters, with 75% of species living in water depths of less than 100 m (300 ft),[2] and 25% inhabiting the intertidal zone.[2] Within the intertidal zone, different species of barnacle live in very tightly constrained locations, allowing the exact height of an assemblage above or below sea level to be precisely determined.[2] Since the intertidal zone periodically desiccates, barnacles are well adapted against water loss. Their calcite shells are impermeable, and they possess two plates which they can slide across their aperture when not feeding. These plates also protect against predation.[5] Barnacles and limpets compete for space in the intertidal zone. Barnacles are displaced by limpets and mussels, which compete for space. They also have numerous predators.[2] They employ two strategies to overwhelm their competitors: "swamping" and fast growth. In the swamping strategy, vast numbers of barnacles settle in the same place at once, covering a large patch of substrate, allowing at least some to survive in the balance of probabilities.[2] Fast growth allows the suspension feeders to access higher levels of the water column than their competitors, and to be large enough to resist displacement; species employing this response, such as the aptly named Megabalanus, can reach 7 cm (3 in) in length;[2] other species may grow larger still (Austromegabalanus psittacus). Competitors may include other barnacles, and there is (disputed) evidence that balanoid barnacles competitively displaced chthalamoid barnacles. Balanoids gained their advantage over the chthalamoids in the Oligocene, when they evolved a tubular skeleton. This provides better anchorage to the substrate, and allows them to grow faster, undercutting, crushing and smothering the latter group.[6] Among the most common predators on barnacles are whelks. They are able to grind through the calcareous exoskeletons of barnacles and feed on the softer inside parts. Mussels also prey on barnacle larvae.[7] Another predator on barnacles is the starfish species Pisaster ochraceus.[8][9] Adult anatomy[edit] Goose barnacles, with their cirri extended for feeding Free-living barnacles are attached to the substratum by cement glands that form the base of the first pair of antennae; in effect, the animal is fixed upside down by means of its forehead. In some barnacles, the cement glands are fixed to a long muscular stalk, but in most they are part of a flat membrane or calcified plate. A ring of plates surrounds the body, homologous with the carapace of other crustaceans. These consist of the rostrum, two lateral plates, two carino-laterals and a carina.[10] In sessile barnacles, the apex of the ring of plates is covered by an operculum, which may be recessed into the carapace. The plates are held together by various means, depending on species, in some cases being solidly fused. Inside the carapace, the animal lies on its back, with its limbs projecting upwards. Segmentation is usually indistinct, and the body is more or less evenly divided between the head and thorax, with little, if any, abdomen. Adult barnacles have few appendages on the head, with only a single, vestigial, pair of antennae, attached to the cement gland. There are six pairs of thoracic limbs, referred to as "cirri", which are feathery and very long, being used to filter food from the water and move it towards the mouth. Barnacles have no true heart, although a sinus close to the oesophagus performs similar function, with blood being pumped through it by a series of muscles. The blood vascular system is minimal. Similarly, they have no gills, absorbing oxygen from the water through their limbs and the inner membrane of the carapace. The excretory organs of barnacles are maxillary glands. The main sense of barnacles appears to be touch, with the hairs on the limbs being especially sensitive. The adult also has a single eye, although this is probably only capable of sensing the difference between light and dark.[11] This eye is derived from the primary naupliar eye.[12] Parasitic barnacles[edit] The anatomy of parasitic barnacles is generally simpler than that of their free-living relatives. They have no carapace or limbs, having only an unsegmented sac-like body. Such barnacles feed by extending thread-like rhizomes of living cells into the host's body from their point of attachment.[11] Life cycle[edit] Barnacles have two distinct larval stages, the nauplius and the cyprid, before developing into a mature adult. Nauplius[edit] Nauplius larva of Elminius modestus A fertilised egg hatches into a nauplius: a one-eyed larva comprising a head and a telson, without a thorax or abdomen. This undergoes 6 months of growth, passing through five instars, before transforming into the cyprid stage. Nauplii are typically initially brooded by the parent, and released after the first moult as larvae that swim freely using setae.[13] Cyprid[edit] The cyprid larva is the last larval stage before adulthood. It is a non-feeding stage whose role is to find a suitable place to settle, since the adults are sessile.[13] The cyprid stage lasts from days to weeks. It explores potential surfaces with modified antennules; once it has found a potentially suitable spot, it attaches head-first using its antennules, and a secreted glycoproteinous substance. Larvae assess surfaces based upon their surface texture, chemistry, relative wettability, colour and the presence/absence and composition of a surface biofilm; swarming species are also more likely to attach near to other barnacles.[14] As the larva exhausts its finite energy reserves, it becomes less selective in the sites it selects. It cements itself permanently to the substrate with another proteinacous compound, and then undergoes metamorphosis into a juvenile barnacle.[14] Adult[edit] Typical acorn barnacles develop six hard calcareous plates to surround and protect their bodies. For the rest of their lives they are cemented to the ground, using their feathery legs (cirri) to capture plankton. Once metamorphosis is over and they have reached their adult form, barnacles will continue to grow by adding new material to their heavily calcified plates. These plates are not moulted; however, like all ecdysozoans, the barnacle itself will still molt its cuticle.[15] Sexual reproduction[edit] Most barnacles are hermaphroditic, although a few species are gonochoric or androdioecious. The ovaries are located in the base or stalk, and may extend into the mantle, while the testes are towards the back of the head, often extending into the thorax. Typically, recently molted hermaphroditic individuals are receptive as females. Self-fertilization, although theoretically possible, has been experimentally shown to be rare in barnacles.[16][17] The sessile lifestyle of barnacles makes sexual reproduction difficult, as the organisms cannot leave their shells to mate. To facilitate genetic transfer between isolated individuals, barnacles have extraordinarily long penises. Barnacles probably have the largest penis to body size ratio of the animal kingdom.[16] Barnacles can also reproduce through a method called spermcasting, in which the male barnacle releases his sperm into the water and females pick it up and fertilise their eggs.[18] Fossil record[edit] Miocene (Messinian) Megabalanus, smothered by sand and fossilised The geological history of barnacles can be traced back to animals such as Priscansermarinus from the Middle Cambrian (on the order of 510 to 500 million years ago),[19] although they do not become common as skeletal remains in the fossil record until the Neogene (last 20 million years).[2] In part their poor skeletal preservation is due to their restriction to high-energy environments, which tend to be erosional – therefore it is more common for their shells to be ground up by wave action than for them to reach a depositional setting. Trace fossils of acrothoracican barnacle borings (Rogerella) are common in the fossil record from the Devonian to the Recent. Barnacles can play an important role in estimating palæo-water depths. The degree of disarticluation of fossils suggests the distance they have been transported, and since many species have narrow ranges of water depths, it can be assumed that the animals lived in shallow water and broke up as they were washed down-slope. The completeness of fossils, and nature of damage, can thus be used to constrain the tectonic history of regions.[2] History of taxonomy[edit] Balanus improvisus, one of the many barnacle taxa erected by Charles Darwin Barnacles were originally classified by Linnaeus and Cuvier as Mollusca, but in 1830 John Vaughan Thompson published observations showing the metamorphosis of the nauplius and cypris larvae into adult barnacles, and noted how these larvae were similar to those of crustaceans. In 1834 Hermann Burmeister published further information, reinterpreting these findings. The effect was to move barnacles from the phylum of Mollusca to Articulata, showing naturalists that detailed study was needed to reevaluate their taxonomy.[20] Charles Darwin took up this challenge in 1846, and developed his initial interest into a major study published as a series of monographs in 1851 and 1854.[20] Darwin undertook this study at the suggestion of his friend Joseph Dalton Hooker, in order to thoroughly understand at least one species before making the generalisations needed for his theory of evolution by natural selection.[21] In human culture[edit] Barnacles slowly reclaim pilings along the Siuslaw River in Oregon Barnacles are of economic consequence as they often attach themselves to man-made structures, sometimes to the structure's detriment. Particularly in the case of ships, they are classified as fouling organisms.[22] Some barnacles are considered edible by humans, and goose barnacles (e.g. Pollicipes pollicipes), in particular, are a delicacy in Spain and Portugal.[23] The resemblance of this barnacle's fleshy stalk to a goose's neck gave rise in ancient times to the notion that geese, or at least certain seagoing species of wild goose, literally grew from the barnacle. Indeed, the word "barnacle" originally referred to a species of goose, the Barnacle goose Branta leucopsis, whose eggs and young were rarely seen by humans because it breeds in the remote Arctic.[24] The picoroco barnacle is used in Chilean cuisine and is one of the ingredients in curanto. Classification[edit] Semibalanus balanoides (Thoracica: Sessilia) feeding Some authorities regard Cirripedia as a full class or subclass, and the orders listed above are sometimes treated as superorders. In 2001, Martin and Davis placed Cirripedia as an infraclass of Thecostraca and divided it into six orders:[25] Infraclass Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834 Superorder Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905 Order Pygophora Berndt, 1907 Order Apygophora Berndt, 1907 Superorder Rhizocephala Müller, 1862 Order Kentrogonida Delage, 1884 Order Akentrogonida Häfele, 1911 Superorder Thoracica Darwin, 1854 Order Pedunculata Lamarck, 1818 Order Sessilia Lamarck, 1818 References[edit] 1.Jump up ^ Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 1-4054-9926-5. 2.^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g h i j k l P. Doyle, A. E. Mather, M. R. Bennett & A. Bussell (1997). "Miocene barnacle assemblages from southern Spain and their palaeoenvironmental significance". Lethaia 29 (3): 267–274. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01659.x. 3.Jump up ^ "Shore life". Encarta Encyclopedia 2005 DVD. 4.Jump up ^ Carl Zimmer (2000). Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures. Free Press. ISBN 0-7432-0011-X. 5.Jump up ^ Stacy E. Leone (2008). Predator induced plasticity in barnacle shell morphology (Master of Arts in Biology thesis). New Britain, Connecticut: Central Connecticut State University. 6.Jump up ^ S. M. Stanley (2008). "Predation defeats competition on the seafloor". Paleobiology 34 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1666/07026.1. 7.Jump up ^ Clint Twist (2005). Visual Factfinder: Oceans. Great Bardfield, Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing. 8.Jump up ^ C. D. G. Harley, M. S. Pankey, J. P. Wares, R. K. Grosberg, M. J. Wonham (2006). "Color Polymorphism and Genetic Structure in the Sea Star Pisaster ochraceus". The Biological Bulletin 211 (3): 248–262. doi:10.2307/4134547. JSTOR 4134547. PMID 17179384. 9.Jump up ^ Jan Holmes (2002). "Seashore players most successful when they're in their zone". WSU Beach Watchers. Retrieved March 6, 2010. 10.Jump up ^ Let's learn about the body structure of a barnacle Retrieved 2011-11-28. 11.^ Jump up to: a b Robert D. Barnes (1982). Invertebrate Zoology. Philadelphia, PA: Holt-Saunders International. pp. 694–707. ISBN 0-03-056747-5. 12.Jump up ^ Thursten C. Lacalli (2009). "Serial EM analysis of a copepod larval nervous system". Arthropod Structure & Development 38 (5): 361–75. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2009.04.002. PMID 19376268. 13.^ Jump up to: a b William A. Newman (2007). "Cirripedia". In Sol Felty Light & James T. Carlton. The Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon (4th ed.). University of California Press. pp. 475–484. ISBN 978-0-520-23939-5. 14.^ Jump up to: a b Donald Thomas Anderson (1994). "Larval development and metamorphosis". Barnacles: Structure, Function, Development and Evolution. Springer. pp. 197–246. ISBN 978-0-412-44420-3. 15.Jump up ^ E. Bourget (1987). "Barnacle shells: composition, structure, and growth". pp. 267–285. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987. 16.^ Jump up to: a b "Biology of Barnacles". Museum Victoria. 1996. Archived from the original on February 17, 2007. Retrieved April 20, 2012. 17.Jump up ^ E. L. Charnov (1987). "Sexuality and hermaphroditism in barnacles: A natural selection approach". pp. 89–104. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987. 18.Jump up ^ Christine Dell'Amore (15 January 2013). "Barnacles Leak Sperm Into Ocean, Upending Mating Theory". National Geographic. 19.Jump up ^ B. A. Foster & J. S. Buckeridge (1987). "Barnacle palaeontology". pp. 41–63. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987. 20.^ Jump up to: a b Richmond, Marsha (January 2007). "Darwin's Study of the Cirripedia". Darwin Online. Retrieved 16 June 2012. 21.Jump up ^ Étienne Benson. "Charles Darwin". SparkNotes. Archived from the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved August 30, 2007. 22.Jump up ^ "Newcastle University Biofouling Group". Newcastle University. Retrieved January 15, 2010. 23.Jump up ^ J. Molares & J. Freire. "Fisheries and management of the goose barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes of Galicia (NW Spain)". Retrieved January 15, 2010. 24.Jump up ^ "...all the evidence shows that the name was originally applied to the bird which had the marvellous origin, not to the shell..." Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1989 25.Jump up ^ Joel W. Martin & George E. Davis (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea (PDF). Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Bibliography[edit] Alan J. Southward (ed.). Barnacle Biology. Crustacean Issues 5. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press / A. A. Balkema. ISBN 978-90-6191-628-4. External links[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Cirripedia. Wikispecies has information related to: Cirripedia Portal icon Crustaceans portal Barnacles from the Marine Education Society of Australasia Barnacles in Spain Article on barnacles in Spain, and their collection and gastronomy. Darwin, C. R. (1852). The Lepadidæ. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species 1. London: Ray Society. Darwin, C. R. (1854). The Balanidæ, (or sessile cirripedes); the Verrucidæ, etc.. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species 2. London: Ray Society. William Thomas Calman (1911). "Barnacle". In Chisholm, Hugh. Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). Cambridge University Press [hide] v· t· e Extant Arthropoda classes by subphylum Kingdom Animalia· Subkingdom Eumetazoa· (unranked) Bilateria· (unranked) Protostomia· Superphylum Ecdysozoa incertae sedis Pycnogonida (sea spiders)¹ Chelicerata Merostomata²· Arachnida (spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites) M a n d i b u l a t a Myriapoda Chilopoda (centipedes)· Diplopoda (millipedes)· Pauropoda (pauropods)· Symphyla (symphylans or garden centipedes) Pancrustacea (Crustacea + + Hexapoda) Oligostraca Ostracoda (seed shrimps) Ichthyostraca³ Mystacocarida³ nameless clade³ Pentastomida (tongue worms)³· Branchiura (fish lice)³ Multicrustacea Malacostraca (woodlice, shrimps, crayfish, lobsters, crabs) Hexanauplia³ Copepoda (copepods)³· Thecostraca (barnacles and relatives)³ + Tantulocarida³ Allotriocarida nameless clade Cephalocarida (horseshoe shrimps)· Branchiopoda (fairy, tadpole, clam shrimps, water fleas) nameless clade Remipedia Hexapoda Entognatha (springtails, coneheads, two-pronged bristletails)· Insecta (insects) ¹traditionally placed in Chelicerata· ²contains the only extant order Xiphosura (horseshoe crabs)· ³formerly in Maxillopoda· italic are paraphyletic groups· classification of pancrustaceans is based on Oakley et al. (2013) and Petrunina (2012) (for Tantulocarida) Categories: Parasitic crustaceans Barnacles Maxillopoda
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Bığayaqlılar ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Bığayaqlılar (lat. Cirripedia) — Xərçəngkimilər yarımtipinin Çənəayaqlılar sinfinə aid infrasinif. 1220 növü məlumdur.


  • Thyrostraca
  • Cirrhopoda
  • Cirrhipoda
  • Cirrhipedia



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Bığayaqlılar: Brief Summary ( الأذرية )

المقدمة من wikipedia AZ

Bığayaqlılar (lat. Cirripedia) — Xərçəngkimilər yarımtipinin Çənəayaqlılar sinfinə aid infrasinif. 1220 növü məlumdur.

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Cirrípedes ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA
Doble infecció en un cranc del rizocèfal (Sacculina carcini)

Els cirrípedes (Cirripedia) formen part d'una de les 3 infraclasses dels tecostracis que comprenen els peus de cabrit o percebes, de gran interès gastronòmic, i les glans de mar.

Reben llur nom a causa dels cirrus o membres amb forma de plomall que projecten fora del cos amb l'objectiu d'atrapar detritus com a part de llur nutrició.

Són crustacis molt modificats i, per tant, tenen una relació llunyana amb crancs i llagostes. Els peus de cabrit ja varen ser estudiats i classificats per Charles Darwin que publicà una sèrie de monografies el 1851 i el 1854.


Els cirrípedes tenen dos tipus corporals bàsics: amb peduncle i sense peduncle. Els que no tenen peduncle es troben normalment per tot el litoral rocós, mentre que els pedunculats prefereixen viure mar endins o sobre objectes flotants. A més d'aquests dos tipus bàsics, existeix un tercer tipus de morfologia una mica diferent, els "amorfs" o verrucomorfa. Aquests últims no són simètrics i viuen en aigües profundes, generalment sobre les espines d'eriçons (vegeu Echinoidea) o com a paràsits de crancs i de balenes.

Cicle vital

Els cirrípedes tenen dues etapes larvals:

  1. La larva naupli, que passa el seu temps com a part del zooplàncton alimentant-se activament i desenvolupant-se passant per 6 estadis. Això dura aproximadament dues setmanes i es transforma en una larva cipris.
  2. La larva cipris, que ja no s'alimenta i és una nedadora activa; passa només per un estadi abans d'instal·lar-se en un lloc amb un ambient segur i productiu; allà es fixa i es transforma en individu adult.

Els adults tenen sis plaques externes a tall d'armadura. Durant la resta de la seva vida són sèssils i s'alimenten filtrant plàncton amb els seus apèndixs i alliberant els seus gàmetes. Se'ls sol trobar a la zona intermareal.

Un cop completada la metamorfosi i assolida la forma adulta, continuen creixent, però no sofreixen mudes i creixen per addició de material a la seva coberta calcificada.

Com molts altres invertebrats, els cirrípedes són hermafrodites i alternen l'estat masculí i femení temporalment: és a dir, existeix un estat unisexual altern, o, el que és el mateix, un individu pot ser inicialment mascle i després femella, i viceversa. Quant a la morfologia de l'òrgan reproductor, els percebes ostenten el rècord de mida de penis en relació a la llargada del seu cos, el més llarg de tot el regne animal.[1]

Existeixen uns cirrípedes amb una biologia molt diferent, i és el cas dels rizocèfals, que són paràsits dels crancs.


La seva peculiar morfologia va fer que fa dos segles es confonguessin amb mol·luscs. De fet, molts dels noms que se li donen a diferents parts del seu cos responen a aquesta antiga creença: mantell, plaques... Tanmateix, en estudiar les seves larves es va veure que eren cipris, similars a les d'ostrácodos, el que va ser clau per a estudis posteriors que van concloure que es tractava de crustacis amb una morfologia "aberrant".


Seguint la proposta de Martin i Davis,[2] es considera els cirrípedes (Cirripedia) (Burmeister, 1834) com una infraclasse subdividida en tres superordres, cadascun amb dos ordres:

Estan descrites unes 1.220 espècies. Alguns especialistes consideren els Cirripedia com una classe o una subclasse, i les ordres llistats aquí considerats com a ordres són, a vegades, tractats com superordres.


  1. Biologia dels cirrípedes(anglès)
  2. Martin, Joel W.; Davis, George E. (2001): An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. (PDF)

Enllaços externs

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Cirrípedes: Brief Summary ( الكتالونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CA
 src= Gla de mar (Balanidae)  src= Doble infecció en un cranc del rizocèfal (Sacculina carcini)

Els cirrípedes (Cirripedia) formen part d'una de les 3 infraclasses dels tecostracis que comprenen els peus de cabrit o percebes, de gran interès gastronòmic, i les glans de mar.

Reben llur nom a causa dels cirrus o membres amb forma de plomall que projecten fora del cos amb l'objectiu d'atrapar detritus com a part de llur nutrició.

Són crustacis molt modificats i, per tant, tenen una relació llunyana amb crancs i llagostes. Els peus de cabrit ja varen ser estudiats i classificats per Charles Darwin que publicà una sèrie de monografies el 1851 i el 1854.

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Gwyran ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Mae gwyran' (llusog: gwyrain) ac a elwir weithiau'n 'ŵydd môr' a 'chragen long') yn fath o arthropod a ffurfia'r grŵp Cirripedia yn yr is-ffylwm Cramenogion, ac mae'n perthyn felly i grancod a chimychod.

Ceir gwyrain yn byw yn y môr yn unig - mewn dyfroedd bas a llanwol. Ceir tua 1,220 rhywogaeth o wyrain.


Mae'r enw 'Cirrypedia' yn Lladin yn golygu "troed cyrliog".[1]

Hanes fel Ffosil

Ceir ffosilod gwyrain sy'n dyddio i'r 'Cyfnod Cambraidd Canol' (sef tua 510 i 500 miliwn o flynyddoedd yn ôl).

Perthynas â Dynolryw

Bwyteir gwyrain mewn diwylliannau ledled y byd megis Portwgal a Siapan.


  1. Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 1-4054-9926-5.
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Gwyran: Brief Summary ( الويلزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CY

Mae gwyran' (llusog: gwyrain) ac a elwir weithiau'n 'ŵydd môr' a 'chragen long') yn fath o arthropod a ffurfia'r grŵp Cirripedia yn yr is-ffylwm Cramenogion, ac mae'n perthyn felly i grancod a chimychod.

Ceir gwyrain yn byw yn y môr yn unig - mewn dyfroedd bas a llanwol. Ceir tua 1,220 rhywogaeth o wyrain.

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Svijonožci ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Svijonožci (Cirripedia) jsou skupina korýšů z třídy Maxillopoda. Jsou to přisedlí korýši, kteří se usazují na exponovaných skalách, molech a pontonech. Zatímco většina jejich larválních forem žije na kůži velryb či želv, zvláštní paraziti kořenohlavci (Rhizocephala) žijí ve vnitřnostech krabů. Největší druhy svijonožců žijí ve stále zatopené zóně mořského dna.


Měkké tělíčko přikrývá korunka čtyř nebo šesti vápenitých desek. Na otvoru jsou dva páry uzavíracích destiček, které svijonožce chrání po dobu odlivu před vyschnutím.


Vzhledem k přisedlému způsobu života se tito tvorové zvlášť přizpůsobili k přijímání potravy. Obrovské vějíře, které dohromady tvoří hustý koš, filtrují rytmickým máváním z vody mikroorganismy a jiné volně se vznášející potravní částečky.


  • V Evropě je zdaleka nejhojnější svijonožec obecný (Semibalanus balanoides).
  • Vilejš stvolnatý (Lepas anatifera) má přední část hlavy protaženou v dlouhý stvol, celkem měří až 15 cm.

Základní monografii o svijonožcích vypracoval Charles Darwin.

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Svijonožci: Brief Summary ( التشيكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia CZ

Svijonožci (Cirripedia) jsou skupina korýšů z třídy Maxillopoda. Jsou to přisedlí korýši, kteří se usazují na exponovaných skalách, molech a pontonech. Zatímco většina jejich larválních forem žije na kůži velryb či želv, zvláštní paraziti kořenohlavci (Rhizocephala) žijí ve vnitřnostech krabů. Největší druhy svijonožců žijí ve stále zatopené zóně mořského dna.

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Rankefødder ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Rankefødder (latin Cirripedia) er små krebsdyr.

Rankefødder omfatter bl.a.:

Rankefødder lever i havet, ofte i kystzonen hvor de fæstner sig til en hård overflade. De fleste arter (bl.a. rurer) lever af plankton eller andet organisk materiale i vandet.

Rodkrebs, nogle gang kaldet "zombie-parasit" er parasitter. Som larve fæster den sig på andre krebsdyr, fx en strandkrabbe, og leder efter en åbning i krabbens skal. Der sniger rodkrebsen sig ind, og begynder at danne tråde, som den trækker op i krabbens hoved. Der overtager rodkrebsens netværk krabbens hjerne og får krabben til at tro, at den er gravid, og at rodkrebsen er dens afkom. Dernæst danner rodkrebsen en ballon på krabbens mave, hvor krabbens æg ville have siddet. Normalt ville krabben prøve at fjerne parasitten; men da den nu er overbevist om, at rodkrebsen er dens eget afkom, passer krabben på, at rodkrebsen har det godt, fjerner alger fra den osv. Rodkrebsen trækker også sine tråde omkring krabbens tarme, og forsyner sig af krabbens mad. Krabben får kun lige nok til, at den kan overleve. [1]


  1. ^ Ingvild Rishøi: "En liten ruring", Dagens Næringsliv, 2. juni 2018
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Rankefødder: Brief Summary ( الدانماركية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DA

Rankefødder (latin Cirripedia) er små krebsdyr.

Rankefødder omfatter bl.a.:

Rurer (eller balaner) Rodkrebs (Rhizocephala)

Rankefødder lever i havet, ofte i kystzonen hvor de fæstner sig til en hård overflade. De fleste arter (bl.a. rurer) lever af plankton eller andet organisk materiale i vandet.

Rodkrebs, nogle gang kaldet "zombie-parasit" er parasitter. Som larve fæster den sig på andre krebsdyr, fx en strandkrabbe, og leder efter en åbning i krabbens skal. Der sniger rodkrebsen sig ind, og begynder at danne tråde, som den trækker op i krabbens hoved. Der overtager rodkrebsens netværk krabbens hjerne og får krabben til at tro, at den er gravid, og at rodkrebsen er dens afkom. Dernæst danner rodkrebsen en ballon på krabbens mave, hvor krabbens æg ville have siddet. Normalt ville krabben prøve at fjerne parasitten; men da den nu er overbevist om, at rodkrebsen er dens eget afkom, passer krabben på, at rodkrebsen har det godt, fjerner alger fra den osv. Rodkrebsen trækker også sine tråde omkring krabbens tarme, og forsyner sig af krabbens mad. Krabben får kun lige nok til, at den kan overleve.

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Rankenfußkrebse ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Die Rankenfußkrebse (Cirripedia) sind eine Teilklasse der Krebstiere (Crustacea). Insgesamt sind etwa 800 Arten bekannt, die alle marin leben. Adulte Tiere leben sessil im oder am Wasser oder parasitisch an anderen Tieren.


Rankenfußkrebse besitzen keine Gliedmaßen, der Hinterleib ist reduziert, der Körper ist kurz und gedrungen. Ursprünglich besteht der Thorax aus sechs Segmenten, an denen je ein Spaltbeinpaar ausgebildet ist. Die Spaltbeine, die aus beborsteten Gliedmaßen (Cirren) bestehen, sind für die Fortbewegung ungeeignet. Bei parasitisch lebenden Tieren sind diese vollständig zurückgebildet. Den Körper umschließt ein aus zwei Teilen bestehender Carapax oder Mantel. Bei sessilen Lebensformen bilden sich typische Kalkplatten aus, die ein festes Außengehäuse (Mauerkrone) bilden können.


Rankenfußkrebse sind in der Regel zweigeschlechtlich (Zwitter). Bei getrenntgeschlechtlichen Arten sind die Männchen extrem klein (Zwergmännchen) und befinden sich am Carapax des Weibchens.


Aus dem befruchteten Ei entwickelt sich eine Naupliuslarve, eine einäugige Larve, bestehend aus einem Kopf und einem Telson, ohne Thorax und Abdomen. Die Naupliuslarve verbringt die erste Zeit im Carapax des Weibchens.

Nach einiger Zeit verlässt die Larve den Carapax. Dieses Metanauplius genannte Larvenstadium ist eine Übergangsform und entwickelt sich weiter zur Cyprislarve.[1][2]


Die Cyprislarve ist das letzte Larvenstadium vor der adulten Form. Diese weist erstaunliche Ähnlichkeit mit dem Muschelkrebs auf. Das Cyprisstadium dient nicht der Nahrungsaufnahme, sein Zweck ist es, einen geeigneten Platz zum Ansiedeln zu finden, da die adulten Tiere sesshaft sind.[1] Das Cyprisstadium dauert einige Tage bis Wochen. Die Larve kundschaftet mit modifizierten Antennen potentielle Oberflächen aus, sie bewerten dabei die Oberflächen auf der Grundlage ihrer Oberflächentextur, ihrer Chemie, Benetzbarkeit, Farbe und – wenn vorhanden – der Zusammensetzung eines Oberflächenbiofilms. Schwärmende Arten setzen sich auch eher in der Nähe anderer Seepocken fest. Wenn die Suche lange dauert und die Energiereserven knapper werden, wird die Larve weniger wählerisch. Hat sie eine potentiell geeignete Stelle gefunden, heftet sie sich mit ihren Antennen und einer abgesonderten Glykoprotein-Substanz mit dem Vorderkopf (also kopfüber) an die feste Unterlage an, um sich vollständig in ein adultes Tier zu entwickeln.[3]


In Portugal und Teilen Spaniens gelten die zur Klasse der Rankenfußkrebse zählenden Entenmuscheln (Pollicipes pollicipes) als Delikatesse. Die dort unter dem Namen percebes angebotenen Tiere sind bei Gourmets als recht teure Spezialität beliebt.



Charles Darwin führte vor der Abfassung seines Hauptwerks Über die Entstehung der Arten mehrere Jahre lang Untersuchungen an Rankenfußkrebsen durch. Er nutzte sie als Modellgruppe für das Hervorgehen von Arten aus anderen Arten durch Evolution.[4]


  • Friedrich W. Stöcker (Hrsg.): Fachlexikon ABC Biologie. Ein alphabetisches Nachschlagewerk für Wissenschaftler und Naturfreunde. 6., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Harri Deutsch, Thun u. a. 1986, ISBN 3-87144-883-4.
  • C. Schmalz: Cirripedia - Systematisches Conchylien-Cabinet. Verlag Bauer & Raspe, Nürnberg 1906, OCLC 246583014.
  • Charles Darwin: Living Cirripedia. 2 Bände, The Ray Society, London 1852–1854
    • Living Cirripedia, A monograph on the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidae; or, pedunculated cirripedes. London: The Ray Society 1852; digitalisierte Fassung
    • Living Cirripedia, The Balanidae, (or sessile cirripedes); the Verrucidae. The Ray Society, London 1854; digitalisierte Fassung
  • Charles Darwin: Fossil Cirripedia of Great Britain. 2 Bände, Palaeontographical Society, London 1851–1855
    • Fossil Cirripedia of Great Britain: A monograph on the fossil Lepadidae, or pedunculated cirripedes of Great Britain. London: Palaeontographical Society 1851; digitalisierte Fassung
    • A monograph on the fossil Balanidae and Verrucidae of Great Britain. Palaeontographical Society, London 1855; digitalisierte Fassung


  1. a b William A. Newman; Sol Felty Light, James T. Carlton (Hrsg.): Cirripedia. In: The Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon, 4th. Auflage, University of California Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0-520-23939-5, S. 475–484.
  2. Edward E. Ruppert, Richard, S. Fox, Robert D. Barnes: Invertebrate Zoology, 7th. Auflage, Cengage Learning, 2004, ISBN 978-81-315-0104-7, S. 683.
  3. Donald Thomas Anderson: Larval development and metamorphosis. In: Barnacles: Structure, Function, Development and Evolution. Springer, 1994, ISBN 978-0-412-44420-3, S. 197–246.
  4. John Francis Thackeray: Human evolution from an African perspective, with reference to Charles Darwin, palaeoclimate and the problem of defining a species. Amsterdam Archeologisch Centrum van de Universiteit van Amsterdam. J. Enschede, Amsterdam 2013.
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Rankenfußkrebse: Brief Summary ( الألمانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia DE

Die Rankenfußkrebse (Cirripedia) sind eine Teilklasse der Krebstiere (Crustacea). Insgesamt sind etwa 800 Arten bekannt, die alle marin leben. Adulte Tiere leben sessil im oder am Wasser oder parasitisch an anderen Tieren.

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Bàirneach ( الغيلية الاسكتلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Is urrainn do "bàirneach" a' ciallachadh copan Moire


Tha bàirneach neo bàrnach na sheòrsa maorach geal a cheanglas e fhèin gu teann ri creagan, neo luing (uaireannan muc-mhara). Nuair a tha iad lìonmhor air bàta, thèid am bàta nas slaodaiche.

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Moʻylovoyoqlilar ( الأوزبكية )

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Moʻylovoyoqlilar (Cirri pedia) -qisqichbaqasimonlar sinfiga mansub turkum (boshqa sistema boʻyicha kenja sinf). Suv ostidagi turli narsalar, koʻpincha harakatlanuvchi hayvonlar tanasiga yopishib yashaydi. Yumshoq tanasi alohida yaproqlardan iborat chigʻanoqb-n qoplangan. Bunday "uycha" ichidagi M. qorin qismi tepaga qaragan boʻladi. Moʻylovga oʻxshash koʻkrak oyoqlar uychaning ochiladigan "tomcha"sidan chiqarilib, yelpigʻich singari yoyiladi. M. moʻylovoyoqlari yordamida suvdan mayda filtratlarni tutib oziqdanadi. Ayrim turlari (mas, sakkulina) tekinxoʻr boʻlib, oʻnoyokli qisqichbaqasimonlar tanasida parazitlik qiladi. Oʻrtoq hayot kechirish taʼsirida M.ning koʻp organlari (koʻzlari, antennalari, bosh va qorin boʻlimlari) oʻzgargan yoki reduksiyaga uchragan. Koʻpchilik M. germafrodit. 1000 dan ortiqturi maʼlum. Dengizlarda har xil chuqurlikda hayot kechiradi. M.dan dengiz yongʻoqchalari (balanuslar) va dengiz oʻrdakchalari (Lepas) deyarli barcha dengizlarda uchraydi. Dengiz yongʻoqchalari kemalarning suv ostki qismlariga yopishib olib, yil sayin koʻpayib borishi tufayli kema ogʻirligini oshirib, uning tezligining pasayishiga sabab boʻladi. [1]


  1. OʻzME. Birinchi jild. Toshkent, 2000-yil

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Moʻylovoyoqlilar: Brief Summary ( الأوزبكية )

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Moʻylovoyoqlilar (Cirri pedia) -qisqichbaqasimonlar sinfiga mansub turkum (boshqa sistema boʻyicha kenja sinf). Suv ostidagi turli narsalar, koʻpincha harakatlanuvchi hayvonlar tanasiga yopishib yashaydi. Yumshoq tanasi alohida yaproqlardan iborat chigʻanoqb-n qoplangan. Bunday "uycha" ichidagi M. qorin qismi tepaga qaragan boʻladi. Moʻylovga oʻxshash koʻkrak oyoqlar uychaning ochiladigan "tomcha"sidan chiqarilib, yelpigʻich singari yoyiladi. M. moʻylovoyoqlari yordamida suvdan mayda filtratlarni tutib oziqdanadi. Ayrim turlari (mas, sakkulina) tekinxoʻr boʻlib, oʻnoyokli qisqichbaqasimonlar tanasida parazitlik qiladi. Oʻrtoq hayot kechirish taʼsirida M.ning koʻp organlari (koʻzlari, antennalari, bosh va qorin boʻlimlari) oʻzgargan yoki reduksiyaga uchragan. Koʻpchilik M. germafrodit. 1000 dan ortiqturi maʼlum. Dengizlarda har xil chuqurlikda hayot kechiradi. M.dan dengiz yongʻoqchalari (balanuslar) va dengiz oʻrdakchalari (Lepas) deyarli barcha dengizlarda uchraydi. Dengiz yongʻoqchalari kemalarning suv ostki qismlariga yopishib olib, yil sayin koʻpayib borishi tufayli kema ogʻirligini oshirib, uning tezligining pasayishiga sabab boʻladi.

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Rur ( الإسكتلنديون )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Rur (a wee furm o rooder) is a Shetland wird for a craitur o the infraclass Cirripedia kent fae bidin upo clumpers like lempits. Whiles rur can e'en be uised whan meanin lempit.

Ither furms o the wird includes rooder, röeder, ruder, rooddir, rhur, an rør,

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Taliptip ( التاغالوغية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Ang mga taliptip ay uri ng matitigas na mga hayop sa dagat na may kabibe[1] o krustaseanong pangkaraniwang kumakabit sa nakalubog na mga bagay, katulad ng ilalim ng mga barko, mga poste, at mga batong nasa ilalim ng dagat.[2] Mga artropoda ang mga ito na kabilang sa inpraklaseng Cirripedia na nasa loob ng subpilum na Crustacea, kaya't kamag-anakan sila ng mga alimango, alimasag, at mga ulang.

Mga sanggunian

  1. "Barnacle". Hammond Quick & Easy Notebook Reference Atlas & Webster Dictionary. Hammond, ISBN 0843709227., pahina 39.
  2. Gaboy, Luciano L. Barnacle, taliptip - Gabby's Dictionary: Praktikal na Talahuluganang Ingles-Filipino ni Gabby/Gabby's Practical English-Filipino Dictionary, GabbyDictionary.com.

Hayop Ang lathalaing ito na tungkol sa Hayop ay isang usbong. Makatutulong ka sa Wikipedia sa nito.

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Taliptip: Brief Summary ( التاغالوغية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Ang mga taliptip ay uri ng matitigas na mga hayop sa dagat na may kabibe o krustaseanong pangkaraniwang kumakabit sa nakalubog na mga bagay, katulad ng ilalim ng mga barko, mga poste, at mga batong nasa ilalim ng dagat. Mga artropoda ang mga ito na kabilang sa inpraklaseng Cirripedia na nasa loob ng subpilum na Crustacea, kaya't kamag-anakan sila ng mga alimango, alimasag, at mga ulang.

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Teritip ( الجاوية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Teritip ya iku artropoda anggota infrakelas (biologi) Cirripedia, subfilum Crustacea, esih duwé gayutan karokepiting lan urang. Kéwan iki namung bisa tinemu ning banyu laut lan luwih seneng ning banyu cethek utawa pasang kang ombaké kuat. Carané golet panganan ya iku nyaring plankton lan kéwan iki nempel ning objek liya. Tahap larvané ana loro.

Nganti saiki kecathet ana 1.220 spésies teritip[1]. "Cirripedia" ya iku jeneng latin, kang artiné "sikilé nekuk".

Catatan suku

  1. Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 1405499265.
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Teritip: Brief Summary ( الجاوية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages

Teritip ya iku artropoda anggota infrakelas (biologi) Cirripedia, subfilum Crustacea, esih duwé gayutan karokepiting lan urang. Kéwan iki namung bisa tinemu ning banyu laut lan luwih seneng ning banyu cethek utawa pasang kang ombaké kuat. Carané golet panganan ya iku nyaring plankton lan kéwan iki nempel ning objek liya. Tahap larvané ana loro.

Nganti saiki kecathet ana 1.220 spésies teritip. "Cirripedia" ya iku jeneng latin, kang artiné "sikilé nekuk".

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கொட்டலசு ( التاميلية )

المقدمة من wikipedia emerging languages
ஒரு திமிங்கலம் கன்றுக்குட்டியின் வயிற்றுப்புற மடிப்பில் ஒட்டியுள்ள கொட்டலசுகள்

சுருள்காலி அல்லது கொட்டலசு (Barnacle) என்பது கணுக்காலி வகையைச் சார்ந்த ஓட்டுடலிகளில் ஒன்றாகும். இது நண்டு மற்றும் இறால் ஆகிய இனங்களுடன் நெருங்கிய தொடர்புடையவையாக உள்ளன.[1]


கொட்டலசுகள், கடலில், பாறையிடுக்குகள், வாராவதித் தூண்கள், கற்கள், படகுகள், மற்றும் கப்பல்கள் போன்ற இடங்களில் ஒட்டிய நிலையில் தொகுப்புகளாக வாழ்பவையாகும்.[2]


  1. "Barnacle". a-z-animals.com (ஆங்கிலம்) (© 2016). பார்த்த நாள் 2016-10-12.
  2. "சிர்ரிபிடியா". www.tamilvu.org (தமிழ்) (© 2016). பார்த்த நாள் 2016-10-12.
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கொட்டலசு: Brief Summary ( التاميلية )

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 src= ஒரு திமிங்கலம் கன்றுக்குட்டியின் வயிற்றுப்புற மடிப்பில் ஒட்டியுள்ள கொட்டலசுகள்

சுருள்காலி அல்லது கொட்டலசு (Barnacle) என்பது கணுக்காலி வகையைச் சார்ந்த ஓட்டுடலிகளில் ஒன்றாகும். இது நண்டு மற்றும் இறால் ஆகிய இனங்களுடன் நெருங்கிய தொடர்புடையவையாக உள்ளன.

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Barnacle ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Barnacles are a type of arthropod constituting the subclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and are hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. They are sessile (nonmobile) and most are suspension feeders, but those in infraclass Rhizocephala are highly specialized parasites on crustaceans. They have four nektonic (active swimming) larval stages. Around 1,000 barnacle species are currently known.[1] The name Cirripedia is Latin, meaning "curl-footed".[2] The study of barnacles is called cirripedology.


Whale barnacles attached to the throat of a humpback whale
Barnacles on a boat propeller.

Barnacles are encrusters, attaching themselves temporarily to a hard substrate or a symbiont such as a whale (whale barnacles), a sea snake (Platylepas ophiophila), or another crustacean, like a crab or a lobster (Rhizocephala). The most common among them, "acorn barnacles" (Sessilia), are sessile where they grow their shells directly onto the substrate.[3] Pedunculate barnacles (goose barnacles and others) attach themselves by means of a stalk.[3]

Free-living barnacles are attached to the substratum by cement glands that form the base of the first pair of antennae; in effect, the animal is fixed upside down by means of its forehead. In some barnacles, the cement glands are fixed to a long, muscular stalk, but in most they are part of a flat membrane or calcified plate. These glands secrete a type of natural quick cement able to withstand a pulling strength of 5,000 pounds-force per square inch (30,000 kilopascals; 400 kilograms-force per square centimetre) and a sticking strength of 22–60 pounds-force per square inch (200–400 kilopascals; 2–4 kilograms-force per square centimetre).[4] A ring of plates surrounds the body, homologous with the carapace of other crustaceans. These consist of the rostrum, two lateral plates, two carinolaterals, and a carina.[5] In sessile barnacles, the apex of the ring of plates is covered by an operculum, which may be recessed into the carapace. The plates are held together by various means, depending on species, in some cases being solidly fused.

Inside the carapace, the animal lies on its stomach, projecting its limbs downwards. Segmentation is usually indistinct, and the body is more or less evenly divided between the head and thorax, with little, if any, abdomen. Adult barnacles have few appendages on their heads, with only a single, vestigial pair of antennae, attached to the cement gland. The eight pairs of thoracic limbs are referred to as "cirri" which are feathery and very long. The cirri extend to filter food, such as plankton, from the water and move it towards the mouth.[4]

Barnacles have no true heart, although a sinus close to the esophagus performs a similar function, with blood being pumped through it by a series of muscles.[6] The blood vascular system is minimal. Similarly, they have no gills, absorbing oxygen from the water through their limbs and the inner membrane of their carapaces. The excretory organs of barnacles are maxillary glands.

The main sense of barnacles appears to be touch, with the hairs on the limbs being especially sensitive. The adult also has three photoreceptors (ocelli), one median and two lateral. These photoreceptors record the stimulus for the barnacle shadow reflex, where a sudden decrease in light causes cessation of the fishing rhythm and closing of the opercular plates.[7] The photoreceptors are likely only capable of sensing the difference between light and dark.[8] This eye is derived from the primary naupliar eye.[9]

Life cycle

Barnacles have two distinct larval stages, the nauplius and the cyprid, before developing into a mature adult.


Nauplius larva of Elminius modestus
Nauplius larva of a barnacle with fronto-lateral horns[10]

A fertilised egg hatches into a nauplius: a one-eyed larva comprising a head and a telson, without a thorax or abdomen. This undergoes six moults, passing through five instars, before transforming into the cyprid stage. Nauplii are typically initially brooded by the parent, and released after the first moult as larvae that swim freely using setae.[11][12]


The cyprid larva is the last larval stage before adulthood. It is not a feeding stage; its role is to find a suitable place to settle, since the adults are sessile.[11] The cyprid stage lasts from days to weeks. It explores potential surfaces with modified antennules; once it has found a potentially suitable spot, it attaches head-first using its antennules and a secreted glycoproteinous substance. Larvae assess surfaces based upon their surface texture, chemistry, relative wettability, color, and the presence or absence and composition of a surface biofilm; swarming species are also more likely to attach near other barnacles.[13] As the larva exhausts its finite energy reserves, it becomes less selective in the sites it selects. It cements itself permanently to the substrate with another proteinaceous compound, and then undergoes metamorphosis into a juvenile barnacle.[13]


Typical acorn barnacles develop six hard calcareous plates to surround and protect their bodies. For the rest of their lives, they are cemented to the substrate, using their feathery legs (cirri) to capture plankton.

Once metamorphosis is over and they have reached their adult form, barnacles continue to grow by adding new material to their heavily calcified plates. These plates are not moulted; however, like all ecdysozoans, the barnacle itself will still moult its cuticle.[14]

Sexual reproduction

Most barnacles are hermaphroditic, although a few species are gonochoric or androdioecious. The ovaries are located in the base or stalk, and may extend into the mantle, while the testes are towards the back of the head, often extending into the thorax. Typically, recently moulted hermaphroditic individuals are receptive as females. Self-fertilization, although theoretically possible, has been experimentally shown to be rare in barnacles.[15][16]

The sessile lifestyle of barnacles makes sexual reproduction difficult, as the organisms cannot leave their shells to mate. To facilitate genetic transfer between isolated individuals, barnacles have extraordinarily long penises⁠. Barnacles probably have the largest penis to body size ratio of the animal kingdom,[15] up to eight times their body length.[17]

Barnacles can also reproduce through a method called spermcasting, in which the male barnacle releases his sperm into the water and females pick it up and fertilise their eggs.[18][19]

The Rhizocephala superorder used to be considered hermaphroditic, but it turned out that its males inject themselves into the female's body, degrading to the condition of nothing more than sperm-producing cells.[20]


Most barnacles are suspension feeders; they dwell continually in their shells, which are usually constructed of six plates,[3] and reach into the water column with modified legs. These feathery appendages beat rhythmically to draw plankton and detritus into the shell for consumption.[21]

Other members of the class have quite a different mode of life. For example, members of the superorder Rhizocephala, including the genus Sacculina, are parasitic and live within crabs.[22]

Although they have been found at water depths to 600 m (2,000 ft),[3] most barnacles inhabit shallow waters, with 75% of species living in water depths less than 100 m (300 ft),[3] and 25% inhabiting the intertidal zone.[3] Within the intertidal zone, different species of barnacles live in very tightly constrained locations, allowing the exact height of an assemblage above or below sea level to be precisely determined.[3]

Since the intertidal zone periodically desiccates, barnacles are well adapted against water loss. Their calcite shells are impermeable, and they possess two plates which they can slide across their apertures when not feeding. These plates also protect against predation.[23]

Barnacles are displaced by limpets and mussels, which compete for space. They also have numerous predators.[3] They employ two strategies to overwhelm their competitors: "swamping" and fast growth. In the swamping strategy, vast numbers of barnacles settle in the same place at once, covering a large patch of substrate, allowing at least some to survive in the balance of probabilities.[3] Fast growth allows the suspension feeders to access higher levels of the water column than their competitors, and to be large enough to resist displacement; species employing this response, such as the aptly named Megabalanus, can reach 7 cm (3 in) in length;[3] other species may grow larger still (Austromegabalanus psittacus).

Competitors may include other barnacles, and disputed evidence indicates balanoid barnacles competitively displaced chthalamoid barnacles. Balanoids gained their advantage over the chthalamoids in the Oligocene, when they evolved tubular skeletons, which provide better anchorage to the substrate, and allow them to grow faster, undercutting, crushing, and smothering chthalamoids.[24]

Among the most common predators on barnacles are whelks. They are able to grind through the calcareous exoskeletons of barnacles and feed on the softer inside parts. Mussels also prey on barnacle larvae.[25] Another predator on barnacles is the starfish species Pisaster ochraceus.[26][27]

The anatomy of parasitic barnacles is generally simpler than that of their free-living relatives. They have no carapace or limbs, having only unsegmented sac-like bodies. Such barnacles feed by extending thread-like rhizomes of living cells into their hosts' bodies from their points of attachment.[8]

History of taxonomy

"Cirripedia" from Ernst Haeckel's Kunstformen der Natur (1904): The crab at the centre is nursing the externa of the parasitic cirripede Sacculina.

Barnacles were originally classified by Linnaeus and Cuvier as Mollusca, but in 1830 John Vaughan Thompson published observations showing the metamorphosis of the nauplius and cypris larvae into adult barnacles, and noted how these larvae were similar to those of crustaceans. In 1834 Hermann Burmeister published further information, reinterpreting these findings. The effect was to move barnacles from the phylum of Mollusca to Articulata, showing naturalists that detailed study was needed to reevaluate their taxonomy.[28]

Charles Darwin took up this challenge in 1846, and developed his initial interest into a major study published as a series of monographs in 1851 and 1854.[28] Darwin undertook this study, at the suggestion of his friend Joseph Dalton Hooker, to thoroughly understand at least one species before making the generalisations needed for his theory of evolution by natural selection.[29]


Some authorities regard the Cirripedia as a full class or subclass, and the orders listed above are sometimes treated as superorders. In 2001, Martin and Davis placed Cirripedia as an infraclass of Thecostraca and divided it into six orders:[30]

  • Infraclass Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834
    • Superorder Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905
      • Order Pygophora Berndt, 1907
      • Order Apygophora Berndt, 1907
    • Superorder Rhizocephala Müller, 1862
      • Order Kentrogonida Delage, 1884
      • Order Akentrogonida Häfele, 1911
    • Superorder Thoracica Darwin, 1854

In 2021, Chan et al. elevated Cirripedia to subclass of the class Thecostraca, and the superorders Acrothoracica, Rhizocephala, and Thoracica to infraclass. The updated classification, which now includes 11 orders, has been accepted in the World Register of Marine Species.[31][32]

Fossil record

The oldest definitive fossil barnacle is Praelepas from the mid-Carboniferous, around 330-320 million years ago.[33] Older claimed barnacles such as Priscansermarinus from the Middle Cambrian (on the order of 510 to 500 million years ago)[34] do not show clear barnacle morphological traits, though Rhamphoverritor from the Silurian Coalbrookdale Formation of England may represent a stem-group barnacle.[33] Barnacles first radiated and became diverse during the Late Cretaceous. Barnacles underwent a second, much larger radiation beginning during the Neogene (last 23 million years), which continues to present.[33] In part, their poor skeletal preservation is due to their restriction to high-energy environments, which tend to be erosional – therefore it is more common for their shells to be ground up by wave action than for them to reach a depositional setting.

Barnacles can play an important role in estimating paleo-water depths. The degree of disarticulation of fossils suggests the distance they have been transported, and since many species have narrow ranges of water depths, it can be assumed that the animals lived in shallow water and broke up as they were washed down-slope. The completeness of fossils, and nature of damage, can thus be used to constrain the tectonic history of regions.[3]

Relationship with humans

Barnacles are of economic consequence, as they often attach themselves to synthetic structures, sometimes to the structure's detriment. Particularly in the case of ships, they are classified as fouling organisms.[35] The number and size of barnacles that cover ships can impair their efficiency by causing hydrodynamic drag. This is not a problem for boats on inland waterways, as barnacles are exclusively marine. The stable isotope signals in the layers of barnacle shells can potentially be used as a forensic tracking method[36] for whales, loggerhead turtles[37] and marine debris, such as shipwrecks or a flaperon suspected to be from Malaysia Airlines Flight 370.[38][39][40]

The flesh of some barnacles is routinely consumed by humans, including Japanese goose barnacles (e.g. Capitulum mitella), and goose barnacles (e.g. Pollicipes pollicipes), a delicacy in Spain and Portugal.[41] The resemblance of this barnacle's fleshy stalk to a goose's neck gave rise, in ancient times, to the notion that geese literally grew from the barnacle. Indeed, the word "barnacle" originally referred to a species of goose, the barnacle goose Branta leucopsis, whose eggs and young were rarely seen by humans because it breeds in the remote Arctic.[42]

Additionally, the picoroco barnacle is used in Chilean cuisine and is one of the ingredients in curanto seafood stew.

MIT researchers developed an adhesive, inspired by a protein-based bioglue produced by barnacles to firmly attach to rocks, which can form a tight seal to halt bleeding within about 15 seconds of application.[43]

See also


  1. ^ Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 978-1-4054-9926-2.
  2. ^ Concise Oxford English Dictionary (10th ed.). Oxford University Press. 2002. p. 260. ISBN 0-19-860572-2.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k P. Doyle; A. E. Mather; M. R. Bennett; A. Bussell (1997). "Miocene barnacle assemblages from southern Spain and their palaeoenvironmental significance". Lethaia. 29 (3): 267–274. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01659.x.
  4. ^ a b "What are barnacles?". Ocean Facts. National Ocean Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. 26 February 2021. Retrieved 18 June 2022.
  5. ^ Kado, Ryusuke. "Let's learn about the body structure of a barnacle" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on January 25, 2012.
  6. ^ "Encyclopedia of Life". eol.org. Retrieved 2023-06-07.
  7. ^ Gwilliam, G.F.; Millecchia, R. J. (January 1975). "Barnacle photoreceptors: Their physiology and role in the control of behavior". Progress in Neurobiology. 4: 211–239. doi:10.1016/0301-0082(75)90002-7. S2CID 53164671.
  8. ^ a b Barnes, Robert D. (1982). Invertebrate Zoology. Holt-Saunders International. pp. 694–707. ISBN 978-0-03-056747-6.
  9. ^ Lacalli, Thurston C. (September 2009). "Serial EM analysis of a copepod larval nervous system: Naupliar eye, optic circuitry, and prospects for full CNS reconstruction". Arthropod Structure & Development. 38 (5): 361–375. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2009.04.002. PMID 19376268.
  10. ^ Pérez-Losada, Marcos; Høeg, Jens T; Crandall, Keith A (17 April 2009). "Remarkable convergent evolution in specialized parasitic Thecostraca (Crustacea)". BMC Biology. 7 (1): 15. doi:10.1186/1741-7007-7-15. PMC 2678073. PMID 19374762.
  11. ^ a b William A. Newman (2007). "Cirripedia". In Sol Felty Light; James T. Carlton (eds.). The Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon (4th ed.). University of California Press. pp. 475–484. ISBN 978-0-520-23939-5.
  12. ^ Ruppert, Edward E.; Fox, Richard, S.; Barnes, Robert D. (2004). Invertebrate Zoology (7th ed.). Cengage Learning. p. 683. ISBN 978-81-315-0104-7.
  13. ^ a b Donald Thomas Anderson (1994). "Larval development and metamorphosis". Barnacles: Structure, Function, Development and Evolution. Springer. pp. 197–246. ISBN 978-0-412-44420-3.
  14. ^ E. Bourget (1987). Barnacle shells: composition, structure, and growth. pp. 267–285. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987.
  15. ^ a b "Biology of Barnacles". Museum Victoria. 1996. Archived from the original on February 17, 2007. Retrieved April 20, 2012.
  16. ^ E. L. Charnov (1987). Sexuality and hermaphroditism in barnacles: A natural selection approach. pp. 89–104. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987.
  17. ^ Ewen Callaway (2009-04-07). "Penis length isn't everything … for barnacle males". New Scientist. Retrieved 2020-10-03.
  18. ^ Bishop, J. D. D. Bishop; Pemberton, A. J. (2005). "The third way: spermcast mating in sessile marine invertebrates". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 46 (4): 398–406. doi:10.1093/icb/icj037. PMID 21672752.
  19. ^ Yong, Ed (2013-01-15). "Poorly-Endowed Barnacles Overthrow 150-Year-Old Belief". National Geographic. Retrieved 2021-12-21.
  20. ^ Mechanism of Fertilization: Plants to Humans, edited by Brian Dale
  21. ^ "Shore life". Encarta Encyclopedia 2005 DVD.
  22. ^ Carl Zimmer (2000). Parasite Rex: Inside the Bizarre World of Nature's Most Dangerous Creatures. Free Press. ISBN 978-0-7432-0011-0.
  23. ^ Leone, Stacy E. (2008). Predator Induced Plasticity in Barnacle Shell Morphology (Master of Arts in Biology thesis). Central Connecticut State University. OCLC 713734094.
  24. ^ Stanley, Steven M. (8 April 2016). "Predation defeats competition on the seafloor". Paleobiology. 34 (1): 1–21. doi:10.1666/07026.1. S2CID 83713101.
  25. ^ Clint Twist (2005). Visual Factfinder: Oceans. Great Bardfield, Essex: Miles Kelly Publishing.
  26. ^ Harley, C. D. G.; Pankey, M. S.; Wares, J. P.; Grosberg, R. K.; Wonham, M. J. (December 2006). "Color Polymorphism and Genetic Structure in the Sea Star". The Biological Bulletin. 211 (3): 248–262. doi:10.2307/4134547. JSTOR 4134547. PMID 17179384. S2CID 18549566.
  27. ^ Jan Holmes (2002). "Seashore players most successful when they're in their zone". WSU Beach Watchers. Archived from the original on 2010-06-21. Retrieved March 6, 2010.
  28. ^ a b Richmond, Marsha (January 2007). "Darwin's Study of the Cirripedia". Darwin Online. Retrieved 16 June 2012.
  29. ^ Étienne Benson. "Charles Darwin". SparkNotes. Archived from the original on 29 September 2007. Retrieved August 30, 2007.
  30. ^ Martin, Joel W.; Davis, George E. (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. CiteSeerX
  31. ^ Chan, Benny K. K.; Dreyer, Niklas; Gale, Andy S.; Glenner, Henrik; et al. (2021). "The evolutionary diversity of barnacles, with an updated classification of fossil and living forms". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 193 (3): 789–846. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa160.
  32. ^ "World Register of Marine Species, subclass Cirripedia". Retrieved 2021-08-22.
  33. ^ a b c Chan, Benny K K; Dreyer, Niklas; Gale, Andy S; Glenner, Henrik; Ewers-Saucedo, Christine; Pérez-Losada, Marcos; Kolbasov, Gregory A; Crandall, Keith A; Høeg, Jens T (2021-02-25). "The evolutionary diversity of barnacles, with an updated classification of fossil and living forms". Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 193 (zlaa160): 789–846. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa160. ISSN 0024-4082.
  34. ^ B. A. Foster & J. S. Buckeridge (1987). Barnacle palaeontology. pp. 41–63. In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987.
  35. ^ "Newcastle University Biofouling Group". Newcastle University. Archived from the original on June 5, 2009. Retrieved January 15, 2010.
  36. ^ Pearson, Ryan M.; van de Merwe, Jason P.; Gagan, Michael K.; Connolly, Rod M. (2020). "Unique Post-telemetry Recapture Enables Development of Multi-Element Isoscapes From Barnacle Shell for Retracing Host Movement". Frontiers in Marine Science. 7. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.00596. ISSN 2296-7745.
  37. ^ Pearson, Ryan M.; van de Merwe, Jason P.; Gagan, Michael K.; Limpus, Colin J.; Connolly, Rod M. (25 April 2019). "Distinguishing between sea turtle foraging areas using stable isotopes from commensal barnacle shells". Scientific Reports. 9 (1): 6565. Bibcode:2019NatSR...9.6565P. doi:10.1038/s41598-019-42983-4. PMC 6483986. PMID 31024029.
  38. ^ "Can Barnacles unlock the secrets of MH370 and Turtle migration?". Griffith Sciences Impact. 3 August 2015.
  39. ^ Pandey, Swati (3 August 2015). "Barnacles on debris could provide clues to missing MH370: experts". Reuters.
  40. ^ Pearson, Ryan M.; van de Merwe, Jason P.; Connolly, Rod M. (2020). "Global oxygen isoscapes for barnacle shells: Application for tracing movement in oceans". Science of the Total Environment. 705: 135782. Bibcode:2020ScTEn.705m5782P. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135782. ISSN 0048-9697. PMID 31787294. S2CID 208536416.
  41. ^ Molares, José; Freire, Juan (December 2003). "Development and perspectives for community-based management of the goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes) fisheries in Galicia (NW Spain)" (PDF). Fisheries Research. 65 (1–3): 485–492. doi:10.1016/j.fishres.2003.09.034. hdl:2183/90.
  42. ^ "...all the evidence shows that the name was originally applied to the bird which had the marvellous origin, not to the shell..." Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1989
  43. ^ Hyunwoo Yuk; et al. (2021). "Rapid and coagulation-independent haemostatic sealing by a paste inspired by barnacle glue". Nature Biomedical Engineering. 5 (10): 1131–1142. doi:10.1038/s41551-021-00769-y. PMC 9254891. PMID 34373600.

Further reading

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wikipedia EN

Barnacle: Brief Summary ( الإنجليزية )

المقدمة من wikipedia EN

Barnacles are a type of arthropod constituting the subclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and are hence related to crabs and lobsters. Barnacles are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. They are sessile (nonmobile) and most are suspension feeders, but those in infraclass Rhizocephala are highly specialized parasites on crustaceans. They have four nektonic (active swimming) larval stages. Around 1,000 barnacle species are currently known. The name Cirripedia is Latin, meaning "curl-footed". The study of barnacles is called cirripedology.

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Wikipedia authors and editors
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wikipedia EN

Cirripedia ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO
Ciripieduloj ligitaj al la ventro de balenido.

Ia tipo de artropodoj konstituas la infraklason Cirripedia en la subfilumo Krustacoj, kiuj estas iel rilataj al kraboj kaj omaroj. Ciripieduloj estas nur maraj, kaj tendencas vivi en neprofundaj kaj tajdaj akvoj, tipe en eroziaj ejoj. Ili estas sesilaj (nonmotile) pendomanĝantoj, kaj havas du nektonajn (aktive naĝantaj) larvajn stadiojn. Nune oni konas ĉirkaŭ 1,220 ciripiedajn speciojn.[1] La nomo "Cirripedia" estas latina, signife "buklopieda".

Ekzemple: balano (Balanus)


  1. Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 1-4054-9926-5.
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wikipedia EO

Cirripedia: Brief Summary ( إسبرانتو )

المقدمة من wikipedia EO
 src= Ciripieduloj ligitaj al la ventro de balenido.

Ia tipo de artropodoj konstituas la infraklason Cirripedia en la subfilumo Krustacoj, kiuj estas iel rilataj al kraboj kaj omaroj. Ciripieduloj estas nur maraj, kaj tendencas vivi en neprofundaj kaj tajdaj akvoj, tipe en eroziaj ejoj. Ili estas sesilaj (nonmotile) pendomanĝantoj, kaj havas du nektonajn (aktive naĝantaj) larvajn stadiojn. Nune oni konas ĉirkaŭ 1,220 ciripiedajn speciojn. La nomo "Cirripedia" estas latina, signife "buklopieda".

Ekzemple: balano (Balanus)

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Cirripedia ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los cirrípedos (Cirripedia) son una subclase de crustáceos maxilópodos denominados comúnmente percebes, incluyendo la bellota de mar y la anatifa. Son uno de los grupos de crustáceos más modificado; su peculiar morfología hizo que hace dos siglos se confundieran con moluscos. De hecho, muchos de los nombres que se le dan a diferentes partes de su cuerpo responden a esta antigua creencia (manto y placas por ejemplo). Sin embargo, al estudiar sus larvas se vio que eran similares a las de ostrácodos, lo que fue clave para estudios posteriores que concluyeron que se trataba de crustáceos con una morfología "aberrante". Entre los cirrípedos encontramos algunas especies de interés comercial como el percebe (Pollicipes cornucopia) y el picoroco (Austromegabalanus psittacus).

Los cirrípedos tienen dos tipos corporales básicos: con y sin pedúnculo. Los que no tienen pedúnculo cubren normalmente todo el litoral rocoso, mientras que los pedunculados prefieren vivir mar adentro o sobre objetos flotantes. Además de estos dos tipos básicos, existe un tercer tipo de morfología algo diferente, los llamados "amorfos" o Verrucomorfa. Estos últimos no son simétricos y viven en aguas profundas, generalmente sobre las espinas de erizos (ver Echinoidea) o como comensales de ballenas.


Los cirrípedos poseen dos estados larvarios: el primero, de larva nauplius, y el segundo, de larva cipris o cíprida:

  • Como larva nauplius, forma parte del zooplancton, flotando en las aguas a merced del viento, de las olas y corrientes marinas. Se alimentan activamente, y, tras dos semanas, alcanzan el segundo estado.
  • Como larva cipris ya no se alimentan y son nadadores activos. Su presencia es indicativa de alta calidad de las aguas, en cuanto a contaminación y productividad.

Cuando una larva cipris encuentra un lugar adecuado para fijarse, lo hace e inicia el proceso de metamorfosis, dando lugar a un cirrípedo juvenil, que, típicamente, posee una morfología a desarrollar consistente en seis placas a modo de armadura, externas. Durante el resto de sus vidas, los cirrípedos son sésiles y se alimentan filtrando plancton con sus apéndices y liberando sus gametos. Se les suele encontrar en la zona intermareal.

Una vez completada la metamorfosis y alcanzada la forma adulta, siguen creciendo, pero no sufren mudas o ecdisis; por el contrario, crecen por adición de material a su cubierta calcificada.

Como muchos otros invertebrados, los cirrípedos son hermafroditas y alternan el estado masculino y femenino temporalmente: es decir, existe un estado unisexual alterno o, lo que es lo mismo, un individuo puede ser inicialmente macho y luego hembra, y viceversa. En cuanto a la morfología del órgano reproductor, los percebes ostentan el récord de tamaño de pene, en relación a su cuerpo, de todo el reino animal.[1]

Existen cirrípedos de biología muy distinta: es el caso de los representantes del género Sacculina, que son parásitos de cangrejos.

Empleo en gastronomía

Algunos percebes son consumidos como marisco, fundamentalmente en Grecia, España y otros países mediterráneos.

Se explota sobre todo en Galicia (Pollicipes pollicipes), constituyendo un producto típico de su gastronomía; acostumbra a ser recogido manualmente con riesgo considerable para los operarios, localmente llamados percebeiros.

Sus parientes americanos comestibles son el gooseneck barnacle (Pollicipes polymerus), en el Pacífico boreal, y el picoroco (Megabalanus psittacus), en el Pacífico austral.


Estos organismos pueden unirse a casi cualquier especie marina; además de ballenas y otros cetáceos también pueden fijarse en tortugas marinas, cangrejos, langostas, moluscos bivalvos, algunos peces e incluso se han visto en delfines y manatíes, y muchas otras criaturas oceánicas

Los cirrípedos pueden unirse a estructuras navales y no sólo a sustratos naturales. Es el caso de los cascos de los buques, cuya consecuencia es denominada incrustación. Este hecho es evitado en las industrias navieras por adición de pinturas anti-incrustación, que alteran la biología de la especie interfiriendo en el desarrollo y cambio de sexo de los individuos.


En Europa, hasta bien entrada la Edad Moderna se creyó que las aves llamadas barnaclas eran la metamorfosis madura de los percebes (llamados en inglés barnacles). La gente burlaba así el ayuno de carnes durante la cuaresma (pues de acuerdo con la doctrina cristiana durante ese periodo las únicas carnes que se podían comer eran las de pescados y mariscos), y lo hacía comiendo las aves llamadas barnaclas y otras similares (gansos y patos), que eran clasificadas como "moluscos" o "crustáceos". Uno de los argumentos para tan curiosa taxonomía era el hecho de que los percebes tienen órganos que recuerdan a plumas.


Seguimos el esquema propuesto por Martin y Davis que sitúa a los Cirripedia como infraclase de los Thecostraca y la consiguiente clasificación hasta el nivel de orden.[2]

Infraclase Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834


  1. «Barnacle general biology». Museum Victoria. 1996. Archivado desde el original el 17 de febrero de 2007. Consultado el 28 de abril de 2007.
  2. Martin, J. W. & Davis, G. E. (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. pp. 132 pp. Archivado desde el original el 29 de diciembre de 2009. Consultado el 25 de noviembre de 2009.

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Cirripedia: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ES

Los cirrípedos (Cirripedia) son una subclase de crustáceos maxilópodos denominados comúnmente percebes, incluyendo la bellota de mar y la anatifa. Son uno de los grupos de crustáceos más modificado; su peculiar morfología hizo que hace dos siglos se confundieran con moluscos. De hecho, muchos de los nombres que se le dan a diferentes partes de su cuerpo responden a esta antigua creencia (manto y placas por ejemplo). Sin embargo, al estudiar sus larvas se vio que eran similares a las de ostrácodos, lo que fue clave para estudios posteriores que concluyeron que se trataba de crustáceos con una morfología "aberrante". Entre los cirrípedos encontramos algunas especies de interés comercial como el percebe (Pollicipes cornucopia) y el picoroco (Austromegabalanus psittacus).

Los cirrípedos tienen dos tipos corporales básicos: con y sin pedúnculo. Los que no tienen pedúnculo cubren normalmente todo el litoral rocoso, mientras que los pedunculados prefieren vivir mar adentro o sobre objetos flotantes. Además de estos dos tipos básicos, existe un tercer tipo de morfología algo diferente, los llamados "amorfos" o Verrucomorfa. Estos últimos no son simétricos y viven en aguas profundas, generalmente sobre las espinas de erizos (ver Echinoidea) o como comensales de ballenas.

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Vääneljalalised ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET

Vääneljalalised ehk vääneljalgsed (Cirripedia) on vähkide hõimkonda (või alamhõimkonda) kuuluv üksnes mereloomade klass. Uuemais süstemaatikais paigutatakse nad aerjalgsete (Maxillopoda) klassi, andes neile siis alamklassi staatuse.

"Loomade elu" arvab nad lülijalgsete hõimkonda lõpuslülijalgsete alamhõimkonda vähkide ehk koorikloomade klassi aerjalgsete alamklassi.[1]

Eesti rannikuvetes elab üks selle taksoni esindaja: riimvettki taluv harilik tõruvähk (Balanus improvisus). Troopilistes ja subtroopilistes meredes on ühed tavalisimad nuivähi (Lepas) perekonna esindajad.

Väliselt ei meenuta vääneljalalised üldse vähke. Täiskasvanud isendid on kinnitunud kõikmõeldavate veealuste esemete külge. Vääneljalalise keha ümbritseb tugev lubikoda. See koosneb plaatidest, millest osa on omavahel liikuvalt ühendatud. Vähk saab neid laiali ajada ja tekkinud pilust välja sirutada rindmikujalgu, millega toitu haarab.[2]

Tugev lubikoda ja kinnistunud eluviis tekitasid pikka aega segadust vääneljalaliste süstemaatilise kuuluvuse määramisel. Cuvier paigutas nad limuste hulka. Lamarck käsitles neid üleminekurühmana usside ja limuste vahel. Nende kuuluvus vähkide hulka tõestati alles 1830. aastail, kui õpiti tundma vääneljalaliste vastseid, kes sarnanevad teiste vähkide vastsetega. [2]


  1. "Loomade elu", 2. kd., lk. 6
  2. 2,0 2,1 "Loomade elu", 2. kd., lk. 313


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Vääneljalalised: Brief Summary ( الإستونية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ET
 src= Hariliku tõruvähi koloonia karbil

Vääneljalalised ehk vääneljalgsed (Cirripedia) on vähkide hõimkonda (või alamhõimkonda) kuuluv üksnes mereloomade klass. Uuemais süstemaatikais paigutatakse nad aerjalgsete (Maxillopoda) klassi, andes neile siis alamklassi staatuse.

"Loomade elu" arvab nad lülijalgsete hõimkonda lõpuslülijalgsete alamhõimkonda vähkide ehk koorikloomade klassi aerjalgsete alamklassi.

Eesti rannikuvetes elab üks selle taksoni esindaja: riimvettki taluv harilik tõruvähk (Balanus improvisus). Troopilistes ja subtroopilistes meredes on ühed tavalisimad nuivähi (Lepas) perekonna esindajad.

Väliselt ei meenuta vääneljalalised üldse vähke. Täiskasvanud isendid on kinnitunud kõikmõeldavate veealuste esemete külge. Vääneljalalise keha ümbritseb tugev lubikoda. See koosneb plaatidest, millest osa on omavahel liikuvalt ühendatud. Vähk saab neid laiali ajada ja tekkinud pilust välja sirutada rindmikujalgu, millega toitu haarab.

Tugev lubikoda ja kinnistunud eluviis tekitasid pikka aega segadust vääneljalaliste süstemaatilise kuuluvuse määramisel. Cuvier paigutas nad limuste hulka. Lamarck käsitles neid üleminekurühmana usside ja limuste vahel. Nende kuuluvus vähkide hulka tõestati alles 1830. aastail, kui õpiti tundma vääneljalaliste vastseid, kes sarnanevad teiste vähkide vastsetega.

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Siimajalkaiset ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Siimajalkaiset (Cirripedia) ovat meressä eläviä äyriäisiä joista suurin osa viettää aikuiselämänsä alustaan kiinnittyneinä. Heimoja ovat muun muassa hanhenkaulat (Lepadidae), joilla on varsi, ja varrettomat merirokot (Balanidae). Tällä hetkellä tunnetaan noin 1 220 siimajalkaislajia. Nimi "Cirripedia" tulee latinasta ja tarkoittaa "kiharajalkaista". Useita erityisesti veneiden pohjiin kiinnittyviä siimajalkaisia kutsutaan usein merirokoiksi, vaikka ne eivät olisi merirokkojen heimoa.

Merirokkoja Pohjanmeren rannikolta

Ensimmäisenä siimajalkaisia kattavasti tutki ja luokitteli Charles Darwin, joka julkaisi sarjan niitä käsitteleviä monografioita vuosina 1851–1854. Darwin aloitti tutkimuksensa ystävänsä Joseph Dalton Hookerin ehdotuksesta.


Siimajalkaisilla on kaksi toukkavaihetta. Ensimmäinen on nauplius-vaihe, joka viettää aikansa osana eläinplanktonia, kelluen vedessä kulkien virtojen mukana, syöden ja luoden kuortansa. Tämä vaihe kestää noin kaksi viikkoa (viisi toukkavaiheen kuorenluontia), kunnes naupliustoukka muuttaa muotoaan uivaksi kypristoukaksi ja lopettaa syömisen. Toukka asettuu paikoilleen löydettyään paikan joka vaikuttaa turvalliselta ja hedelmälliseltä. Kun sopiva paikka löytyy, toukka liimaantuu pää edellä alustaan ja muuttuu aikuiseksi. Tyypillisesti se kasvattaa neljä, kuusi tai kahdeksan kovaa panssarilevyä suojaksi ympärilleen. Siimajalkainen viettää loppuelämänsä alustaansa liimaantuneena, käyttäen höyhenmäisiä siimajalkojaan planktonin pyydystämiseen. Siimajalkaisia esiintyy yleensä rannoilla alueilla, jotka paljastuvat laskuveden aikaan.

Aikuinen siimajalkainen jatkaa kasvuaan, mutta ei enää luo kuortaan. Sen sijaan se kasvattaa panssarikuortaan lisäämällä uutta ainetta kuorilevyihin.

Joillain luokan lajeilla on yllä selostetusta täysin poikkeavat elämäntavat. Esimerkiksi Sacculina-suvun eliöt ovat taskuravuissa asuvia ulkoloisia.

Kuten monet selkärangattomat, siimajalkaiset ovat kaksineuvoisia joilla on sekä koiras- että naarasroolit. Siimajalkaiset hedelmöittävät toisensa (tai itsensä) peniksellä; siimajalkaisen penis on koko eläinkunnan pisin ruumiin kokoon suhteutettuna [1].

Siimajalkaiset kiinnittyvät usein ihmisten tekemiin rakenteisiin kuten veneisiin ja laitureihin aiheuttaen joskus vaurioita. Erityisesti laivoille siimajalkaiset ovat haitallisia, sillä pohjaan kiinnittyneinä ne kasvattavat veden vastusta ja siten polttoaineen kulutusta. Joitakin lajeja, ainakin Mitella pollicipes ja Pollicipes cornucopia, käytetään ihmisruoaksi etenkin Ranskassa ja Espanjassa.[2] [3]

Suomen merirokko

Pääartikkeli: Merirokko

Ainoa Suomen rannikolla elävä siimajalkainen on Itämereen 1840-luvulla tulokaslajina saapunut merirokko (Amphibalanus improvisus). Merirokko on alun perin amerikkalainen tai australialainen laji, joka on laivojen rungoilla levinnyt ympäri maailmaa. Muualla se viihtyy erityisesti vähäsuolaisissa jokisuissa.


Valkoposkihanhien englanninkielinen nimi barnacle goose tulee vanhasta eurooppalaisesta uskomuksesta, että hanhet syntyvät hanhenkauloista (Pollicipes polymerus). Hanhien untuvikkoja ei koskaan nähty, sillä hanhet pesivät kaukana Jäämeren rannikkoseuduilla. Koska hanhenkaulat ovat mereneläviä, laskettiin myös hanhet kaloiksi, joita voitiin syödä perjantaisin katolisen paaston alkaessa src=

Pollicipes cornucopia -hanhenkaula


  1. Barnacle general biology Museum Victoria.
  2. Spanish barnacles IberiaNature.com (artikkeli siimajalkaisista Espanjassa, niiden keräämisestä ja käytöstä ruokana).
  3. Hanhenkaulat Raholan ruokasanasto

Aiheesta muualla

  • Bay Barnacle vattenkikaren.se (englanniksi) (merirokko; mm. kuva)
  • Keith Davey: Barnacles (mm. havainnollisia kuvia eri kehitysvaiheista). Life on Australian seashores. Marine Education Society of Australasia. (englanniksi)
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Siimajalkaiset: Brief Summary ( الفنلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FI

Siimajalkaiset (Cirripedia) ovat meressä eläviä äyriäisiä joista suurin osa viettää aikuiselämänsä alustaan kiinnittyneinä. Heimoja ovat muun muassa hanhenkaulat (Lepadidae), joilla on varsi, ja varrettomat merirokot (Balanidae). Tällä hetkellä tunnetaan noin 1 220 siimajalkaislajia. Nimi "Cirripedia" tulee latinasta ja tarkoittaa "kiharajalkaista". Useita erityisesti veneiden pohjiin kiinnittyviä siimajalkaisia kutsutaan usein merirokoiksi, vaikka ne eivät olisi merirokkojen heimoa.

 src= Merirokkoja Pohjanmeren rannikolta  src= Nauplius-toukka

Ensimmäisenä siimajalkaisia kattavasti tutki ja luokitteli Charles Darwin, joka julkaisi sarjan niitä käsitteleviä monografioita vuosina 1851–1854. Darwin aloitti tutkimuksensa ystävänsä Joseph Dalton Hookerin ehdotuksesta.

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Cirripedia ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Cirripèdes (initialement orthographié Cirrhipèdes), ou Cirripedia, sont une infra-classe d’animaux, tous exclusivement marins, appartenant au sous-embranchement des Crustacés. Ils partagent donc un certain nombre de caractères fondamentaux avec des organismes comme le Homard, le Crabe ou le Cloporte, dont ils sont en apparence très différents sur le plan morphologique.


Anatife (Lepas anserifera).
Schéma de l'organisation d'une balane.

Les Cirripedia sont des Crustacés, comme le prouvent leurs stades larvaires. Ils comprennent notamment les Lépadomorphes (anatifes), les Balanomorphes (comme les balanes), et les parasites Rhizocéphales (comme la Sacculine, Sacculina carcini, parasite du Crabe vert Carcinus maenas), dont le corps est profondément modifié et ne peuvent être reconnus comme Cirripèdes que par l’anatomie de leurs larves. Celles-ci se fixent par les antennules sur un support quelconque, et entament une métamorphose complète qui produira les morphologies adultes très particulières de ce groupe[1]. Les animaux ainsi fixés ne se déplaceront plus jamais[2]. Quand ils ne sont pas parasites, les adultes peuvent être pédonculés ou operculés, et sessiles. Les Cirripèdes sont munis de fouets garnis de soies (les « cirres ») destinés à capter des particules organiques en suspension dans l’eau.

Les Cirripèdes sont tous fixés aux rochers, à des objets flottants divers, à des organismes vivants (tortues, mammifères marins) ou enfoncés dans des coquilles de mollusques ou dans le squelette d’un coralliaire.

Les formes libres (non parasites)[3] les plus simples (ordre Pedunculata) sont fixées par l’intermédiaire d’un long pédoncule cylindrique, logeant principalement l’ovaire, au sommet duquel se trouve le corps de l’animal, protégé par un ensemble de plaques et constituant le capitulum, aplati, symétrique, et ouvert sur l’extérieur par un long orifice susceptible d’être fermé.

Le pédoncule disparaît dans l’ordre des Sessilia, qui sont fixés directement sur le support, par exemple les balanes, très communes sur les rochers de l’estran.

Vues de l'anatife Lepas anatifera entier et en coupe par Ernst Haeckel.

Dans le corps des Cirripèdes libres on reconnaît deux parties (= tagmes) principales, décrites dans les sous-chapitre suivants.

La tête (céphalon)

Le céphalon est constitué des 5 métamères typiques des Crustacés, pourvus d’appendices, au moins chez les larves. Les antennules (A1) servent à la fixation : elles ne sont plus visibles chez les adultes. Les antennes (A2), bien développées chez les larves nauplius, disparaissent chez les adultes. Les pièces buccales, réunies en un mamelon centré sur la bouche, sont constituées par les mandibules (Md), les maxillules (Mx1) et les maxilles (Mx2).

Le thorax

Le thorax est constitué de 6 métamères porteurs chacun d’une paire d’appendices : les cirres. Ils comportent une base de 2 articles dont le dernier porte deux rames ; l’une interne (endopodite), l’autre externe (exopodite), d’aspect très semblable et formés de plusieurs articles garnis de soies. Les trois derniers possèdent des rames allongées sur lesquelles se trouvent des soies rigides très longes qui, en s’entrecroisant, constituent un filtre permettant la capture des particules en suspension dans l’eau de mer (phyto et zooplancton, détritus divers) dont l’animal se nourrit. La capture de la nourriture[4] est, soit relativement passive, les cirres étant étalés la plus grande partie du temps pour filtrer le courant d’eau qui les traverse (fréquent chez les lepadomorphes), soit très active, les cirres accomplissant de rapides mouvements de va-et-vient afin de capturer les particules. Ces deux techniques peuvent cependant se combiner de manière variée, notamment chez les balanomorphes.

L’abdomen et le telson ont pratiquement disparu et ne sont représentés que par une aire vestigiale autour de l’anus, situé à l’arrière du thorax.

Un pénis impair, extrêmement extensible, est inséré à l’arrière du thorax, en avant de l’anus.


Les Cirripèdes sont en majorité hermaphrodites. La fécondation croisée est rendue possible par leurs habitudes grégaires et l’extensibilité de leur pénis. Certaines espèces (genres Ibla et Scalpellum) possèdent en outre des mâles nains (« mâles complémentaires » de Darwin) qui vivent attachés dans la cavité palléale des individus normaux, hermaphrodites, ou parfois seulement femelles[3].

Les œufs sont incubés dans la cavité palléale de l’adulte et éclosent en libérant une larve nauplie caractérisée notamment par la possession de cornes frontales de chaque côté de la carapace. La phase nauplius comporte 4 à 6 stades ; elle est suivie de la phase cypris, qui n’en comporte qu’un seul.

Historique du taxon Cirripedia

C’est Lamarck qui a reconnu l’originalité et l’unité de ce groupe dont il a forgé le nom à partir du latin cirrus (« boucle de cheveux ») et ped- (« pied »), faisant par là allusion à la forme de leurs appendices thoraciques semblables à des filaments recourbés. Mais Lamarck écrit, dans « Philosophie zoologique »[5], que les Cirripèdes « ne peuvent être des Crustacés ». Il leur voit des affinités avec les annélides et les mollusques (dans lesquels Cuvier les classe). C’est Thompson [3] qui, en 1830, à la suite de l’observation de la métamorphose d’une larve cypris, recueillie dans le plancton, en balane, démontre sans aucun doute possible l’appartenance de cet animal, et d’une manière générale des Cirripèdes, aux Crustacés. En fait Slabber avait dès 1767 observé la larve nauplius caractéristique des Crustacés, dans un Lepas mais n’avait pas su en tirer les conséquences.[réf. nécessaire]

C’est à Charles Darwin et à ses monographies sur les Cirripèdes (1851-1854) que nous devons ce qui constitue encore le socle de nos connaissances sur ces animaux.

À l’heure actuelle[6], les Cirripèdes sont rangés dans la classe des Maxillopodes dont ils constituent une infraclasse. Ils comprennent les quatre super-ordres des Acrothoracicanes, des Rhizocéphales, des Thoraciques et des Sessilies. Noter que l’ordre d'Apodes qui figurait dans les anciennes classifications a été retiré des Cirripèdes car son unique représentant est, en fait, le stade transitoire d’un isopode parasite[7].

La particularité des formes de certaines espèces de Cirripèdes ainsi que des observations mal interprétées ou fantaisistes ont trompé d’anciens observateurs qui ont cru voir dans ces organismes une étape dans le cycle biologique de certains oiseaux migrateurs comme les canards ou les oies bernaches. Ces oiseaux apparaissent en effet à chaque automne sans que l’on sût, à l’époque, où ni comment ils se reproduisaient. De ce mystère, ajouté au fait que l’on avait observé des branches mortes porteuses de cirripèdes tels que les anatifes, échouées sur les rivages, naquit, peut-être vers le VIIIe siècle[8], le mythe de l’« arbre à canards » rapporté par Claude Duret (1605) [9]. Ce mythe imagine un arbre qui pousse, fort opportunément, au bord des lacs ou de la mer, porte des feuilles (ou des fruits, selon les versions) qui tombent dans l’eau pour se transformer en poissons ou sur le sol pour se transformer en canards.

De cette légende proviennent les noms des anatifes (bâti sur la racine « anas » = canard) et de l’espèce Lepas anatifera (Lepas porteur de canards). Elle explique l’appellation de bernaches, nom d’une oie, donné autrefois par les marins aux balanes[10], que les Anglais nomment « barnacles » [réf. souhaitée]. De même, le nom « cravant » concernant une bernache se retrouve, déformé en « gravants », dans le langage maritime, pour designer ces mêmes balanes.

Impact économique

Le pouce-pied (Pollicipes pollicipes), récolté sur le littoral atlantique en France et sur la péninsule Ibérique, constitue un mets très apprécié (c’est essentiellement l’ovaire de l’animal qui est consommé). Mais l’importance économique des Cirripèdes réside surtout dans le fait que ce sont des agents de salissure (« fouling »)[11] extrêmement importants qui se fixent en masse sur les carènes des navires, dans les conduites d’eau de mer. Ils sont de ce fait responsables du ralentissement de la progression des bateaux, d’une augmentation de la consommation de carburant et de frais de carénage ainsi que de curage des canalisations extrêmement coûteux.


Trois types de Cirripèdes sont aisément identifiables,

Selon World Register of Marine Species (10 mars 2017)[12] : ...

Selon ITIS (10 mars 2017)[13] :

Dans la culture populaire

Les cirripèdes sont représentés dans la franchise de jeux Pokémon à travers deux créatures : Binacle et Barbaracle, en français Opermine et Golgopathe[14].

Voir aussi

Références taxinomiques

Notes et références
  1. Guy Echallier, « CIRRIPEDES », sur le site de l'université Jussieu.
  2. « Cirripèdes », sur l'Encyclopaedia Universalis.
  3. a b et c Calman, W. T., 1909. Crustacea. In Lankester, R. A treatise on zoology. A & C. Black éd. London.
  4. Schram, F. R., 1986. Crustacea. Oxford University Press. 606 p.
  5. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck. 1809. Philosophie zoologique. Réédition 1968, 10/18, 301 p.
  6. Martin, J. W., & Davis, G. E., 2001. An updated classification of the recent Crustacea. Natural Museum of Los Angeles County. Science Series 19, 132 p.
  7. Bocquet-Védrine, J. 1972. Suppression de l’ordre des Apodes (Crustacés Cirripèdes) et rattachement de son unique représentant, Proteolepas bivincta, à la famille des Crinoniscidae (Crustacés Isopodes, Cryptonisciens). C.R. Acad. Sc. Paris. 275 : 2145-2148.
  8. Beaulieu, de, F. 2000. Balanes, anatifes et pouces-pieds, d'étranges Crustacés. Penn Ar Bed, 176-177:71-78.
  9. « Arbres légendaires médiévaux », sur Krapo arboricole, 9 janvier 2009 (consulté le 13 août 2020).
  10. Lecomte, J. 1835. Dictionnaire pittoresque de la marine. Éditions de l’estran, 1982, 327 p.
  11. Anonyme. 1963. Catalogue of main marine fouling organisms (found on ships coming into European waters). Vol. 1 : Barnacles. Organisation for economic co-operation and development. 46 p.
  12. World Register of Marine Species, consulté le 10 mars 2017
  13. Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), www.itis.gov, CC0 https://doi.org/10.5066/F7KH0KBK, consulté le 10 mars 2017
  14. « Barbaracle », sur pokepedia.fr.

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Cirripedia: Brief Summary ( الفرنسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia FR

Les Cirripèdes (initialement orthographié Cirrhipèdes), ou Cirripedia, sont une infra-classe d’animaux, tous exclusivement marins, appartenant au sous-embranchement des Crustacés. Ils partagent donc un certain nombre de caractères fondamentaux avec des organismes comme le Homard, le Crabe ou le Cloporte, dont ils sont en apparence très différents sur le plan morphologique.

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Giúrann ( الأيرلندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia GA

Crústach muirí a chónaíonn lena bhun greamaithe le foshraith chrua nó orgánach eile. An cholainn imchlúdaithe i sliogán, déanta as plátaí cailcreacha. De réir cineáil, itheann sí trí bhia a scagadh as an uisce le géaga tóracsacha oiriúnaithe (cirri). Níos mó ná 1,000 speiceas, a fhaightear i ngach áit ón gcrios idirthaoide go dtí an fharraige dhomhain. Cuid acu seadánach ar phortáin.

Tá an t-alt seo bunaithe ar ábhar as Fréamh an Eolais, ciclipéid eolaíochta agus teicneolaíochta leis an Ollamh Matthew Hussey, foilsithe ag Coiscéim sa bhliain 2011. Tá comhluadar na Vicipéide go mór faoi chomaoin acu beirt as ucht cead a thabhairt an t-ábhar ón leabhar a roinnt linn go léir.
Is síol é an t-alt seo. Cuir leis, chun cuidiú leis an Vicipéid.
Má tá alt níos forbartha le fáil i dteanga eile, is féidir leat aistriúchán Gaeilge a dhéanamh.

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Cirrípedes ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

A dos cirrípedes (Cirripedia) é unha infraclase de crustáceos mariños da clase dos maxilópodos e da subclase dos tecóstracos.[1]

Os seus membros máis coñecidos son os percebes, pero a clase inclúe outras especies como os arneiros ou o percebe da madeira.

A especie representativa é o percebe común (Pollicipes pollicipes).[2]



A infrclase foi descrita en 1834 polo naturalista, paleontólogo e zoólogo alemán nacionalizado arxentino Hermann Burmeister (tamén coñecido como Karl Hermann Konrad Burmeister ou Carlos Germán Conrado Burmeister).


O nome científico Cirripedia está formado pola unión dos elementos do latín científico cirr- e -pedia, derivados, respectivamente, do latín cirrus, "rizo", "floco", e a raíz pedi- do xenitivo de pes, pedis, "pé",[3] coa adición do sufixo -a para indicar plural.


Ademais de polo nome actualmente válido, a infrasclase coñeceuse tamén polos sinónimos seguintes:[Cómpre referencia]

  • Thyrostraca
  • Cirrhopoda
  • Cirrhipoda
  • Cirrhipedia


Piña de percebes.
Piña de percebes da madeira sobre a cuncha dun náutilo.

Segundo o WoRMS, a clasificación taxonómica dos cirrípedos é a seguinte:

Porén, o ITIS considera esta outra: [4]

  • Infraclase Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834
    • Superorde Acrothoracica Gruvel, 1905
      • Orde Apygophora Berndt, 1907
      • Orde Pygophora Berndt, 1907
    • Superorde Rhizocephala Müller, 1862
      • Orde Akentrogonida Häfele, 1911
      • Orde Kentrogonida Delage, 1884
    • Superorde Thoracica Darwin, 1854
      • Orde Pedunculata Lamarck, 1818
      • Orde Sessilia Lamarck, 1818


Son de hábitos sésiles (viven fixos sobre o substrato) polo que durante séculos foron considerados moluscos.

Foi ó coñecer o ciclo biolóxico e estudar a morfoloxía das larvas, tipo cipris, cando se admitiu que se trataba de crustáceos cunha estrutura moi modificada.

Poden dispoñer dun pedúnculo, co que se fixan ó substrato, ou non, pero en calquera caso teñen o corpo protexido por placas calcáreas.[Cómpre referencia]


As larvas son sempre de vida libre, e atravesan por dúas fases larvarias:

  • Como larva nauplius, forma parte do zooplancto, flotando nas augas arrastradas polo vento, as ondas e as correntes mariñas. Aliméntanse activamente e alcanzan o segundo estado ó cabo de dúas semanas.
  • Como larva cipris xa non se alimentan e son nadadoras activas.

Cando a larva cipris atopa un lugar adecuado, fíxase e inicia o proceso de metamorfose, dando lugar a un cirrípedo xuvenil, que posúe unha morfoloxía consistente en seis placas externas a modo de armadura. Durante o resto das súas vidas, os cirrípedos son sésiles e aliméntanse por filtración, grazas ás correntes de auga creadas ó axitar os seus apéndices. Unha vez completada a metamorfose e alcanzada a forma adulta, seguen crecendo pero xa sen sufrir mudas, senón por adición de material á cuberta calcificada.

Como outros invertebrados, os cirrípedos son hermafroditas e alternan o estado masculino e feminino temporalmente. É dicir un mesmo individuo pode ser inicialmente macho e logo femia, ou viceversa.

Algúns cirrípedos, como as especies do xénero Sacculina, son parasitos doutros crustáceos. Outros, como os chamados "amorfos" ou Verrucomorfa son comensalistas e viven sobre as espinas dos ourizos ou sobre a pel das baleas.

Galería de imaxes


  1. Cirripedia no WoRMS. Consultado o 20 de xaneiro de 2020.
  2. percebe no Dicionario da RAG.
  3. Cirripedia no Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
  4. Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834 no ITIS, Consultado o 20 de xaneiro de 2020.

Véxase tamén


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wikipedia gl Galician

Cirrípedes: Brief Summary ( الجاليكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia gl Galician

A dos cirrípedes (Cirripedia) é unha infraclase de crustáceos mariños da clase dos maxilópodos e da subclase dos tecóstracos.

Os seus membros máis coñecidos son os percebes, pero a clase inclúe outras especies como os arneiros ou o percebe da madeira.

A especie representativa é o percebe común (Pollicipes pollicipes).

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Teritip ( الإندونيسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ID

Teritip adalah artropoda anggota infrakelas Cirripedia, subfilum Crustacea, sehingga berkerabat dengan kepiting dan udang. Hewan ini hanya ditemukan di air laut dan cenderung menyukai perairan dangkal atau pasang yang bergelombang kuat. Cara mencari makannya adalah dengan menyaring plankton dan hewan ini melekat pada suatu objek. Tahap larvanya ada dua.

Sampai saat ini tercatat 1.220 spesies teritip[1]. "Cirripedia" adalah nama dari bahasa Latin, berarti "berkaki terlipat".

Catatan kaki

  1. ^ Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon. ISBN 1405499265.
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Teritip: Brief Summary ( الإندونيسية )

المقدمة من wikipedia ID

Teritip adalah artropoda anggota infrakelas Cirripedia, subfilum Crustacea, sehingga berkerabat dengan kepiting dan udang. Hewan ini hanya ditemukan di air laut dan cenderung menyukai perairan dangkal atau pasang yang bergelombang kuat. Cara mencari makannya adalah dengan menyaring plankton dan hewan ini melekat pada suatu objek. Tahap larvanya ada dua.

Sampai saat ini tercatat 1.220 spesies teritip. "Cirripedia" adalah nama dari bahasa Latin, berarti "berkaki terlipat".

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Cirripedia ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

I cirripedi (Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834; in inglese "barnacle") sono un'infraclasse di crostacei, appartenente alla sottoclasse dei Thecostraca. Sono esclusivamente marini e comprendono circa un migliaio di specie. Le appendici del torace sono trasformate in cirri che servono per filtrare l'acqua e portare il cibo alla bocca. Possono avere vita libera, e in tal caso aderiscono ad una varietà di substrati, tra cui sporgenze rocciose, scafi e anche balene, oppure essere parassiti in genere di altri artropodi.


Fra i crostacei, i cirripedi sono quelli che più si discostano dallo schema tipico, tant'è che ancora nel XIX secolo venivano confusi con molluschi[1]; da ciò deriva la nomenclatura delle parti del corpo dei cirripedi, simile a quella usata per i molluschi. Le larve cypris sono simili agli ostracodi, con un carapace bivalve[2], il che permise di classificarli come crostacei con una morfologia aberrante.

I rizocefali hanno invece un'anatomia molto semplice, sprovvista di articolazioni o segmentazioni visibili. In comune con gli altri ordini di cirripedi hanno unicamente lo stadio larvale, dato che l'adulto vive come parassita di altri crostacei[3].

Lepadi e Balani
''Lepadi'' e ''Balani''

Il corpo di un cirripede non parassita è composto da due parti principali: il peduncolo (corrispondente alla testa dell'animale), con cui si fissano al substrato, e il capitolo, che è di solito ricoperto di piastre calcaree e contiene gli organi[4]. A seconda che i cirripedi si servano o meno di un peduncolo per ancorarsi ai diversi substrati, essi vengono denominati:

  • lepadi, se con un peduncolo lungo e carnoso, appartenenti all'ordine Pedunculata;
  • balani, se con peduncolo ridotto a una sorta di disco adesivo, appartenenti all'ordine Sessilia[4].

I balani hanno il carapace (muraglia) formato di solito da 6 o 8 piastre calcaree e un'apertura subcircolare che all'occorrenza può essere chiusa da un opercolo composto di quattro pezzi denominati terga e scuta (i Verrucomorpha hanno un solo tergo e un solo scuto)[3].

Nei cirripedi le appendici sono molto ridotte, le antenne vengono impiegate dalla larva cypris per fissarsi al substrato e sono dunque invisibili nell'adulto, in cui esistono solo sei paia di arti toracici, trasformati in cirri biforcuti e impiegati per la nutrizione per filtrazione[3][4].

I cirripedi hanno taglia abbastanza grande, di solito compresa tra 0,5 e 5 cm[3].

Distribuzione e habitat

I cirripedi senza peduncolo ricoprono di solito ogni tipo di litorale roccioso, mentre quelli peduncolati preferiscono aree più esposte al mare o oggetti galleggianti. Esistono anche diverse specie che sono commensali su altri organismi come granchi, tartarughe marine o cetacei. Oltre a questi due tipi di cirripedi, ve ne è un terzo: sono detti "amorfi" o Verrucomorpha. Questi ultimi sono simili ai balani ma hanno carapace asimmetrico e di solito vivono in acque profonde[3][4].

Alcuni generi di Sessilia, come Chthamalus, vivono nella zona sopralitorale, quindi perennemente fuor d'acqua ed esposti solo agli spruzzi delle onde[3].

I rhizocefali si sviluppano all'interno dell'ospite, con unicamente l'apparato riproduttore che fuoriesce[4].

Larva cipris
Larva cypris

Spesso i cirripedi formano colonie numerosissime composte da migliaia di individui[4].

Ciclo vitale

I cirripedi hanno due stadi larvali planctonici distinti:

  • Il nauplio si alimenta attivamente di plancton nella maggior parte delle specie (tranne il primo stadio) e raggiunge in due settimane lo stadio larvale successivo. Il nauplio dei cirripedi è facilmente riconoscibile da quello degli altri crostacei a causa di due vistose corna frontali e di una serie di spine dorsali e ventrali. In alcune specie lo stadio naupliare si sviluppa nell'uovo da cui nasce direttamente lo stadio successivo[5].
  • La cypris smette di alimentarsi e nuota attivamente in cerca di un substrato idoneo. La sua presenza è indicativa di acque scarsamente contaminate. Quando una larva cypris incontra un luogo adatto, si fissa al substrato ed inizia il processo di metamorfosi che vede formarsi un giovanile simile all'adulto.

Una volta raggiunta la forma adulta, continuano a depositare carbonato di calcio sulle piastre del carapace. Durante il resto della loro vita, i cirripedi a vita libera sono sessili e si alimentano filtrando plancton con le appendici. I cirripedi sono ermafroditi ed alternano i periodi in cui si riproducono come femmine e come maschi. L'autofecondazione è però molto rara[5]. La fecondazione è interna ed avviene attraverso un lungo pene che raggiunge gli individui vicini. Le uova vengono incubate nel carapace e vengono liberati direttamente dei naupli. La muta avviene regolarmente ma non riguarda le piastre calcaree[4].

Nei Rhizocephala il maschio è minuscolo e vive a sua volta come parassita della femmina[3].

I cirripedi producono grandi quantità di larve e le loro fasi pelagiche costituiscono stagionalmente una componente predominante dello zooplancton costiero[5].


Lo schema proposto da Martin e Davis situa l'infraclasse Cirripedia come sottoclasse di Thecostraca e con tre superordini[6]:

Infraclasse Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834

Resti fossili

Lo studio dei fossili di Cirripedia è stato largamente approfondito da Charles Darwin[7], che ne ha classificato numerose specie, confermando che questi animali hanno una lunga storia geologica che permette di valutare le specie contemporanee. Darwin iniziò a raccogliere esemplari sudamericani, per poi spostarsi su esemplari europei, principalmente del Cretaceo. Le deduzioni da lui tratte durante i suoi 8 anni sui cirripedi, sono valide a tutt'oggi. Darwin scrisse che molti scalpellidi erano apparsi nel Giurassico, per poi diffondersi estensivamente nel Cretacico, raggiungendo il massimo durante il Triassico; la linea dell'evoluzione da una specie all'altra è identificabile così come la vicinanza fra specie e generi di cirripedi[7].

Withers ha pubblicato numerosi articoli sui fossili di cirripedi, stabilendo una base di 22000 esemplari classificati in 217 specie che ne illustra la storia tassonomica[8].

I primi reperti fossili riconducibili ai Cirripedia sono molto antichi, provenendo da Priscansermarinus del Cambriano medio (sui 500 milioni di anni fa)[9], ma non vi sono resti scheletrici fino al Neogene (l'era più recente, gli ultimi 20 milioni di anni)[10]. Tracce fossili lasciate da specie di Acrothoracica (Rogerella) sono abbastanza comuni e databili dal Devoniano ad oggi.

Nello studio dei paleo-mari, i fossili di cirripedi servono a valutarne la profondità: il grado di usura del fossile indica la distanza sulla quale è stato trasportato, suggerendo che l'animale viveva in acque poco profonde per poi rompersi quando è stato portato dalle correnti a profondità maggiori. Lo stato dei fossili e il danno subito portano quindi informazioni sulla storia tettonica della regione[10].

Altri fossili di cirripedi sono serviti da punti di riferimento per la classificazione, come l'Archaeolepas redtenbacheri (Germania), il Praelepas jaworski del Carbonifero (Russia), il Brachylepas naissanti o il Cyprilepas Holmi del Siluriano superiore (Estonia).

Importanza economica

Tra i cirripedi vi sono alcune specie commestibili, consumate soprattutto in Spagna e Portogallo, come Pollicipes cornucopia e Austromegabalanus psittacus. L'importanza dei cirripedi è però soprattutto relativa alle incrostazioni che producono sulla carena delle navi compromettendone le prestazioni e aumentando il consumo di carburante[4].


  1. ^ Abate Camillo Ranzani, Osservazioni sui Balanidi, in Opuscoli scientifici, Bologna, 1817, p. 196.
  2. ^ (EN) Robert D. Barnes, Invertebrate Zoology, Filadelfia, Holt-Saunders International, 1982, pp. 680–683, ISBN 0-03-056747-5.
  3. ^ a b c d e f g Rupert Riedl, Fauna e flora del Mediterraneo, Padova, Franco Muzzio & C. Editore, 1991.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Dorit R., Walker W., Barnes R. Zoologia, 2001, Bologna, Zanichelli.
  5. ^ a b c Conway D.V.P., Marine zooplankton of southern Britain. Part 2: Arachnida, Pycnogonida, Cladocera, Facetotecta, Cirripedia and Copepoda., vol. 25, Plymouth, United Kingdom, A.W.G. John (ed.). Occasional Publications. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 2012, p. 138. - Scaricabile gratuitamente da qui nella sezione "Download Occasional Publications of the MBA"
  6. ^ (EN) Martin, J. W. & Davis, G. E., An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea (PDF), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 2001. URL consultato il 19 giugno 2015 (archiviato dall'url originale il 29 dicembre 2009).
  7. ^ a b Darwin, C. R., A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, with figures of all the species. The Lepadidæ; or pedunculated cirripedes, vol. 1, Londra, The Ray Society, 1851. URL consultato il 25 giugno 2015.
  8. ^ T.H. Withers, Catalogue of fossil Cirripedia in the Department of Geology, I. Triassic and Jurassic, Londra, British Museum (Natural History), 1928.
  9. ^ (EN) B. A. Foster e J. S. Buckeridge, Barnacle palaeontology, 1987, pp. 41–63.
  10. ^ a b P. Doyle, A. E. Mather, M. R. Bennett, A. Bussell, Miocene barnacle assemblages from southern Spain and their palaeoenvironmental significance, in Lethaia, vol. 29, n. 3, 1997, pp. 267–274, DOI:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01659.x.

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wikipedia IT

Cirripedia: Brief Summary ( الإيطالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia IT

I cirripedi (Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834; in inglese "barnacle") sono un'infraclasse di crostacei, appartenente alla sottoclasse dei Thecostraca. Sono esclusivamente marini e comprendono circa un migliaio di specie. Le appendici del torace sono trasformate in cirri che servono per filtrare l'acqua e portare il cibo alla bocca. Possono avere vita libera, e in tal caso aderiscono ad una varietà di substrati, tra cui sporgenze rocciose, scafi e anche balene, oppure essere parassiti in genere di altri artropodi.

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Ūsakojai ( اللتوانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LT

Ūsakojai (lot. Cirripedia) – vėžiagyvių (Crustacea) infraklasė, priklausanti žandakojams. Tai jūriniai vėžiagyviai, turintys iš kalkingų plokštelių kriauklę. Galva sunykusi, nes prisitvirtina galvos dalimi. Antenos ir burnos galūnės redukuotos. Galvos vietoj gali išaugti ilgas stiebelis arba padas. Jame esančios liaukos padeda prisitvirtinti prie substrato. Turi šeriuotas krūtinės kojas, kurios lyg ūsai tai išsitiesia, tai susisuka – taip gaudo planktoninius organizmus.

Gyvena ant uolų, banginių, vėžlių ir kitų jūros gyvūnų, gausiai padengia laivo povandeninę dalį. Daugiausia minta planktonu. Yra parazitinių rūšių. Nors randami iki 600 metrų gylio, labiau mėgsta seklias vietas, taip pat ir tokias kur atoslūgio metu atsidengia dugnas (taip gyvenantys ūsakojai gerai prisitaikę kurį laiką prabūti ore).

Ūsakojai turi dvi lervos stadijas, nauplijų ir po jo sekantčią specifinę formą (vadinama cipridu). Nauplijaus stadija ilga, ji tęsiasi apie šešis mėnesius kurių metu gyvūnas maitinasi ir auga. Cipridas yra trumpa, nesimaitinanti prieš-suaugėlio stadija kurios pagrindinis tikslas - rasti tinkamą vietą galutiniam prisitvirtinimui. Cipridas ieško tinkamos vietos, liesdamas ir tirdamas paviršius savo pakitusiomis antenulėmis. Senkant atsargoms (ši stadija trunka daugiausa keletą savaičių) jis pamažu tampa mažiau išrankus. Radęs tinkamą vietą, cipridas prisitvirtina ir prasideda galutinė metamorfozė į suaugusį ūsakojį.

Kai kurie ūsakojai valgomi ir laikomi delikatesais.


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Sprogkāji ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Sprogkāji (Cirripedia) ir tekostraku apakšklases infraklase. Sprogkāji pārsvarā ir jūras formas (retāk dzīvo iesāļūdeņos). Tie pieaugušā stāvoklī ir piestiprinājušies pie substrāta un nevar aktīvi pārvietoties. Neparazītiskie sprogkāji piestiprinās pie zemūdens klintīm un akmeņiem, bet dažos gadījumos pie jūrā peldošiem priekšmetiem, kā, piemēram, pie kuģu zemūdens daļām. Parazītiskie sprogkāji, kas pieder pie sakņgalvju apakškārtas, sasnieguši galēju vienkāršotības pakāpi ārējā uzbūvē un parazitē uz augstākajiem vēžiem. Sakarā ar sēdošo dzīves veidu sprogkāji pilnīgi kļuvuši par hermafrodītiem.

Par sprogkāju piederību pie vēžveidīgajiem liecina to attīstība: tiem ir nauplija un metanauplija kāpura fāzes. Sprogkājvēži pieaugušā fāzē visvairāk ir novirzījušies no vēžveidīgo tipiskās uzbūves, tāpēc sākotnēji bija problēmas sprogkāju izpētē. Cietā kaļķa čaula, pastāvīgs sēdošs dzīvesveids un vēžveidīgo ārējo morfoloģisko īpašību trūkums traucēja to sistemātiskā stāvokļa noteikšanu. Pat tāds izcils zoologs kā Ž. Kivjē pieskaitīja sprogkājus pie moluskiem. Lamarks uzskatīja sprogkājus par pārejas formu starp tārpiem un moluskiem. Tikai 1830. gadā, kad tika izpētīti sprogkāju kāpuri, kas morfoloģiski ir līdzīgi citiem vēžveidīgo kāpuriem, tika pierādīta sprogkāju piederība pie vēžveidīgajiem.


Pasaulē ir zināmas ap 1220 sprogkāju sugas.

Infraklase Sprogkāji (Cirripedia)

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Sprogkāji: Brief Summary ( اللاتفية )

المقدمة من wikipedia LV

Sprogkāji (Cirripedia) ir tekostraku apakšklases infraklase. Sprogkāji pārsvarā ir jūras formas (retāk dzīvo iesāļūdeņos). Tie pieaugušā stāvoklī ir piestiprinājušies pie substrāta un nevar aktīvi pārvietoties. Neparazītiskie sprogkāji piestiprinās pie zemūdens klintīm un akmeņiem, bet dažos gadījumos pie jūrā peldošiem priekšmetiem, kā, piemēram, pie kuģu zemūdens daļām. Parazītiskie sprogkāji, kas pieder pie sakņgalvju apakškārtas, sasnieguši galēju vienkāršotības pakāpi ārējā uzbūvē un parazitē uz augstākajiem vēžiem. Sakarā ar sēdošo dzīves veidu sprogkāji pilnīgi kļuvuši par hermafrodītiem.

Par sprogkāju piederību pie vēžveidīgajiem liecina to attīstība: tiem ir nauplija un metanauplija kāpura fāzes. Sprogkājvēži pieaugušā fāzē visvairāk ir novirzījušies no vēžveidīgo tipiskās uzbūves, tāpēc sākotnēji bija problēmas sprogkāju izpētē. Cietā kaļķa čaula, pastāvīgs sēdošs dzīvesveids un vēžveidīgo ārējo morfoloģisko īpašību trūkums traucēja to sistemātiskā stāvokļa noteikšanu. Pat tāds izcils zoologs kā Ž. Kivjē pieskaitīja sprogkājus pie moluskiem. Lamarks uzskatīja sprogkājus par pārejas formu starp tārpiem un moluskiem. Tikai 1830. gadā, kad tika izpētīti sprogkāju kāpuri, kas morfoloģiski ir līdzīgi citiem vēžveidīgo kāpuriem, tika pierādīta sprogkāju piederība pie vēžveidīgajiem.

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Rankpootkreeften ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Rankpootkreeften (Cirripedia) behoren tot de kreeftachtigen. De leden van deze infraklasse zijn lang aangezien voor weekdieren. De lichaamsbouw van de volwassen dieren lijkt op het eerste gezicht totaal niet op die van geleedpotigen. In 1830 heeft men ontdekt dat de rankpootkreeften wel degelijk tot de kreeftachtigen behoren. Hun larvale ontwikkeling is typisch voor die van geleedpotigen. Bij de overgang van larve naar volwassen dier gaan de larven zich vasthechten en/of ingraven. De kreeftachtige ondergaat zulk een grondige metamorfose, dat er nauwelijks nog een overeenkomst te bespeuren is tussen het volwassen dier en de larve. Ze hebben naar verhouding de langst bekende penissen van alle dieren, gemiddeld 7x langer dan hun lichaam.[1]



  • SWG-tabel 19 Rankpotigen (Cirripedia) - H. Boschma, Fr. de Graaf, L.B. Holthuis & J.A.W. Lucas (1961)
  • SWG-tabel 28 Rankpotigen (Crustacea - Cirripedia) - P.H.M. Huwae (1985)
  1. Biology of Barnacles. Museum Victoria (1996) Gearchiveerd op February 17, 2007. Geraadpleegd op April 20, 2012.
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Rankpootkreeften: Brief Summary ( البلجيكية الهولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NL

Rankpootkreeften (Cirripedia) behoren tot de kreeftachtigen. De leden van deze infraklasse zijn lang aangezien voor weekdieren. De lichaamsbouw van de volwassen dieren lijkt op het eerste gezicht totaal niet op die van geleedpotigen. In 1830 heeft men ontdekt dat de rankpootkreeften wel degelijk tot de kreeftachtigen behoren. Hun larvale ontwikkeling is typisch voor die van geleedpotigen. Bij de overgang van larve naar volwassen dier gaan de larven zich vasthechten en/of ingraven. De kreeftachtige ondergaat zulk een grondige metamorfose, dat er nauwelijks nog een overeenkomst te bespeuren is tussen het volwassen dier en de larve. Ze hebben naar verhouding de langst bekende penissen van alle dieren, gemiddeld 7x langer dan hun lichaam.

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Rankeføttinger ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Rankeføttinger eller rankefotinger er en gruppe krepsdyr som omfatter blant annet andeskjellfamilien og rur. De lever i hav, og finnes oftest på grunt vann og i tidevannssonen.

Av såkalte «langhalser» (Penduculata) er den viktigste slekten i nordlige farvann Scalpellum hvorav 7 arter holder til i Norskehavet og/eller langs norskekysten, mens slektene Calantica (Island) og Pollicipes (Kanalen, Biskaya) er observert i Nord-Atlanteren men ikke i norske farvann.[1] Arten Trypetesa lampas er observert i Norskehavet, Nordsjøen, Kattegat, ved De britiske øyer og ned til Middelhavet, mens Weltneria exargilla er observert i Biskayabukta på 1500 meters dyp.[2]

Andre slekter av rur og andre krepsdyr som tidvis henføres til den store gruppen av rankeføttinger, og som lever i nordlige farvann, inkluderer Lepas med 5 arter i Nord-Atlanteren og/eller norske farvann, og videre enkeltarter av slektene Anelasma, Conchoderma, Alepas, Verruca, Chthamalus, Coronula, Xenobalanus, Platylepas, Stomatolepas, Bathylasma, Chirona, Acasta, Elminius, Semibalanus og Pyrgoma. I tillegg finner vi i Atlanteren og nordlige strøk minst 9 arter i rur-slekten Balanus samt minst en art av Solidobalanus og muligens to arter av Megabalanus.[3]

Av gruppen «rotfotinger» (Rhizocephala) finner vi i nordlige farvann slektene Briarosaccus, Peltogaster, Peltogasterella, Galatheascus, Parthenopea, Tortugaster, Trachelosaccus, Cyphosaccus, en rekke arter av Sacculina, og et fåtall arter av Drepanorchis, Lernaeodiscus, Triangulus, Clistosaccus, Sylon, Chtamalophilus, Boschmaella, Duplorbis, og Polysaccus.[4]

Av overorden Facetotecta finnes liknende i nordlige farvann arter av slektene Ascothorax, Isidascus, Synagoga, Ulophysema, minst 7 arter av slekten Dendrogaster, og videre arter av Laura og Baccaleureus.[5]


Taksonomien til Maximillopoda er komplisert og under har vært revisjon ettersom ny innsikt vinnes. Det er generelt omstridt å fin-inndele organismer taksonomisk. En vanlig oppdeling anerkjenner Maxllopoda som en av seks ulike klasser av krepsdyr, der forøvrig storkreps (Malacostraca) er den mest artsrike gruppen - etterfulgt av Maxillopoda. En moderne oppdatering av systematikken gis av Martin og Davis[6], som følgende oversikt følger ned til nivået orden, mens lavere nivåer i enkelte tilfeller følger Catalogue of Life:[7]


  1. ^ Hans G Hansson, NEAT Arkivert 21. juli 2018 hos Wayback Machine. - South Scandinaviaon Marine Crustacea Checklist, Gøteborgs Universitet, februar 1990, revidert 1996. Besøkt oktober 2017.
  2. ^ Hans G Hansson, NEAT Arkivert 21. juli 2018 hos Wayback Machine. - South Scandinaviaon Marine Crustacea Checklist, Gøteborgs Universitet, februar 1990, revidert 1996. Besøkt oktober 2017.
  3. ^ Hans G Hansson, NEAT Arkivert 21. juli 2018 hos Wayback Machine. - South Scandinaviaon Marine Crustacea Checklist, Gøteborgs Universitet, februar 1990, revidert 1996. Besøkt oktober 2017.
  4. ^ Hans G Hansson, NEAT Arkivert 21. juli 2018 hos Wayback Machine. - South Scandinaviaon Marine Crustacea Checklist, Gøteborgs Universitet, februar 1990, revidert 1996. Besøkt oktober 2017.
  5. ^ Hans G Hansson, NEAT Arkivert 21. juli 2018 hos Wayback Machine. - South Scandinaviaon Marine Crustacea Checklist, Gøteborgs Universitet, februar 1990, revidert 1996. Besøkt oktober 2017.
  6. ^ Dais, George E., Martin, Joel W.: An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 2001, side 1-132
  7. ^ Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.): «Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist» - Species 2000. Reading, Storbritannia.

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Rankeføttinger: Brief Summary ( النرويجية )

المقدمة من wikipedia NO

Rankeføttinger eller rankefotinger er en gruppe krepsdyr som omfatter blant annet andeskjellfamilien og rur. De lever i hav, og finnes oftest på grunt vann og i tidevannssonen.

Av såkalte «langhalser» (Penduculata) er den viktigste slekten i nordlige farvann Scalpellum hvorav 7 arter holder til i Norskehavet og/eller langs norskekysten, mens slektene Calantica (Island) og Pollicipes (Kanalen, Biskaya) er observert i Nord-Atlanteren men ikke i norske farvann. Arten Trypetesa lampas er observert i Norskehavet, Nordsjøen, Kattegat, ved De britiske øyer og ned til Middelhavet, mens Weltneria exargilla er observert i Biskayabukta på 1500 meters dyp.

Andre slekter av rur og andre krepsdyr som tidvis henføres til den store gruppen av rankeføttinger, og som lever i nordlige farvann, inkluderer Lepas med 5 arter i Nord-Atlanteren og/eller norske farvann, og videre enkeltarter av slektene Anelasma, Conchoderma, Alepas, Verruca, Chthamalus, Coronula, Xenobalanus, Platylepas, Stomatolepas, Bathylasma, Chirona, Acasta, Elminius, Semibalanus og Pyrgoma. I tillegg finner vi i Atlanteren og nordlige strøk minst 9 arter i rur-slekten Balanus samt minst en art av Solidobalanus og muligens to arter av Megabalanus.

Av gruppen «rotfotinger» (Rhizocephala) finner vi i nordlige farvann slektene Briarosaccus, Peltogaster, Peltogasterella, Galatheascus, Parthenopea, Tortugaster, Trachelosaccus, Cyphosaccus, en rekke arter av Sacculina, og et fåtall arter av Drepanorchis, Lernaeodiscus, Triangulus, Clistosaccus, Sylon, Chtamalophilus, Boschmaella, Duplorbis, og Polysaccus.

Av overorden Facetotecta finnes liknende i nordlige farvann arter av slektene Ascothorax, Isidascus, Synagoga, Ulophysema, minst 7 arter av slekten Dendrogaster, og videre arter av Laura og Baccaleureus.

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Wąsonogi ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL
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Wąsonogi (Cirripedia) – gromada[2][3][4], podgromada[5] lub infragromada[6][7] skorupiaków wyłącznie morskich. Jedyna grupa, która obejmuje stawonogi osiadłe. Zamieszkują przeważnie płytkie, przybrzeżne wody, osiadając na obiektach podwodnych, skałach, koralowcach, muszlach mięczaków, pancerzach skorupiaków, na portowych urządzeniach, czy zanurzonych w wodzie częściach statków. Wiele z nich odbywa wędrówki, przyczepione do ciała żółwi morskich czy rekinów. Większość z nich występuje masowo, a 400-2500 osobników na 1 m2 nie należy do rzadkości. Niektóre gatunki wiercą w szkieletach koralowców i muszlach mięczaków, szukając schronienia. Wiele wąsonogów jest pasożytami skorupiaków i wyższych osłonic. Niektóre żyją w komensalizmie z rybami (najczęściej żarłaczami) lub wielorybami. Obejmują ok. 1000 bardzo wyspecjalizowanych gatunków[3].

Przeciętna długość postaci dojrzałych wynosi 3-4 cm, wyjątkowo do 80 cm (u osiadłych). Ciało silnie zmodyfikowane w zależności od trybu życia, szczególnie formy osiadłe i pasożyty odbiegają budową od typowych skorupiaków[3].

Wąsonogi posiadają bardzo długie penisy osiągające 15 cm długości - jest to największy znany stosunek długości penisa do długości ciała wśród organizmów żywych[8].


Zakres podtaksonów jaki obejmuje takson wąsonogów, jego ranga oraz pozycja systematyczna w obrębie skorupiaków są różne u poszczególnych autorów. W podręcznikach Jury (2005)[3], Boroń i Szlachciak (2013)[2] oraz Błaszaka (2011)[4] nadaje się wąsonogom rangę gromady i włącza do nich workowce (u Jury i Błaszaka)[4][3] i Facetotecta (u Błaszaka[4]) w randze rzędów. Newman w 1992 nadał wąsonogom rangę podgromady w obrębie Maxillopoda i nie zaliczał do nich workowców, traktując je jako osobną podgromadę[5].

W systemach Martina i Daviesa z 2001 oraz Ahyonga i innych z 2011 wąsonogi mają rangę infragromady w obrębie podgromady Thecostraca, należącej do gromady Maxillopoda. Nie obejmują one workowców i Facetotecta, które mają rangi osobnych infragromad w obrębie Thecostraca[7][6] (Thecostraca w tych systemach odpowiadają więc wąsonogom z podręcznika Błaszaka[6][4]).

Analiza filogenetyczna Oakleya i innych z 2013 roku wskazuje na polifiletyzm Maxillopoda. Według jej wyników należy wąsonogi wraz z widłonogami i pancerzowcami umieszczać w kladzie Multicrustacea (w bazie WoRMS z rangą nadgromady[9]). Analiza ta wskazuje na tworzenie przez wąsonogi i widłonogi kladu Hexanauplia, jednak nie badano w niej przedstawicieli workowców ani Facetotecta, stąd nie wiadomo czy relacja siostrzana z widłonogami dotyczy całych Thecostraca[10].

Podział wąsonogów w pracy Ahyonga i innych z 2011[6] oraz w bazie WoRMS w 2016 przedstawia się następująco[9]:

Grabowski w Błaszaku (2011) definiuje wąsonogi szerzej i stosuje podział na pięć rzędów: Factoteca, workowce, ostrowce, toraczkowce i rozłogowce[4].


  1. Cirripedia, w: Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ang.).
  2. a b Karol Komosińsk: Podtyp: skorupiaki (skrzelodyszne) Crustacea (Branchiata). W: Alicja Boroń, Jolanta Szlachciak: Różnorodność i taksonomia zwierząt Tom 1. Charakterystyka i systematyka zwierząt. Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie, 2013.
  3. a b c d e Czesław Jura: Bezkręgowce : podstawy morfologii funkcjonalnej, systematyki i filogenezy. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2005, s. 450-456.
  4. a b c d e f Michał Grabowski: Gromada: wąsonogi — Cirripedia. W: Zoologia: Stawonogi. Szczękoczułkopodobne, skorupiaki. T. 2, cz. 1.. Czesław Błaszak (red. nauk.). Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, 2011. ISBN 978-83-01-16568-0.
  5. a b William Anderson Newman. Origin of Maxillopoda. „Acta Zoologica”. 73, s. 271–392, 1992.
  6. a b c d Shane T.S.T. Ahyong Shane T.S.T. i inni, Subphylum Crustacea Brünnich, 1772 [w:] Z.-Q.Z.Q. Zhang (red.), Animal biodiversity: An outline of higher-level classification and survey of taxonomic richness, „Zootaxa”, 3148, grudzień 2011, s. 165–191 .???
  7. a b Joel W. Martin, George E. Davis: An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 2001. [dostęp 2016-04-03].
  8. Barnacle general biology
  9. a b Cirripedia. W: World Register of Marine Species [on-line]. [dostęp 2016-04-03].
  10. Todd H. Oakley, Joanna M. Wolfe, Annie R. Lindgren, Alexander K. Zaharoff. Phylotranscriptomics to Bring the Understudied into the Fold: Monophyletic Ostracoda, Fossil Placement, and Pancrustacean Phylogeny. „Mol. Biol. Evol.”. 30 (1), s. 215-233, 2013. DOI: 10.1093/molbev/mss216.
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Wąsonogi: Brief Summary ( البولندية )

المقدمة من wikipedia POL

Wąsonogi (Cirripedia) – gromada, podgromada lub infragromada skorupiaków wyłącznie morskich. Jedyna grupa, która obejmuje stawonogi osiadłe. Zamieszkują przeważnie płytkie, przybrzeżne wody, osiadając na obiektach podwodnych, skałach, koralowcach, muszlach mięczaków, pancerzach skorupiaków, na portowych urządzeniach, czy zanurzonych w wodzie częściach statków. Wiele z nich odbywa wędrówki, przyczepione do ciała żółwi morskich czy rekinów. Większość z nich występuje masowo, a 400-2500 osobników na 1 m2 nie należy do rzadkości. Niektóre gatunki wiercą w szkieletach koralowców i muszlach mięczaków, szukając schronienia. Wiele wąsonogów jest pasożytami skorupiaków i wyższych osłonic. Niektóre żyją w komensalizmie z rybami (najczęściej żarłaczami) lub wielorybami. Obejmują ok. 1000 bardzo wyspecjalizowanych gatunków.

Przeciętna długość postaci dojrzałych wynosi 3-4 cm, wyjątkowo do 80 cm (u osiadłych). Ciało silnie zmodyfikowane w zależności od trybu życia, szczególnie formy osiadłe i pasożyty odbiegają budową od typowych skorupiaków.

Wąsonogi posiadają bardzo długie penisy osiągające 15 cm długości - jest to największy znany stosunek długości penisa do długości ciała wśród organizmów żywych.

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Cirripedia ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Cirripedia (os cirrípedes)[1] é uma infraclasse dentro da classe Maxillopoda de crustáceos marinhos, com cerca de 1220 espécies, que inclui as cracas e percebes. O grupo é por vezes considerado uma classe separada da Maxillopoda. O primeiro cientista a estudar os cirrípedes em detalhe foi Charles Darwin. Os cirrípedes são organismos sésseis que vivem fixos a um substrato, em geral em zonas entre-marés.[2]

Os cirrípedes têm um desenvolvimento em três estágios. Na primeira fase larval fazem parte do plâncton e vivem à deriva nas correntes oceânicas. No segundo estádio larvar, os cirrípedes procuram um substrato adequado à fixação e em condições de vida. Uma vez encontrado o local ideal, estas larvas desenvolvem-se para o adulto, que se fixa ao substrato directamente por cimentação ou através de um pedúnculo carnoso. Normalmente, o substrato escolhido é rochoso, mas também pode ser o fundo de um barco, outros animais, como baleias ou mesmo outros crustáceos, no caso dos rizocéfalos. O organismo adulto vive protegido por placas calcárias e alimenta-se por filtração.

Algumas espécies de cirrípedes, como os percebes, são consideradas especialidades gastronómicas.

Percebes sobre uma concha de Nautilus


  1. «Cirrípede». Michaelis On-Line. Consultado em 5 de agosto de 2017
  2. «Cirripedia» (em inglês). ITIS (www.itis.gov)
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Cirripedia: Brief Summary ( البرتغالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia PT

Cirripedia (os cirrípedes) é uma infraclasse dentro da classe Maxillopoda de crustáceos marinhos, com cerca de 1220 espécies, que inclui as cracas e percebes. O grupo é por vezes considerado uma classe separada da Maxillopoda. O primeiro cientista a estudar os cirrípedes em detalhe foi Charles Darwin. Os cirrípedes são organismos sésseis que vivem fixos a um substrato, em geral em zonas entre-marés.

Os cirrípedes têm um desenvolvimento em três estágios. Na primeira fase larval fazem parte do plâncton e vivem à deriva nas correntes oceânicas. No segundo estádio larvar, os cirrípedes procuram um substrato adequado à fixação e em condições de vida. Uma vez encontrado o local ideal, estas larvas desenvolvem-se para o adulto, que se fixa ao substrato directamente por cimentação ou através de um pedúnculo carnoso. Normalmente, o substrato escolhido é rochoso, mas também pode ser o fundo de um barco, outros animais, como baleias ou mesmo outros crustáceos, no caso dos rizocéfalos. O organismo adulto vive protegido por placas calcárias e alimenta-se por filtração.

Algumas espécies de cirrípedes, como os percebes, são consideradas especialidades gastronómicas.

 src= Percebes sobre uma concha de Nautilus
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Fúzonôžky ( السلوفاكية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SK
Fúzonôžky čeľade Balanidae

Fúzonôžky (lat. Cirripedia) sú výlučne morské kôrovce, ktoré môžu byť na „stopke“ bez „stopky“ alebo parazitické. Ich telo obklopuje schránka tvorená vápenitými platničkami, na hrudi majú 6 párov nôžok. Väčšinou sú hermafroditické, u niektorých druhov je pohlavie oddelené. Fúzonôžky sa môžu prichytávať na spodok lodí v takých obrovských množstvách, že znížia ich rýchlosť až o jednu tretinu.

Stavba ich tela je pozmenená v dôsledku trvalého prisadnutia a zriedka aj parazitizmu. Pohyblivé je len štádium nauplia – už metanauplius prisadá chrbtovou stranou hlavy k podkladu a po bokoch tela sa mu začínajú tvoriť chitínové štíty, ktoré sú čoskoro silne inkrustované CaCO3. Schránka je v dospelosti spojená s vodou len hlavným otvorom a niekoľkými bočnými štrbinami. Kôrovec vnútri má potlačenú segmentáciu, tráviaca rúra je prehnutá do tvaru U. Tykadlá i hrudné končatiny (6 párov) sú rovnako vyvinuté, druhotne mnohočlánkové, fúzovité, a slúžia na priháňanie potravy k ústam. Exkrečným orgánom je pár maxillárnych nefrídií. Žiabre sú vyvinuté zriedka, dýchaniu napomáha veľký povrch fúzovitých dvojvetvových končatín. Oči sú rudimentálne, tvorí ich jediná zraková bunka, larválne štádiá však majú zrak o niečo lepší. Fúzonôžky sú hermafrodity, čo je medzi kôrovcami výnimka. Vývin je anaméria, končiaca degradačnou premenou na prisadnutého živočícha.

V moriach, obyčajne na plytčinách, žije viac druhov – niektoré (druhy z rodu Lepas) prisadajú pomocou stopky, iné stopku nemajú (Balanus spp.). Niektoré vydržia počas odlivu aj niekoľko hodín na vzduchu – štítky sa pevne uzavrú a malé množstvo vody vnútri stačí na to, aby nezahynuli. Niektoré druhy prisadajú na telá morských živočíchov (napr. na korytnačky, veľryby a i.), iné druhy sú hlbokomorské. Zaujímavosťou sú parazitické formy – napr. Sacculina carcini je endoparazitom krabov. Má rúrkovité rozvetvené telo, veľmi pozmenené. Fúzonôžky sú starobylá skupina kôrovcov: fosílie prisadnutých druhov sú známe už z jury (150 až 180 mil. rokov), a sú recentným druhom veľmi blízke.

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Vitičnjaki ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

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Thoracica (polipasti vitičnjaki)
Rhizocephala (korenoglavci)


Thyrostraca, Cirrhopoda, Cirrhipoda, Cirrhipedia

Vitičnjaki (znanstveno ime Cirripedia) so skupina morskih rakov, ki jo klasificiramo na nivoju nižjega razreda, vanjo pa uvrščamo okrog 1200 danes živečih opisanih vrst. Z izjemo nekaterih zajedavskih vrst živijo vsi predstavniki pritrjeno (sesilno) in imajo napram drugim rakom zelo spremenjeno telesno zgradbo.

Telesna zgradba

Pecljati vitičnjaki z iztegnjenimi nožicami

Odrasli pritrjeni vitičnjaki so prilepljeni na podlago z izločkom t. i. cementne žleze, ki se nahaja blizu baze prvega para tipalnic. Zunanja lupina oz. plašč obdaja celotno telo in tekom razvoja jo prerastejo apnenčaste plošče. Plaščeva odprtina je obrnjena navzgor, skoznjo žival iztegne svoje dolge oprsne okončine, s katerimi filtrira vodo. Prostoživeče vitičnjake delimo v dve skupini, tiste s pecljem in tiste brez njega. Večinoma so veliki do nekaj centimetrov, največji pa predvsem na račun peclja dosežejo tudi do 75 cm v dolžino.

Pri pecljatih vitičnjakih je telo dvignjeno od podlage na mišičastem peclju (pedunklu), ki je preobražen glavin del telesa pred usti. V peclju so cementna žleza in ostanki prvega para tipalnic. Preostanek telesa je obdan s plaščem, ki ga prekrivata dva para apnenčastih plošč. Žival lahko njegov zadnji rob stisne skupaj ali razpre in skozenj iztegne noge. Nepecljati vitičnjaki so pritrjeni neposredno ob spodnjem robu plašča, pri čemer je lahko rob bodisi apnenčast, bodisi membranast. Plaščeve plošče obdajajo telo kot navpična stena in so lahko povezane med seboj samo z mišičnim tkivom ali tudi z zobci oz. so pri nekaterih vitičnjakih celo deloma zraščene. Odprtino prekrivata premični razporni plošči, s katerima jo lahko žival zapre.

Telo je znotraj plašča ukrivljeno s hrbtom navzdol, tako da noge štrlijo navzgor proti odprtini plašča. Navadno imajo šest parov nog, ki so dolge, dvovejnate in poraščene z množico dolgih ščetin, žival z njimi filtrira vodo. Imenujemo jih ciri, iz česar izvira znanstveno ime taksona. Členjenost telesa je zabrisana. Obustne okončine so lahko preobražene na različne načine, hrano drobijo z drgnjenjem ob trdno kutikulo sprednjega črevesa. Prebava poteka v slepih izrastkih srednjega črevesa, v katerega se odpira parna pankreatična žleza. Srca in žil nimajo, vlogo poganjanja krvi po telesu ima mišičasta telesna votlina blizu ust. Tudi škrge manjkajo, izmenjava plinov poteka v glavnem preko nog in plaščeve votline.

Vitičnjaki z zajedavskim načinom življenja imajo v splošnem enostavnejšo telesno zgradbo brez oklepa in okončin. Prehranjujejo se tako, da se vrastejo v škrge gostitelja s pomočjo nitastih, koreninam podobnih struktur iz nediferenciranih celic.

Razmnoževanje in razvoj

Cipris vitičnjaka

Pravkar izleglo ličinko imenujemo navplij. Ta prosto plava kot plankton, po petih levitvah pa se preobrazi v naslednji stadij ličinke, imenovan cipris (po istoimenskem rodu rakov dvoklopnikov, ki jim je zelo podobna) in poišče primerno mesto za pritrditev. Potem se pritrdi s pomočjo cementnih žlez, skelet pa ji preraste apnenčasta obloga. Po preobrazbi v odraslo žival rastejo z večanjem apnenčastih plošč ob robovih. Teh plošč ne odvržejo ob levitvi, odvržejo le zunanji skelet.

Kamrica za potomce (sacculina externa) zajedavskega vitičnjaka na zadku rakovice

Spolno razmnoževanje je zaradi pritrjenega načina življenja težavno. Večinoma so hermafroditi, le zajedavski vitičnjaki imajo ločena spola. Jajčeca se razvijejo v jajčni vrečki v plaščevi votlini osebkom, ki jih označujemo za »funkcionalne samice«. Penis »funkcionalnih samcev« je izredno iztegljiv in je po razmerju z velikostjo telesa verjetno najdaljši v živalskem kraljestvu.[1] Z njim žival seže do plaščeve votline funkcionalne samice v svoji bližini in vanjo odloži paket semenčic, ki nato predrejo jajčno vrečko in oplodijo jajčeca. Osamljeni osebki se ne morejo pariti in poginejo brez potomcev. Pri nekaterih vrstah so samci zelo majhni in z zakrnelo telesno zgradbo. Tak samec živi zajedavsko znotraj polno razvitega osebka in ga, ko oba odrasteta, oplodi.

Pri zajedavskih predstavnikih je razmnoževanje nekoliko drugačno. Predstavniki, ki zajedajo na rakih deseteronožcih, delujejo na svojega gostitelja tudi tako, da zavrejo razvoj njegovih gonad (ga kastrirajo). Samice razvijejo zunanjo kamrico za potomce, ki spominja na maso jajčec samice gostitelja. Cypris moškega spola se pritrdi na to kamrico in izloči maso dediferenciranih celic, ki se v kamrici ponovno diferencirajo v testis. Ta izloča semenčice in oplodi jajčeca.

Najbolj dolgožive vrste živijo do 10 let, ta doba je močno odvisna od pogojev v okolju.

Evolucija in klasifikacija

Miocenski Megabalanus

Najstarejše znane fosilne ostanke vitičnjakov datirajo v sredino kambrija, pred približno 500 do 510 milijoni let.[2], pogosteje pa se v fosilnem zapisu pojavljajo šele zadnjih 20 milijonov let, od neogena.[3] Slabo ohranjenost kljub trdnemu skeletu pripisujejo dejstvu, da živijo v skalnatem priobalnem svetu, zelo izpostavljenem eroziji. Odmrle živali tako zmeljejo valovi preden bi se utegnili fosilizirati. Stopnja poškodovanosti fosilov je uporabna mera za določanje globine morja v geološki preteklosti. Ob predpostavki da živijo v ozkem pasu globine in da je njihove ostanke poškodovalo ob izpiranju v večje globine, lahko paleontologi iz stanja odkritih fosilov sklepajo o globini vode v času, ko se je fosilizacija zgodila.[3]

Po sodobni klasifikaciji obravnavamo vitičnjake kot nižji red znotraj skupine Thecostraca.[4] Nekateri avtorji obravnavajo vitičnjake kot razred ali podrazred, spodaj navedeni redovi pa se včasih obravnavajo kot nadredovi.

Semibalanus balanoides (Thoracica: Sessilia) med prehranjevanjem

Nižji razred Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834

Za Jadran je znanih okrog 20 vrst vitičnjakov. Večina sodi med polipaste vitičnjake. Loparji (podred Lepadomorpha) imajo pecelj, želodki (Balanomorpha) in verukomorfi (Verrucomorpha) pa so stožčasti in pritrjeni neposredno na podlago. V slovenskem delu Jadrana so našli tudi eno vrsto zajedavskega vitičnjaka, rakovičjo vrečico (Sacculina carcini), ki je pogosta v Evropi.


  • Ruppert E.E. & Barnes R.D. (1994). Invertebrate Zoology (6th Edition). Saunders College Publishing. ISBN 0030266688 (COBISS)
  • Sket B. s sod (ur.) (2003). Živalstvo Slovenije. Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana. str. 664. COBISS 123099392. ISBN 86-365-0410-4.
  1. "Biology of Barnacles". Museum Victoria. 1996.
  2. B. A. Foster & J. S. Buckeridge (1987). "Barnacle palaeontology". V A. J. Southward. Crustacean Issues 5: Barnacle Biology. str. 41–63. ISBN 90-6191-628-3.
  3. 3,0 3,1 Doyle P. s sod. (1997). "Miocene barnacle assemblages from southern Spain and their palaeoenvironmental significance". Lethaia 29: 267–274. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1996.tb01659.x.
  4. Joel W. Martin & George E. Davis (2001). An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea (PDF). Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County.

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wikipedia SL

Vitičnjaki: Brief Summary ( الإسبانية، القشتالية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SL

Vitičnjaki (znanstveno ime Cirripedia) so skupina morskih rakov, ki jo klasificiramo na nivoju nižjega razreda, vanjo pa uvrščamo okrog 1200 danes živečih opisanih vrst. Z izjemo nekaterih zajedavskih vrst živijo vsi predstavniki pritrjeno (sesilno) in imajo napram drugim rakom zelo spremenjeno telesno zgradbo.

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Rankfotingar ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Rankfotingar (Cirripedia), är en infraklass inom klassen Maxillopoda bland kräftdjuren. De mest kända rankfotingarna är havstulpaner och långhalsar, men det finns även parasitiska arter. Gruppen innehåller 1480 arter totalt.[1]

Byggnad och fortplantning

Rankfotingarnas thorax har ursprungligen sex benpar, medan abdomen är reducerad. Benparen (klyvfötterna) är ombildade till så kallade cirri, långa borstförsedda extremiteter som är krökta som en hårlock. De bildar en korg som används för att filtrera födan, men är oanvändbara för förflyttning och saknas helt hos parasitiska former. Kroppen omsluts av en tvåklaffig carapax eller mantel. Många fastsittande former bildar förkalkade plattor i denna.[a]

Ur ägget kläcks en naupliuslarv som ofta stannar en tid inom moderns carapax. Den utvecklas sedan till en metanauplius och därefter till en cyprislarv. Cyprislarven har vissa likheter med en musselkräfta och har fått sitt namn efter musselkräftsläktet Cypris. Cyprislarven uppsöker lämpligt underlag resp. värddjur och sätter sig fast.


Inom klassen Maxillopoda räknas cirripederna och några mindre grupper till underklassen Thecostraca. Cirripedia indelas i tre överordningar:

  • Thoracica med havstulpaner och långhalsar. Thoracica indelas traditionellt i Sessilia, havstulpaner, och Pedunculata, långhalsar[4]. Inom viss modern systematik accepteras dock inte Pedunculata, utan Thoracica indelas i fem ordningar: fyra långhalsordningar samt ordningen Sessilia med havstulpanerna.[5]
  • Acrothoracica, en liten grupp med 82 arter. Det är små djur (några mm) som borrar i kalkmaterial såsom skal av mollusker, koraller eller stenar. De använder sina cirri, som skjuter ut ur borrhålet, till att samla in detritus som föda. På Sveriges västkust förekommer Trypetesa lampas,[6] ett cirka 5 mm stort djur som borrar i snäckskal (av t.ex. valthornssnäcka) som bebos av eremitkräftor. Arten har reducerade cirri. Den har gått tillbaka betydligt sedan 1970-talet.

Charles Darwin gjorde omfattande undersökningar av gruppen Cirripedia, som publicerades 1851 och 1854.[7] Darwin valde detta projekt på förslag av sin vän J. D. Hooker för att grundligt förstå åtminstone en mindre grupp innan han publicerade den mer generella teorin om evolution genom naturligt urval.


  1. ^ Innehållet i avsnittet hämtades 10 november 2012[2] från motsvarande artikel på tyskspråkiga Wikipedia.[3]


  1. ^ Cirripedia i WoRMS, World Register of Marine Species
  2. ^ "Rankfotingar". sv.wikipedia.org. 2012-11-10.
  3. ^ "Rankenfußkrebse". de.wikipedia.org. 2012-11-02. (tyska)
  4. ^ Thoracica i ITIS
  5. ^ Thoracica i WoRMS, World Register of Marine Species
  6. ^ Artdatabanken, SLU. ”Trypetesa lampas”. artfakta.artdatabanken.se. http://artfakta.artdatabanken.se/taxon/244694. Läst 13 februari 2018.
  7. ^ Richmond, Marsha (1 januari 2007). ”Darwin's Study of the Cirripedia”. Darwin Online. http://darwin-online.org.uk/EditorialIntroductions/Richmond_cirripedia.html.

Vidare läsning

  • Hickman, C. Integrated Principles of Zoology. McGraw-Hill, 15 ed., 2010.
  • Hanström, B. (red.) Djurens värld, band 2, Förlagshuset Norden, Malmö, 1964.
  • Dahl, E. Evertebratzoologi. Almqvist & Wiksell , Stockholm, 1972.
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Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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wikipedia SV

Rankfotingar: Brief Summary ( السويدية )

المقدمة من wikipedia SV

Rankfotingar (Cirripedia), är en infraklass inom klassen Maxillopoda bland kräftdjuren. De mest kända rankfotingarna är havstulpaner och långhalsar, men det finns även parasitiska arter. Gruppen innehåller 1480 arter totalt.

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Wikipedia författare och redaktörer
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Вусоногі ( الأوكرانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia UK


Характеризуються в першу чергу тонкими, схожими на вусики, кінцівками. Характерною ознакою їх є вапнякова черепашка висотою до 40 см, в якій сховано тіло тварин у дорослому стані. Їх личинка має три пари кінцівок і одне лобове око. Спочатку вона веде вільний спосіб життя, але потім прикріплюється до одного місця (наприклад, скелях), і в неї утворюється черепашка.

Вусоногі в більшості випадків гермафродити. Тільки у двох родів існує поділ на статі, але й тоді самці карликові, і ведуть на самках паразитичний спосіб життя.

Спосіб життя

Всі вусоногі живуть в морі і поширені по всій Землі, так як часто прикріплюються до кораблів або швидко плаваючих тварин. Є справжньою «карою» морської сейсморозвідки — особливо в тропічних морях. Прикріплюються до сейсмічних кіс і навісного устаткування, порушують балансування, створюють шуми. Будучи морськими тваринами, вусоногі раки можуть подовгу залишатися поза водою, щільно закриваючи свою черепашку. Тому деяких вусоногих є можливість зустріти прикріпленими на таких місцях біля берега, куди вода потрапляє нечасто.

Живляться вусоногі інфузоріями, Радіоляріями і найдрібнішими личинками.


Інфраклас включає близько 1220 відомих видів[1].


  1. Martin Walters & Jinny Johnson (2007). The World of Animals. Bath, Somerset: Parragon]. ISBN 1-4054-9926-5.


  • Полтаруха О. П. Атлас-оперделитель усоногих раков (Cirripedia Thoracica) надсемейства Chthamaloidea Мирового океана — Товариство наук. вид. КМК, 2006. — 197 с.
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( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Hà (định hướng).

hay hà biển là một loại động vật chân khớp đặc biệt (do chân đã tiêu biến) thuộc cận lớp Cirripedia trong phân ngành Giáp xác, và do đó có họ hàng với cuatôm hùm. Hà chỉ sống ở vùng nước mặn, thường là vùng nước nông và thủy triều. Hà là loài sống bám trên các vách đá, không di chuyển trong suốt cuộc đời. Hiện nay người ta đã biết tên khoảng 1.220 loài hà. Đây là loài hải sản có giá trị kinh tế cao nhưng khó khai thác và gây nhiều tác hại với ngành hàng hải.

Hình thức

Khi nhìn trên vỏ tàu sắt, vách đá, đê chắn sóng, chân cầu tàu ta dễ dàng thấy những lớp xác vỏ cứng là do vô số hà biển tạo thành. Hình dạng đặc trưng của chúng là một lớp vỏ cứng bên ngoài, có một lỗ hở nhỏ, hình giống như những núi lửa tí hon. Nó có thể bám vào bề mặt của bất cứ thứ gì bắt gặp trên biển, thậm chí có thể an cư cả đời trên vỏ một con , cua bể hay da cá voi.

Vòng đời

Hà có hai giai đoạn ấu trùng riêng biệt, nauplius và cyprid, trước khi phát triển thành một con hà trưởng thành.


Ấu trùng Nauplius của loài Elminius Modestus

Một trứng đã thụ tinh nở thành một nauplius: ấu trùng có một mắt một đầu và một râu, không có ngực hoặc bụng. Trải qua 6 tháng phát triển, sau năm lần lột xác nó chuẩn bị chuyển vào giai đoạn cyprid. Ấu trùng ban đầu bám lấy bố mẹ, và rời ra sau khi rụng lông lần đầu tiên và trở thành ấu trùng bơi tự do với lông cứng.[1]


Ấu trùng cyprid là giai đoạn cuối trước khi trưởng thành. Đây là giai đoạn ấu trùng không ăn mà tập trung tìm một nơi thích hợp để bám vĩnh viễn khi trưởng thành. Giai đoạn cyprid kéo dài từ ngày đến vài tuần. Nó khám phá các bề mặt có tiềm năng với đôi râu đã tiến hóa, một khi nó đã tìm thấy một vị trí có khả năng phù hợp, nó gắn cái râu thứ nhất lên bề mặt bằng một chất keo là glycoproteinous. Ấu trùng bắt đầu đánh giá dựa trên kết cấu của bề mặt, thành phần hóa học, độ ẩm tương đối, màu sắc và thành phần màng sinh học bề mặt; chúng thường đính kèm gần các con hà khác. Khi ấu trùng cạn kiệt năng lượng dự trữ nó trở nên ít kén chọn hơn và bắt đầu bám cứng bản thân vĩnh viễn với lớp nền là hợp chất proteinacous và sau đó trải qua biến thái thành một con hà "vị thành niên".[2]

Trưởng thành

Hà điển hình phát triển sáu tấm đá vôi cứng bao vây và bảo vệ cơ thể. Trong suốt phần còn lại của cuộc đời, hà được gắn với mặt đất, khi đó những bộ phận duy nhất di chuyển được là 6 đôi xúc tu hay chân lông (cirri) để bắt các sinh vật phù du. Sau nhiều lần biến thái hơn và đạt đến dạng trưởng thành, hà sẽ tiếp tục phát triển bằng cách thêm nguyên liệu mới cho những tấm vôi hóa nặng nề của nó. Những tấm đá vôi này không rụng đi, tuy nhiên, giống như tất cả ecdysozoans (động vật chân khớp nguyên thủy), con hà sẽ vẫn thay lông lớp biểu bì của nó.[3]

Sinh sản

Hà là loài lưỡng tính tuy nhiên cũng có nhiều cá thể chỉ có một giới tính. Buồng trứng được nằm trong vỏ hoặc dưới đế bám và có thể nằm sâu dưới bề mặt bám, tinh hoàn thì nằm cao hơn, ngay sát bề mặt lỗ hở. Những cá thể lưỡng tính cũng tiếp nhận tinh trùng như hà cái. Mặc dù về mặt lý thuyết tự thụ tinh có thể xảy ra nhưng đã được thực nghiệm chứng minh là hiếm xảy ra với hà.[4][5]

Lối sống bám cố định của hà làm cho sinh sản hữu tính trở nên khó khăn, không như các sinh vật khác hà không thể để lại vỏ để giao phối. Để tạo điều kiện chuyển gen giữa các cá nhân bị cô lập, hà có dương vật cực kỳ dài. Hà có lẽ có dương vật lớn nhất trong thế giới động vật nếu tính theo tỷ lệ với kích thước cơ thể.[4]

Hà cũng có thể sinh sản thông qua một phương pháp gọi là spermcasting (phóng tinh trùng), trong đó hà đực giải phóng tinh trùng của mình vào trong nước và hà cái tự đón lấy thụ tinh cho trứng của mình.[6]

Phân loại

Loài hà Balanus improvisus bám trên một vỏ trai, một trong nhiều loài hà được phân loại bởi Darwin

Phần ruột của con hà trông không khác gì bên trong con hàu - một động vật thân mềm. Các nhà khoa học cũng đã nhầm lẫn trong một thời gian dài và ngay đến bây giờ nhiều người vẫn cho rằng hà và hàu có họ hàng với nhau. Thật khó tin là con vật không biết bơi này có họ với tôm và cua. Hà ban đầu được Carl LinnaeusGeorges Cuvier phân loại là thân mềm, nhưng vào năm 1830 John Vaughan Thompson đã xuất bản các quan sát cho thấy sự biến thái của ấu trùng nauplius và cypris thành hà lớn và chứng minh những ấu trùng này cũng giống hệt như của động vật giáp xác. Năm 1834 Hermann Burmeister công bố thêm thông tin và khẳng định lại những phát hiện này. Kết quả là người ta đã chuyển hà từ ngành thân mềm sang nhóm Articulata Hypothesis (bao gồm ngành Chân khớp). Sự việc này đã cho thấy các nhà tự nhiên học cần phải nghiên cứu chi tiết để đánh giá lại các nguyên tắc phân loại của họ.[7]

Charles Darwin đã nêu lại vấn đề này vào năm 1846 và phát triển quan điểm của ông vào một nghiên cứu lớn được công bố dưới dạng một loạt các chuyên khảo trong năm 1851 và năm 1854.[7] Darwin đã tiến hành nghiên cứu này theo đề nghị của người bạn Joseph Dalton Hooker, mục đích là triệt để hiểu ít nhất một loài trước khi đưa ra khái quát cần thiết cho lý thuyết của ông về sự tiến hóa của chọn lọc tự nhiên.[8]

Trong đời sống con người

Đằng hồ là một loại hà có giá trị thực phẩm cao ở châu Âu

Hà là một loại thực phẩm ngon và giàu dinh dưỡng. Ở Việt Nam chỉ vùng biển Quảng NinhHải Phòng có loài hải sản này, nên trở thành một đặc sản của Hạ Long. Hà bắt buộc phải khai thác tự nhiên vì không nuôi cấy nhân tạo được. Việc khai thác hà ở Việt Nam cũng như tại châu Âu là công việc khó khăn nguy hiểm vì vỏ hà rất sắc nhọn và thường bám ở những vách đá cheo leo.

Hà ngỗng (Goose barnacle - ở Việt Nam gọi là đằng hồ) là một món ăn cao cấp ở các nước Địa Trung Hải như Ý, Tây Ban NhaBồ Đào Nha.[9] Sự tương đồng giữa hình dáng loại hà này với cổ của một loài ngỗng (Branta leucopsis tiếng Anh là Barnacle Goose) đã khiến người cổ đại liên tưởng đến những con ngỗng, hoặc ít nhất là các loài vịt trời đã tiến hóa từ con hà này. Thật vậy, từ "hà" (barnacle) ban đầu được dùng để gọi một loài ngỗng trời hay làm tổ trên các vách đá dựng đứng mà trứng và con non ít khi được nhìn thấy do nó sống ở Bắc Cực xa xôi.[10]

Hà (Austromegabalanus psittacus) cũng được sử dụng trong ẩm thực Chile và là một trong những thành phần của món curanto.

Tập tính bám vào bề mặt vật rắn của hà, đặc biệt là hàng vạn con cùng bám một lúc gây ra rất nhiều thiệt hại về kinh tế cho con người. Một chiếc tàu bị hà bám kín thân thì tốc độ sẽ giảm đi 50%. Hà bám vào bề mặt kim loại thường tiết ra chất kết đính cực kỳ bền chặt mà chỉ có cách cạo hết vỏ kim loại đi mới loại bỏ được hà. Chất dính này làm hỏng lớp sơn bảo vệ bề mặt kim loại gây ra ăn mòn (ăn mòn biển) và rỉ sét.

Năm 1905, trong chiến tranh Nga - Nhật, Hải quân Nhật bất ngờ đánh bại hoàn toàn hạm đội Baltic của Nga được coi là vô địch lúc bấy giờ. Qua phân tích của các chuyên gia, một trong những yếu tố gây ra thất bại là do tốc độ di chuyển của các tàu chiến Nga quá thấp so với dự kiến. Thủ phạm gây ra chính là những con hà bám đầy vỏ tàu. Hành trình từ biển Baltic đến biển Nhật Bản mất một năm khiến những con hà sinh sôi nảy nở làm tăng trọng lượng và lực cản khiến tàu giảm tốc độ.

Trong các thế kỷ trước ở vùng biển Caribe, bọn cướp biển thường phải lật úp thuyền chúng lại để cạo hà. Rất nhiều thuyền săn cá voi, sau nhiều ngày lênh đênh trên biển rất khó quay về vì lượng hà bám vào tàu quá lớn. Hà biển là mối đe dọa với thuyền nhỏ vì chúng bám vào, đến khi quay về đất liền sẽ mất thêm nhiều thời gian vì thế ngư dân phải đốt lửa để chống hà bám (nên hình thành địa danh mang tên Bãi Cháy). Ngày nay công suất các tàu rất lớn nhưng hà vẫn luôn là mối đe dọa và hằng năm vẫn làm hao tổn của ngành hàng hải không ít chi phí.[11]

Từ chất dính khủng khiếp mà con hà tiết ra, người ta đã chế tạo ra loại keo hà dùng để vá tàu khi bị thủng. Chỉ cần phết vào miếng kim loại rồi dán, rất nhanh mà bền chắc. Trong y tế, keo hà dùng làm băng giấy cầm máu, bịt miệng vết thương và vết mổ.

Chú thích

  1. ^ William A. Newman (2007). “Cirripedia”. Trong Sol Felty Light & James T. Carlton. The Light and Smith Manual: Intertidal Invertebrates from Central California to Oregon (ấn bản 4). University of California Press. tr. 475–484. ISBN 978-0-520-23939-5.
  2. ^ Donald Thomas Anderson (1994). “Larval development and metamorphosis”. Barnacles: Structure, Function, Development and Evolution. Springer. tr. 197–246. ISBN 978-0-412-44420-3.
  3. ^ E. Bourget (1987). “Barnacle shells: composition, structure, and growth”. tr. 267–285. |tựa đề= trống hay bị thiếu (trợ giúp) In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987.
  4. ^ a ă “Biology of Barnacles”. Museum Victoria. 1996. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 17 tháng 2 năm 2007. Truy cập ngày 20 tháng 4 năm 2012.
  5. ^ E. L. Charnov (1987). “Sexuality and hermaphroditism in barnacles: A natural selection approach”. tr. 89–104. |tựa đề= trống hay bị thiếu (trợ giúp) In A. J. Southward (ed.), 1987.
  6. ^ Christine Dell'Amore (ngày 15 tháng 1 năm 2013). “Barnacles Leak Sperm Into Ocean, Upending Mating Theory”. National Geographic.
  7. ^ a ă Richmond, Marsha (tháng 1 năm 2007). “Darwin's Study of the Cirripedia”. Darwin Online. Truy cập ngày 16 tháng 6 năm 2012.
  8. ^ Étienne Benson. “Charles Darwin”. SparkNotes. Bản gốc lưu trữ ngày 29 tháng 9 năm 2007. Truy cập ngày 30 tháng 8 năm 2007.
  9. ^ J. Molares & J. Freire. “Fisheries and management of the goose barnacle Pollicipes pollicipes of Galicia (NW Spain)”. Truy cập ngày 15 tháng 1 năm 2010.
  10. ^ "...all the evidence shows that the name was originally applied to the bird which had the marvellous origin, not to the shell..." Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd Edition, 1989
  11. ^ Mười vạn câu hỏi vì sao, trang 159, Nhà xuất bản Giao thông vận tải, 2005

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Hà: Brief Summary ( الفيتنامية )

المقدمة من wikipedia VI
Đối với các định nghĩa khác, xem Hà (định hướng).

Hà hay hà biển là một loại động vật chân khớp đặc biệt (do chân đã tiêu biến) thuộc cận lớp Cirripedia trong phân ngành Giáp xác, và do đó có họ hàng với cuatôm hùm. Hà chỉ sống ở vùng nước mặn, thường là vùng nước nông và thủy triều. Hà là loài sống bám trên các vách đá, không di chuyển trong suốt cuộc đời. Hiện nay người ta đã biết tên khoảng 1.220 loài hà. Đây là loài hải sản có giá trị kinh tế cao nhưng khó khai thác và gây nhiều tác hại với ngành hàng hải.

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Усоногие ( الروسية )

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Царство: Животные
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Без ранга: Первичноротые
Без ранга: Линяющие
Без ранга: Panarthropoda
Подтип: Ракообразные
Подкласс: Thecostraca
Инфракласс: Усоногие
Международное научное название

Cirripedia Burmeister, 1834

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Усоно́гие (лат. Cirripedia) — группа членистоногих подтипа Ракообразные, в которой известно 1220 видов, в том числе балянусы (морские жёлуди).


Характеризуются в первую очередь тонкими, похожими на усики, конечностями. Характерным признаком их является известковая раковина высотой до 40 см, в которую заключено тело животных во взрослом состоянии. Их личинка имеет три пары конечностей, органы зрения отсутствуют. Сначала она ведёт свободный образ жизни, но потом прикрепляется к одному месту (например: скалам), и у неё образуется раковина.

Усоногие в большинстве случаев гермафродиты, но у некоторых видов (включая надотряд корнеголовых) существует разделение полов, при этом самцы карликовые и ведут на самках паразитический образ жизни (у корнеголовых вообще отмирая за исключением производящих сперму клеток).

Образ жизни

Все усоногие живут в море и распространены по всей Земле, так как часто прикрепляются к кораблям или быстро плавающим животным. Являются настоящим «бичом» морской сейсморазведки особенно в тропических морях. Прикрепляются к сейсмическим косам и навесному оборудованию, нарушают балансировку, создают шумы. Будучи абсолютно морскими животными, усоногие раки могут подолгу оставаться вне воды, плотно закрывая свою раковину. Поэтому некоторых усоногих можно встретить прикреплёнными на таких местах у берега, куда вода попадает редко.

Питаются усоногие инфузориями, радиоляриями и самыми мелкими личинками.

Надотряд корнеголовых является паразитическим. Во взрослом состоянии его представители прорастаюет корнями в тканях высших ракообразных, оставляя снаружи только мешок с оплодотворенными яйцами. На родство с другими усоногими и членистоногими вообще указывает только личинка - науплиус.



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Усоно́гие (лат. Cirripedia) — группа членистоногих подтипа Ракообразные, в которой известно 1220 видов, в том числе балянусы (морские жёлуди).

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蔓脚類 ( اليابانية )

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生息年代: カンブリア紀中期–現世
Balanus balanoides
フジツボの一種 Balanus balanoides(白い部分)。
分類 : 動物界 Animalia : 節足動物門 Arthropoda 亜門 : 甲殻亜門 Crustacea : 顎脚綱 Maxillopoda 亜綱 : 鞘甲亜綱(フジツボ亜綱) Thecostraca 下綱 : 蔓脚下綱 (フジツボ下綱)Cirripedia 学名 Cirripedia
Burmeister, 1834 英名 Barnacle 上目

蔓脚類(まんきゃくるい/つるあしるい、学名: Cirripedia)は、甲殻類に属す動物群。分類学上は蔓脚下綱とされる。フジツボ下綱とも呼ばれるが、通常フジツボと呼ばれるのはその一部でしかなく、形態的には様々である。現在約1,220種が知られる。







 src= ウィキスピーシーズに蔓脚下綱に関する情報があります。  src= ウィキメディア・コモンズには、蔓脚下綱に関連するカテゴリがあります。

執筆の途中です この項目は、生物学に関連した書きかけの項目です。この項目を加筆・訂正などしてくださる協力者を求めていますプロジェクト:生命科学Portal:生物学)。
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蔓脚類: Brief Summary ( اليابانية )

المقدمة من wikipedia 日本語

蔓脚類(まんきゃくるい/つるあしるい、学名: Cirripedia)は、甲殻類に属す動物群。分類学上は蔓脚下綱とされる。フジツボ下綱とも呼ばれるが、通常フジツボと呼ばれるのはその一部でしかなく、形態的には様々である。現在約1,220種が知られる。

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만각류 ( الكورية )

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만각류(蔓脚類,Cirripedia)는 소악강에 속하는 만각하강 갑각류의 총칭이다. 껍데기가 몸과 발 등을 완전히 덮어 주머니 모양의 외투를 만들며 여섯 쌍의 흉부 부속지인 '만각'을 가지는데, 이것을 움직여 먹이를 모은다. 모두 바다에 살며, 주로 바위·산호·조개·배 등에 붙어 살지만 일부는 공생하거나 기생을 하기도 한다. 암수한몸으로 따개비·거북손·검은큰따개비·조무래기따개비·주머니벌레 등이 이에 속한다.

하위 분류

계통 분류

다음은 범절지동물의 계통 분류이다.[1]












다음은 범갑각류의 계통 분류이다.[2][3][4]































  1. Regier; Shultz, J. W.; Zwick, A.; Hussey, A.; Ball, B.; Wetzer, R.; Martin, J. W.; Cunningham, C. W.; 외. (2010), “Arthropod relationships revealed by phylogenomic analysis of nuclear protein-coding sequences”, 《네이처463 (7284): 1079–1084, Bibcode:2010Natur.463.1079R, doi:10.1038/nature08742, PMID 20147900
  2. Omar Rota-Stabelli; Nicolas Lartillot; Nicolas Lartillot; Davide Pisani (2013년 1월 1일). “Serine Codon-Usage Bias in Deep Phylogenomics: Pancrustacean Relationships as case study”. 《Systematic Biology》 62 (1): 121–133. doi:10.1093/sysbio/sys077. PMID 22962005.
  3. Todd H. Oakley; Joanna M. Wolfe; Annie R. Lindgren; Alexander K. Zaharoff (January 2013). “Phylotranscriptomics to bring the understudied into the fold: monophyletic ostracoda, fossil placement, and pancrustacean phylogeny”. 《Molecular Biology and Evolution》 30 (1): 215–233. doi:10.1093/molbev/mss216. PMID 22977117.
  4. Петрунина А.С., Колбасов Г.А. (2011). "Two species of Tantulocarida from the White Sea: what new could they tell us about morphology, anatomy and phylogeny of these minute parasitic crustaceans?" 11th International Conference on Copepoda.
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