All Biocode files are based on field identifications to the best of the researcher’s ability at the time.
Locality: Brouwersdam, North Sea. Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Locality: U.S. north east coast . Millar, 1970; p. 79 (Norway to Portugal and north-east American waters)
Molgula Manhattensis. Woods Holl, Mass..