Worker. Length 1 1/2 line.-Black, slightly shining: antenne, mandibles and tarsi pale ferruginous; scale of the abdomen oblong and depressed; abdomen oblong-ovate. The clypeus obscurely testaceous, the mandibles and flagellum rufo-testaceous, the apex of the latter slightly fuscous; the head, prothorax and coxae beneath, rufo-testaceous; the thorax inclining from the prothorax to the base of the metathorax, the latter convex above, the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate, the scale inclined forwards in a line with the oblique truncation of the metathorax; the insect entirely destitute of pubescence,
Hab. Malacca.
T. nigra, subnitida, glabra, angustior; antennis, mandibulis tarsisque rufo-pallidis; squama oblonga depressa; abdomine oblongo-ovato.
Worker. Length 1 1/2 line. Black: the clypeus obscurely testaceous; the mandibles and flagellum rufo-testaceous, the apex of the latter slightly fuscous; the head, prothorax, and coxae beneath, rufo-testaceous; the thorax declining above to the base of the metathorax, the latter convex; the tarsi pale rufo-testaceous. Abdomen ovate; the scale inclining forwards in a line with the oblique truncation of the metathorax; the insect entirely destitute of pubescence.
Hab. Malacca.