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Hohenbergia polycephala (Baker) Mez

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Hohenbergia polycephala (Baker) Mez, in DC Monog. Phan. 9: 133. 1896.
Aechmea polycephala Baker, Jour. Bot. 17: 164. 1879.
Aechmea pycnantha Baker, Handb. Bromel. 44. 1889.
Pothuava pycnantha Baker, Handb. Brorael. 44, as synonym. 1889.
Hohenbergia pycnantha Mez, in Mart. Fl. Bras. 3»: 273. 1891.
Leaves about 12 in a utriculate rosette, often over 1 m. long; sheaths narrow, subglabrous below, densely immersed-lepidote above; blades rounded with the point usually more or less aborted, 85 mm. wide, densely serrulate with teeth not over 1 mm. long; scape shorter than the leaves, very stout, soon glabrous except for tufts of floccose scales at the bases of the bracts; scape-bracts erect, densely imbricate, linear-lanceolate, acuminate, dentate, pungent, membranaceous, pale-brown; inflorescence densely bipinnate; axis floccose-Iepidote, soon glabrous; primary bracts like the scape-bracts but entire, spreading to reflexed, the lower ones exceeding the spikes; spikes all sessile, ovoid, up to 45 mm. long, brown-tomentose-lepidote, soon glabrous; floral bracts broadly ovate, somewhat asymmetric, obtuse, short-mucronatc, convex, about 12 mm. long, coriaceous, even; sepals triangular-ovate, asymmetric, 7 mm. long, acute, mucronate, carinate, soon glabrous; petals about 10 mm. long, linear, acute, while; ovary biahite, tomentosc-Iepidote; ovules obtuse, borne near the top of the cell.
Typb locality: Jamaica. Distribution: Jamaica.
bibliographic citation
Lyman Bradford Smith. 1938. (XYRIDALES); BROMELIACEAE. North American flora. vol 19(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora