Salmo dentex és una espècie de peix de la família dels salmònids i de l'ordre dels salmoniformes.
Viu a zones d'aigües dolces.[4]
Es troba a Europa: Croàcia, Bòsnia i Hercegovina, Montenegro, Albània, Grècia, Kosovo i la República de Macedònia.[5]
Es troba amenaçada d'extinció a causa de la destrucció del seu hàbitat i la contaminació.[6]
Salmo dentex ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Lachsfische (Salmonidae), die auf dem Balkan von der Krka bis zur Vjosa und möglicherweise im griechischen Alfios vorkommt.
Salmo dentex erreicht meist eine Länge von 20 bis 25 Zentimetern, im Hutovo Blato Feuchtgebiet wurden Tiere mit fast 60 Zentimeter Länge und über zwei Kilogramm Gewicht gefunden. Der Körper ist langgestreckt und seitlich abgeflacht. Der Kopf ist spitz mit enger Schnauze. Der Rücken ist silbrig, zum Bauch hin verblasst die Färbung bis zum weißen Bauch. Kleine schwarze Flecken liegen auf Kopf und Körper vor allem im oberen Bereich, während dunkelrote Punkte mit hellem Rand von verschiedener Größe über die gesamte Flanke verteilt sind. Das Seitenlinienorgan verläuft durch 115 bis 122 Schuppen. Die Flossen sind grau und werden zur Paarungszeit orange. Die Rückenflosse hat vier Hart- und neun bis zehn Weichstrahlen, die Afterflosse vier Hart- und sieben oder acht Weichstrahlen. Die Brustflossen weisen neben zwei Hart-, acht Weichstrahlen auf, die Bauchflossen neben einem Hartstrahl 11 bis 13 Weichstrahlen. Die Schwanzflosse hat 19 Strahlen, die Fettflosse einen. Die Kiemenreuse weist rechts 11 bis 13, links 12 bis 14 Dornen auf.
Salmo dentex besiedelt große Flüsse und Seen, wobei zwei verschiedene Morphen vorkommen („Bachforellen“ und „Seeforellen“). Manche Populationen überwintern in tiefen Seen und ziehen im Sommer in die Flüsse ein. Die Laichzeit liegt wahrscheinlich zwischen November und Januar. Die Eier werden auf kiesigem Grund abgelegt.
Salmo dentex auf (englisch)
Salmo dentex ist eine Fischart aus der Familie der Lachsfische (Salmonidae), die auf dem Balkan von der Krka bis zur Vjosa und möglicherweise im griechischen Alfios vorkommt.
Salmo dentex is a variety of trout, a freshwater fish in the family Salmonidae, found in the western Balkans.[1][2][3] Until recently the identity, biological distinctness and species status of the dentex trout were not properly clarified,[4] but genetic data now suggest it is not a monophyletic unit that could be distinguished from other salmonids as a separate species.[5]
Salmo dentex has been reported to inhabit the Neretva river and Hutovo Blato wetlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina,[6] and is also found in Albania and Montenegro in Lake Skadar and its tributaries.[7] It is reported that S. dentex is extinct from Croatian rivers, Cetina and Krka,[8] but has recently bee reported by anglers from the Cetina river in Croatia. Some reports indicate its presence in the rivers of Livanjsko field in Bosnia and Herzegovina[9] and in river Alfeios in Greece.[10]
The status of S. dentex, locally known as the zubatak, long remained unclear due to lack of samples for detailed analyses, hybridisation with other trout lineages and diverse and multiple designations of the same trout in different areas. One of the inhabited areas, the Hutovo Blato wetlands, is situated North West of the Neretva river estuary in southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is an atypical type of wetland, characterized by several shallow lakes and channels filled with clear and cold water (around 13 °C whole year) creating conditions suitable also for salmonids.[4]
Recently the genetic structure of S. dentex and its relations to other co-existing salmonids in the Neretva and Skadar river systems have been studied using mitochondrial DNA, microsatellite[5] and 21 other nuclear DNA loci.[11] Genetic analyses showed that the Neretva S. dentex ("zubatak") and the co-existing marble trout (S. marmoratus) formed a genetically unified cluster, while Skadar S. dentex ("strun") was "genetically distinct from S. marmoratus in the same river system and indistinct from local brown trout (S. trutta)". Thus the Neretva and Skadar S. dentex are not closely related but rather "S. dentex [is] a particular life history form of S. marmoratus in the Neretva basin and of S. trutta in the Skadar basin". "These results clearly demonstrate that S. dentex does not represent a monophyletic lineage and should not be considered a distinct species."[5]
Salmo dentex is a variety of trout, a freshwater fish in the family Salmonidae, found in the western Balkans. Until recently the identity, biological distinctness and species status of the dentex trout were not properly clarified, but genetic data now suggest it is not a monophyletic unit that could be distinguished from other salmonids as a separate species.
Salmo dentex has been reported to inhabit the Neretva river and Hutovo Blato wetlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and is also found in Albania and Montenegro in Lake Skadar and its tributaries. It is reported that S. dentex is extinct from Croatian rivers, Cetina and Krka, but has recently bee reported by anglers from the Cetina river in Croatia. Some reports indicate its presence in the rivers of Livanjsko field in Bosnia and Herzegovina and in river Alfeios in Greece.
The status of S. dentex, locally known as the zubatak, long remained unclear due to lack of samples for detailed analyses, hybridisation with other trout lineages and diverse and multiple designations of the same trout in different areas. One of the inhabited areas, the Hutovo Blato wetlands, is situated North West of the Neretva river estuary in southern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is an atypical type of wetland, characterized by several shallow lakes and channels filled with clear and cold water (around 13 °C whole year) creating conditions suitable also for salmonids.
Recently the genetic structure of S. dentex and its relations to other co-existing salmonids in the Neretva and Skadar river systems have been studied using mitochondrial DNA, microsatellite and 21 other nuclear DNA loci. Genetic analyses showed that the Neretva S. dentex ("zubatak") and the co-existing marble trout (S. marmoratus) formed a genetically unified cluster, while Skadar S. dentex ("strun") was "genetically distinct from S. marmoratus in the same river system and indistinct from local brown trout (S. trutta)". Thus the Neretva and Skadar S. dentex are not closely related but rather "S. dentex [is] a particular life history form of S. marmoratus in the Neretva basin and of S. trutta in the Skadar basin". "These results clearly demonstrate that S. dentex does not represent a monophyletic lineage and should not be considered a distinct species."
Salmo dentex es una especie de pez de la familia Salmonidae en el orden de los Salmoniformes.
Vive en zonas de aguas dulces.
Se encuentra en Europa: Croacia, Bosnia y Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania, Grecia, Kosovo y Macedonia del Norte.[2]
Se encuentra amenazada de extinción debido a la destrucción de su hábitat y la contaminación.[3]
Salmo dentex es una especie de pez de la familia Salmonidae en el orden de los Salmoniformes.
Salmo dentex Salmo generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Salmonidae familian sailkatzen da.
Salmo dentex Salmo generoko animalia da. Arrainen barruko Salmonidae familian sailkatzen da.
Salmo dentex is een straalvinnige vissensoort uit de familie van de zalmen (Salmonidae).[1] De wetenschappelijke naam van de soort is voor het eerst geldig gepubliceerd in 1851 door Heckel.
Bronnen, noten en/of referentiesSalmo dentex é uma espécie de peixe da família Salmonidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Croácia e Sérvia e Montenegro.
Salmo dentex é uma espécie de peixe da família Salmonidae.
Pode ser encontrada nos seguintes países: Croácia e Sérvia e Montenegro.
Salmo dentex (Heckel, 1852)
СинонимыSalmo dentex (лат.) — вид лососёвых рыб из рода благородных лососей (Salmo). Ареал — юго-восточная Европа: (Хорватия, Босния и Герцеговина, Черногория, Албания, Греция, Косово, Македония). Встречается в озёрах и равнинных реках. Пресноводная, демерсальная (ведёт придонный образ жизни). Латинское название можно перевести «зубатая форель (лосось)».
Salmo dentex (лат.) — вид лососёвых рыб из рода благородных лососей (Salmo). Ареал — юго-восточная Европа: (Хорватия, Босния и Герцеговина, Черногория, Албания, Греция, Косово, Македония). Встречается в озёрах и равнинных реках. Пресноводная, демерсальная (ведёт придонный образ жизни). Латинское название можно перевести «зубатая форель (лосось)».