
Key to species of Maxfischeria

provided by EOL authors
Barb Sharanowski
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EOL authors


provided by EOL authors

<b>Genus <i>Maxfischeria</i> Papp, 1994 </b>
Type species. <i>Maxfischeria tricolor</i> Papp, 1994. This monotypic genus was described by Papp (1994). This description fits the genus well, except that the hypostomal carina is present in Maxfischeria. Additionally, the forewing is clear basally and infuscate apically.
<b>Diagnosis.</b> Currently, <i>Maxfischeria</i> is the only known genus within Maxfischeriinae. Members of<i>Maxfischeria</i> can be distinguished from other Braconidae by the following combination of characters: presence of pronotal shelf; notauli absent medially, present only anterolaterally; mesonotal mid-pit present; tarsal claws with a well-developed basal lobe; apex of scutellum smooth and shiny, posterior scutellar depression absent; scutellar sulcus smooth; forewing veins 1a and 2a present, although 1a nebulous; six maxillary palpomeres, with the fourth palpomere as long or longer than the sixth; forewing vein 1RS long; sternaulus appearing as an ovoid depression at mid-length of mesopleuron; ovipositor short, dorsal valve smooth and enlarged near apex, ventral valve with serrations along entire length.
<b>Distribution</b> . All known species are found in Australia. Specimens have been collected from the following states: Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland and Tasmania.
<b>Remarks.</b> The majority of specimens examined in this study have been collected at night with a mercury vapour or ultraviolet light. This may indicate that species of <i>Maxfischeria</i> are nocturnal; however, their bright coloration suggests that they may also be active during the day.

<b><i>Maxfischeria ameliae</i> </b>Boring & Sharanowski, 2011
<b><i>Maxfischeria anic</i> </b>Boring & Sharanowski, 2011
<b><i>Maxfischeria briggsi</i> </b>Boring & Sharanowski, 2011
<b><i> Maxfischeria folkertsorum</i></b>Boring & Sharanowski, 2011
<b><i> Maxfischeria ovumancora</i></b>Boring & Sharanowski, 2011
<b><i> Maxfischeria tricolor </i>, Papp, 1994

Barb Sharanowski
visit source
partner site
EOL authors