Figure 1.Alaria chengguanensis sp. n., male holotype. A Pedipalp, prolateral view B Pedipalp, ventral view C Embolic division, dorsal view D Pedipalp, retrolateral view. Co conductor; MA median apophysis; PC paracymbium; T tegulum. Scale bars: D as A.
Figure 2.Alaria chengguanensis sp. n., male holotype (C) and female paratype (A–B, D). A Vulva, dorsal view B Epigyne, ventral view C Male, dorsal view D Female, dorsal view. CD copulatory duct; S spermatheca. Scale bars: B as A.
Figure 3.Alaria chengguanensis sp. n., SEM of pedipalp of a male paratype. A Prolateral view, detail showing MA B Retrolateral view C Retrolateral view, detail showingembolus D Retrolateral view, detail showing PC. Co conductor E Embolus; MA median apophysis; PC paracymbium; T tegulum.
Figure 4.Alaria chengguanensis sp. n., SEM of a female paratype. A Epigyne, ventral view B Epigyne, lateral view C Spinnerets D ALS E PMS F PLS. AC aciniform gland spigot; AG aggregate gland spigot; ALS anterior lateral spinneret; CY cylindrical gland spigot; MAP major ampullate gland spigot; mAP minor ampullate gland spigot; n nubbin; PI piriform gland spigot; PLS posterior lateral spinneret; PMS posterior median spinneret; t tartipore.
Figure 5.Alaria chengguanensis sp. n., male holotype (A–B) and female paratype (C–D). A Pedipalp, prolateral view B Embolic division, dorsal view C Epigyne, ventral view D Vulva, dorsal view. CD copulatory duct; Co conductor; MA median apophysis; S spermatheca. Scale bars: D as C.
Histopathology of delayed hypersensitivity reaction to Schistosoma mansoni antigen.Created: 1972
Histopathology of delayed hypersensitivity reaction to Schistosoma mansoni antigen.Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph confirmed the presence of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph confirmed the presence of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph confirmed the presence of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph confirmed the presence of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph confirmed the presence of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
Under a low magnification of 78X, and stained using an indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test, this photomicrograph revealed some of the ultrastructural morphology exhibited by a number of Schistosoma mansoni trematodes.Laboratory Diagnosis for Schistosomiasis:Microscopic identification of eggs in stool or urine is the most practical method for diagnosis. Stool examination should be performed when infection with S. mansoni or S. japonicum is suspected, and urine examination should be performed if S. haematobium is suspected. Eggs can be present in the stool in infections with all Schistosoma species. The examination can be performed on a simple smear (1 to 2 mg of fecal material).Created: 1972
This magnified view reveals a pair of mating Schistosoma mansoni trematodes. Note that the thinner female is cradled inside the thicker male worm's gynecophoral canal.Created: 1973
This magnified view reveals a male Schistosoma mansoni trematode. Take a look at PHIL 11193, which depicts a mating pair of worms, where the thinner female is cradled inside the thicker male worm's gynecophoral canal.Created: 1973
This magnified view reveals a female Schistosoma mansoni trematode. Take a look at PHIL 11193, which depicts a male S. mansoni, and PHIL 11194, which depicts two mating worms. in which case you can see the thinner female cradled inside the thicker male worm's gynecophoral canal.Created: 1973
Description: Polski: Diplostomum petromyzifluviatilis DIESING A –postać dorosła, B – metacerkaria, C – cerkaria. Date: 5 July 2014. Source: Fauna skłodkowodna Polski z. 34A > Przywry Trematoda, Część ogólna; część systematyczna – Aspidogastrea, > Digenea: Strgeida. Author: Katarzyna Niewiadomska.
Description: Français : Ityogonimus lorum (Dujardin, 1845) (Digenea: Brachylaimidae) dans l'intestin d'une Taupe (Talpa europaea) : Préparation totale (1) et Région génitale (2). CL, Canal de Laurer; Mt, Métraterm; Ov, Ovaire; Pc, Poche du cirre; R, Réceptacle vitellin; Rs, Réceptacle séminal : T, Testicule postérieur; Ut, Utérus; Vs, Vésicule séminale; Vt, glandes vitellogènes. Date: 1932. Source: Contribution à la faune helminthologique de Suisse, Revue suisse de zoologie, Tome 39, n° 1. p 1-54 — Janvier 1932 deuxième partie (
BHL). Author: Jean-Georges Baer.
Description: English: S.japonicum adult العربية: بلهارسية يابانية. Date: 29 April 2012, 11:14:19. Source: Own work. Author:
Sara Nabih.
Description: English: Schistosoma cercaria. Date: 22 April 2012, 11:48:51. Source: Own work. Author:
Sara Nabih.
Description: English: Duck Schistosome Life Cycle. Date: 11 May 2014, 20:53:29. Source: Own work. Author:
Dr. Michael Hildreth.
Description: A flatworm (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) of the genus Leucochloridium parasiting a snail of the familly Succineidae (probably Succinea putris or an Oxyloma sp.). The banded pulsating structure visible within the tentacles of the snails are the sporocysts's broodsacs filled of cercariae. The cercariae need to be ingested by a bird to develop up to adult stage in the digestive system of the bird. The change in color and aspect (pulsations) of the snail increases the probability to be eaten by a bird. Locallity : Belgium, Jambes, Réserve Naturelle de la Poudrière Aggressive mimicry, parasite. Date: 10 June 2012, 18:54:16. Source: Own work. Author:
Gilles San Martin.
Description: Čeština: Leucochloridium perturbatum, dospělé stádium Ex: Turdus merula, tenké střevo, Záhlinice (ČR) 5/2016, Sítko (BC,kanada) Helmintologických sbírky Přírodovědecké fakulty UK. Date: 20 December 2021. Source: Own work. Author:
Description: A flatworm (Platyhelminthes, Trematoda) of the genus Leucochloridium parasiting a snail of the familly Succineidae (probably Succinea putris or an Oxyloma sp.). The banded pulsating structure visible within the tentacles of the snails are the sporocysts's broodsacs filled of cercariae. The cercariae need to be ingested by a bird to develop up to adult stage in the digestive system of the bird. The change in color and aspect (pulsations) of the snail increases the probability to be eaten by a bird. Locallity : Belgium, Jambes, Réserve Naturelle de la Poudrière Aggressive mimicry, parasite. Date: 10 June 2012, 19:21:07. Source: Own work. Author:
Gilles San Martin.