
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Brevipalpus coldenia

The small crenulate dorsal reticulate pattern, the strong femoral and propodosomal setae, and the transverse striae on the venter in the metapodosomal setal region are distinctive.

FEMALE.—Rostrum elongate, reaching to distal end of genu I; palpus with two distal setae; rostral shield with reticulate pattern. Tarsus II with one solenidion; claws uncinate; dorsal setae of femora I and II long, strong, and senate. Propodosomal reticulate pattern small and crenulate, longitudinal in dorsolateral depressed area; setae long, slender, serrate, and becoming progressively shorter posteriorly. Hysterosomal reticulate pattern transverse dorsomedially; longitudinal in dorsolateral groove; dorsocentral setae slender, slightly lanceolate, and senate; marginal setae shorter and similar. Genital and ventral plates with transverse pattern of areolae; area between metapodosomal setae with strong closely approximate transverse striae. Length of body including rostrum 255μm; 127μm.

MALE.—Similar to female in dorsal reticulate design and setal patterns. Length of body including rostrum 233μm; width 96μm.

NYMPH.—Setal pattern as in female.

HOLOTYPE.—Female, USNM 3640, ex Coldenia greggi (Torrey) Gray,Jimenez, Chihuahua, 4 August

PARATYPES.—Thirty-one females and sixteen males with the same data.
bibliographic citation
Baker, Edward William, Tuttle, Donald M., and Abbatiello, M. 1975. "The false spider mites of northwestern and north central Mexico (Acarina, Tenuipalpidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-23. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.194