This bird was recorded across the street from our apartment. I have not been able to actually see the bird, but for weeks I have been listening to it sing/call every morning. To be singing on our busy street (Massachusetts Ave, NE, just a few blocks from the Capitol in Washington, DC), it must be a common bird that thrives in the city, so I'd like to know this city dweller's name. I'll update this note when I learn who it is.
UPDATE: HOUSE WREN! Thank you, Mark, Perry, Martyn, Lang, Kristen, and Seth!
June 15, 2012, recorded with a Fostex FR-2, Sennheiser ME-66 Shotgun mic, Rycote windscreen. Sonnogram created using Cornell's Raven Pro Sound Analysis software.
(taxonomy:binomial="Troglodytes aedon")
The state bird of Arizona is the Cactus Wren (Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus). This song is used extensively in movie sound tracks - you'll hear it when the scene calls for a remote desert location in the Western US. They are the largest US wren and make their home among the cacti, often nesting in a cavity in a Saguaro - they're archtypical Arizona bird! These two were recorded 30 miles North of Phoenix, Arizona, 1/17/99.