Polypus ornatus, dorsal view of a medium sized male from Honolulu.
Amphitretus pelagicus Hoyle, off Kermadee Is..
Tremoctopus violaceus, dorsal view of specimen....
Shell of Argonauta argo (Linnaeus).
Eledone aldrovandi Delle Chiaje, Naples, from Ventral Side.
Male of Ocythoe tuberculata Raf. (=Philonexis catenulatus, Fer.), Mediterranean, showing three stages, A, B, and C., in the development of the hectocotylus arm; h.cy, hectocotylus still in the cyst; c'y', spoon-shaped cyst at the end of the arm when freed; th, thread-like organ freed by the rupture of c'y'....
Tremoctopus violaceus, ventral view of large female from station 2930.
Argonauta argo (Linnaeus).
Octopus Alberti, d'apres Joubin (face ventrale).
Tremoctopus violaceus, lateral view of adult male, from station 4086, with nearly ripe hectocotylus.
Argonauta argo.
Octopus brevisses (D'Orbigny).
Argonauta argo, side view of shell.
Pinnoctopus corodifformis (d'Orbigny).
Argonauta papyracea, as it swims by means of its locomotive tube.
Octopus lentus Baird, N. Atlantic, showing the peculiar formation of the hectocotylus arm, h.a..
Argonauta papyracea in its shell.
Portion of the radula of Octopus tetracirrhus D. Ch., Naples.
Argonauta argo L., the position assumed by a specimen kept in captivity, the arrow showing the direction of movement.
Cephalopods. Octopus Bairdii Verrill, Octopus Bairdii var. Verrill
Cephalopods. Octopus lentus Verrill
Cephalopods. Octopus piscatorum Verrill; Parasira catenulata Steenst
Octopus punctatus.
Squid--Octopodia are true scavengers, eating anything eatable which comes in their way.