Image of Michanthidium almeidai Urban & Parizotto
Unresolved name

Michanthidium almeidai Urban & Parizotto


provided by Zookeys
Holotype female. Length 6.22; length of forewing 4.90; width of head 2.50; length of eye 1.67; upper interorbital distance 1.55; lower interorbital distance 1.12. Integument black with the following yellow areas: paraocular maculae almost reaching upper angle of compound eyes, irregularly narrowing above antennal sockets; interalveolar maculae narrow at middle, butterfly-shaped (Fig. 4); postocellar band extending across vertex to dorsal third of gena (Fig. 6). Pronotal lobe with spot; mesoscutum with band along anterior and lateral margins; axilla and posterior margin of scutellum. Tegula amber with small spot near base. Wings dark brown, darker at base and at costal margin (Figs 6 and 8). Fore and middle legs with coxae and trochanters black; femora with light brown area and a light yellow maculae on external surface; tibiae light brown with yellow band elongated; tarsomeres light brown. Hind legs with coxae black and with a light yellow spot; trochanter black; femora light brown with yellow band narrower than in anterior femora; tibiae light brown with a narrow yellow basal band; tarsomeres darkened. T1-T5 with yellow bands, distinctly wider laterally on first basal three terga; distal tergum black. Pilosity: color predominantly light yellow, hairs sparse, longer than ocellar diameter, on paraocular area denser and longer; posterior tibiae with dense and plumose hairs; scopa white. Structure: mandible punctate, punctures smaller and denser on distal half, external surface with slender carinae not extending to basal half. Head and mesosoma densely punctate; posterior margin of scutellum weakly emarginated at middle; terga with punctures sparser than those of head and mesosoma, sparser and shallower on disc than on sides. Paratype male. As in female except for denser pilosity and the following: Length 6.24; length of forewing 5.09; width of head 2.48; length of eye 1.52; upper interorbital distance 1.55; lower interorbital distance 1.01. Integument predominantly black, with the following yellow areas: mandibles, except teeth and borders; clypeus; inferior paraocular area; translucent interalveolar carinae with yellow narrow spot. Ventral surface of scape almost entirely yellow; pedicel and ventral surface of flagellomeres darkened; dorsal surface brown (Fig. 5). Fore and middle legs with coxae and trochanters black; femora and tibiae dark brown with large light brown area; femora with yellow elongated internal band; tibiae with light yellow elongated external band; basitarsus amber on external surface. Hind legs with coxae with large yellow maculae on ventral surface; femora almost entirely black, with apical half of ventral surface ferruginous, external surface with small yellow macula; tibiae almost entirely ferruginous with two yellow maculae, one basal and one apical; basitarsus and tarsomeres light brown. Basal tergum light brown; first and second terga with marginal area ferruginous; all terga with light yellow subapical bands, wider laterally on T1–T5, distinctly wider on T1; T6 band wider at middle; distal tergum almost entirely light yellow, black only at base and with translucent ferruginous margin (Figs 7, 18, 20 and 22). Sterna brown with light yellow irregular and narrow median bands. Structure. Distal tergum medially emarginated on distal margin, thus forming two lobes with lateral margins medially convergent (Fig. 20). Genitalia. Gonostylus as long as penis valves, about the same width across length; gonocoxites joined by narrow area with base projected. Penis valves with apodemes shorter than in Michanthidium albitarse (Fig. 23). The gonostylus are narrow on the apical third in Michanthidium albitarse, and distinctly incurved (Fig. 24). Type material. Holotype female. BRAZIL, Sergipe. “Canindé do [sic] São Fran- / cisco – SE, Sta Maria / Brasil 23.09.2005 / Debora Moura leg.”, “L 172 P 140 / Scoparia dulcis” (DZUP). One male paratype: same data as holotype, except by “25.10.2005, “L 172 P1190 / Schultesia guianensis” (DZUP). One male paratype: BRAZIL, Bahia. “Lençois, BA / BRASIL 08/01/1997 / E. A. B. Almeida” (DZMG).
Danúncia Urban, Daniele Regina Parizotto
bibliographic citation
Urban D, Parizotto D (2011) Michanthidium almeidai, a new species from northeastern Brazil (Hymenoptera, Megachilinae) ZooKeys 132: 65–73
Danúncia Urban
Daniele Regina Parizotto
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