Giant Squid. Architeunthis princeps, Verrill
Pterygioteuthis microlampas, ventral view of female.
Sketch of Deep-Sea Luminous Cuttle-Fish with numerous light-organs.
Argonauta papyracea in its shell.
"Club" of Loligo vulgaris L., showing the crowded pedunculate acetabula.
Portion of the radula of Octopus tetracirrhus D. Ch., Naples.
Dwarf male of Tremoctopus violaceus holding siphonophore tentacles in its suckers
Loligo Pealei.
Cephalopods. Architeuthis harveyi; Head and Arms, Body and Caudal Fin
Tremoctopus violaceus, dorsal view of specimen....
Gigantic Cuttle-Fish.
Argonauta argo L., the position assumed by a specimen kept in captivity, the arrow showing the direction of movement.
Eledone aldrovandi Delle Chiaje, Naples, from Ventral Side.
Cephalopode Transparent : Grimalditeuthis Richardi. Le Transparence de ces mollusques est si parfaite qu'il devient parfois difficile de deisinguer l'ensemble de leur corps; en revanche, elle permet de faire de curieuses observations sur les fonctions de certains de leur organes
Amphioctopus marginatus off northern coast of East Timor, pulling two shells around itself for protection (February 2006)
Common Squid. Loligo Pealei