Hydroglyphus flammulatus, is a species of predaceous diving beetle found in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Nepal.[1][2]
Typical length is about 2.4 mm. Fourth segment of the protarsi and mesotarsi are much reduced, and hardly visible. Prosternal process is arched and oblique. Latero-basal plica on pronotum not continued on elytra. Scutellum is not visible.[3] The sutural striae in elytra are complete but less distinctly carved. Elytral striae and a transverse groove behind the eyes are missing.[4]
Hydroglyphus flammulatus, is a species of predaceous diving beetle found in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Thailand, Cambodia, China, Taiwan, Korea, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, and Nepal.