Description of Acanthogregarina
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Hirmocystid gregarines, epimerite a disc with approximately 14 peripheral indentations, arranged in 2 whorls of 7 indentations each; biassociative; gametocysts without sporoducts, oocysts cylindrical to dolioform with thickened poles, released in membrane-bounded masses by rupture of the gametocyst; one species: A. hoshidei Kalavati, Narasimahamurti & Vnidyullatadevi, 1988.
Description of Arachnocystis
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite simple, spherical; gametocysts spherical, dehiscing by simple rupture, without residuum; oocysts biconical, with truncate ends; in arachnids; type species: A. arachnoidea (Devdhar & Gourishankar, 1971) Levine 1979.
Description of Dumbbellicephalus
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite spherical with basal constriction, contriction in anterior portion of protomerite giving the appearance of a dumbbell; satellite with a distinct pad, broad, anteriad, forming junction with primite; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture, oocysts spherical or ovoid; one species: D. haldari Bala & Kaur, 1988.
Description of Eliptocystis
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Early development extracellular; young trophozoites elongate; associations caudofrontal, (with notched interlock); oocysts spherical, released from elliptical gametocyst by simple rupture. Only species: Eliptocystis triboli Sengupta, Ghosh & Haldar, 1991.
Description of Endomycola
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, trophozoites solitary and globular, with button-like epimerite and spherical nucleus; endocyte and ectocyte very chromophilic; gametocysts and oocysts unknown; paraglycogen storage vacuoles in the epimerite; an enclosing epicytic mantle around both the epimerite and protomerite, from the apical margins of the epimerite to the edges of the protomerite; type species: E. baiyeri
Description of Euspora
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, sporonts solitary; association caudofrontal; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture, without sporoducts; oocysts prismatic; type species: E. fallax Schneider, 1875.
Description of Hirmocystidae
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Porosporicean septate gregarines, epimerite ordinarily papilla-like or simple knob-like; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture; oocysts ellipsoidal, prismatic, fusiform, ovoid, or even spherical.
Description of Hirmocystis
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite a conical button or papilla, labile; trophozoites often associated in chains; oocysts ovoid, ellipsoidal, or cylindroid, in insects; type species: H. ventricosa.
Description of Liposcelisus
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite spherical, hyaline, with a corona of 14 to 16 ridges; gametocysts simple, dehiscing by simple rupture; oocysts spindle-shaped; one species: L. coronata Sarkar & Haldar, 1980.
Description of Neohirmocystis
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite apparently absent or vestigial; association caudofrontal, early (although some solitary individuals may remain); protomerite-deutomerite septum present in satellite; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture; oocysts spherical; type species: N. grassei Ghose, Ray & Haldar, 1986.
Description of Pintospora
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, trophozoites at first intra- and then extracellular; gametocysts with smooth wall; oocysts unite in pairs, each one with thickened, rather pointed ends, with smooth walls, frequently free in coelomic cavity of host; one species: P. bigemina Carini, 1944.
Description of Quadruhyalodiscus
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite spherical, with a corona of four anterior sucker-like hyaline disks, with short neck; trophozoites biassociative; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture; oocysts spindle-shaped (narrowly elliptic), with polar thickenings; development extracellular; one species: Q. gallerucidae Kundu & Haldar, 1984.
Description of Retractocephalus
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, epimerite globular, retractile into protomerite; initial development intracellular; association head-to-tail; oocysts dolioform, liberated from the gametocyst in chains by simple rupture; type species: R. raphidopalpa.
Description of Tettigonospora
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, similar to Hirmocystis; epimerite spherical; primite resembling satellite; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture; oocysts hyaline and spherical; one species: T. stenopelmati (Smith, 1929) Smith, 1930.
Description of Tintinospora
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Hirmocystid separate gregarines, trophozoites in associations of 2 or 3; epimerite a simple globular papilla; gametocysts dehisce by simple rupture; oocysts extruded in chains; one species: T. soroniae Hoshide, 1959.