Description of Holosticha bergeri
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This species of Holosticha measures about 80-100 x 15-20 microns. Shape oblong, in the front and the back relatively broadly rounded, slightly flattened, very flexible. Macronucleus is broken into parts that are mostly ellipsoid with few spherical parts irregularly distributed in the cell. Contractile vacuole in the center of the body on the left hand side. Subpellicular granules orange, spherical, in small groups along the infraciliature, hardly impregnate themselves with Protargol. Cytoplasm colourless, with relatively many globules about l - 3 microns long. Eats fungal spores. Marginal and ventral cirri about 12 microns long. Marginal rows ido not join together at the posterior, but between them are 15 microns long transversal cirri. The right marginal row is remarkably brief and begins above the posterior end of the adoral zone of membranelles. The midventral row is about 0.5 times body length, exist on the right of the two frontoterminal cirri. The three frontal cirri are slightly strong. Adoral zone of membranelles about 1/4 of the body length, longest bases approximately 6 microns long. 1 thin buccal cirrus exists above the centre. Pharyngeal fibres clearly recognizable in living cells. Dorsal cilia about 3 microns long, arranged in 3 rows. No caudal cirri.