South Pacific Ocean, Duration 15 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 42 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 16 seconds
CreatureCast.org brings you stories about the unexpected world of animals. This episode was made by Chris Vamos, a student in Casey Dunn's Invertebrate Zoology class at Brown University. Chris is a senior at the Rhode Island School of Design.This work is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivatives license.
Northern Mockingbird calling. 24 May 2011.
Early Flying Field Skippers: Cobweb Skipper - Hesperia metea, Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna, Indian Skipper - Hesperia sassacus, Long Dash - Polites mystic, Peck's Skipper - P. peckius Duration: 257 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 17 seconds
Amphiprion sandaracinos is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Amphiprion leucokranos (White-bonnet anemonefish). Coral Sea, Duration 18 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 10 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 18 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 7 seconds
Here is a quick clip of the sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, taken by Adrian Reich of the Wessel Lab at Brown University. You can see the animal's tube feet moving between its spines. Check out creaturecast.org/archives/1085-tube-vision to read about how urchins might use these feet and spines to focus light and see shapes around them. Together the structures might function like a large compound eye.This work is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial Share-Alike license.
Green Heron. 24 February 2008.
Early Flying Field Skippers: Cobweb Skipper - Hesperia metea, Dusted Skipper - Atrytonopsis hianna, Indian Skipper - Hesperia sassacus, Long Dash - Polites mystic, Peck's Skipper - P. peckius Duration: 257 seconds
Description: An arctic skate swimming over the seabed at Asterix. Amblyraja hyperborea is common in the area although it is not possible to identify the species from this distance. Item Type: Video Title: Amblyraja hyperborea Copyright: SERPENT Project Species: Amblyraja hyperborea Behaviour: Swimming to avoid disturbance Site: Atlantic -- Norwegian -- Asterix Site Description: Seafloor Depth (m): 1350 Latitude: 5 deg 17' 25" N Longitude: 67 deg 01' 02" E Countries: Norway -- Norwegian Sector Habitat: Benthic Rig: Transocean Leader Project Partners: Statoil, Oceaneering, Transocean ROV: Magnum 018 Deposited By: Dr Andrew Gates Deposited On: 17 November 2009
Amphiprion sandaracinos is not the primary subject of the video clip; the primary subject is Amphiprion leucokranos (White-bonnet anemonefish). Coral Sea, Duration 38 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Duration 66 seconds
South Pacific Ocean, Duration 15 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 12 seconds
North Pacific Ocean, Duration 11 seconds
Coral Sea, Duration 9 seconds, Shot includes Platax teira (Blunthead batfish)
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 19 seconds
Indo-Pacific, Duration 44 seconds
Eastern Pacific Ocean, Duration 22 seconds