Habit image, KVN455-H, U.S. Arboretum, GGI Gardens Project
Strong, M. T., 6235. Habit: habit. Taxodium distichum.
Cypress leaf gall (Itonida taxodii) image. Strong, M. T. 5320. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, first entrance, 1.7 km N of jct SR603 & SR614, ecotone between drainage of the Antioch Swamp and edge of burnt over Longleaf Rine restoration area, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN455-F, U.S. Arboretum, GGI Gardens Project
Cypress flower gall midge (Taxodiomyia cupressi) image. Strong, M. T. 5319. Blackwater Ecological Preserve, first entrance, 1.7 km N of jct SR603 & SR614, ecotone between drainage of the Antioch Swamp and edge of burnt over Longleaf Rine restoration area, GGI Gardens Project 2016.
Additional image, KVN455-F2, U.S. Arboretum, GGI Gardens Project
Habit image, KVN718-H, USBG, GGI Gardens Project
Strong, M. T., 5889. Habit: cones. Taxodium ascendens.
Close-up/Fertile image, KVN718-F, USBG, GGI Gardens Project
Strong, M. T., 5889. Habit: habit. Taxodium ascendens.