
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Orconectes (Gremicambarus) compressus (Faxon)

Cambarus compressus Faxon, 1884:127; 1885a:105, pl. 5:fig.6, pl. 10: figs. 2, 2′, 2a, 2a′.

Cambarus (Faxonius) compressus.—Ortmann, 1905c:112.

Faxonius compressus.—Creaser, 1933a:3 [by implication]; 1962:2 [by implication].

Faxonius (Faxonius) compressus.—Creaser, 1933b:16 [by implication].

Orconectes compressus.—Hobbs, 1942a:352 [by implication]; 1949:17; 1974b:27, fig. 169.—Fitzpatrick, 1963:61 [by implication].

Orconectes (Orconectes) compressus.—Hobbs, 1942b:154 [by implication].

Orconectes (Gremicambarus) compressus.—Fitzpatrick, 1987a:54.

TYPES.—Syntypes, USNM 4878 (11 male I, 13 female), USNM 4879 (5 male I, 3 female, 1 male II), MCZ 3583 (3 male I, 2 female, 1 male II).

TYPE LOCALITY.—Second Creek, Waterloo, Lauderdale County, Alabama. Restricted by Faxon (1914:419).

RANGE.—Tennessee River basin, below Walden Ridge, in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee; Cumberland River basin in Tennessee and Kentucky; and the Barren River watershed in Tennessee and Kentucky.

HABITAT.—Clear, rock- or gravel-bedded streams.

Orconectes (Gremicambarus) cooperi Cooper and Hobbs

Orconectes cooperi Cooper and Hobbs, 1980:17, fig. 7.

Orconectes (Gremicambarus) cooperi.—Fitzpatrick, 1987a:54.

TYPES.—Holotype, allotype, and morphotype, USNM 147722, 147723, 147724; paratypes, USNM, NCSM.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Brier Fork of the Flint River at U.S. Highway 231–431, about 2 miles (3.2 km) north of Meridianville (Sec. 7, T. 2S, R. 1E), Madison County, Alabama.

RANGE.—Known only from the Flint River watershed in Madison County, Alabama, and Lincoln County, Tennessee.


Orconectes (Gremicambarus) etnieri Bouchard and Bouchard

Orconectes etnieri Bouchard and Bouchard, 1976b:459, fig. 1.

Orconectes (Gremicambarus) etnieri.—Fitzpatrick, 1987a:54.

TYPES.—Holotype, allotype, and morphotype, USNM 146583, 146584, 146585 (male I, female, male II); paratypes, USNM, TU.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Robinson Creek at Tennessee State Highway 57, Hardin County, Tennessee.

RANGE.—Western tributaries of the Tennessee River from Robinson Creek northward to Snake Creek in Hardin County, and in the Forked Deer, Hatchie, and Loosahatchie drainage systems in Tennessee and Mississippi.


Orconectes (Gremicambarus) holti Cooper and Hobbs

Orconectes holti Cooper and Hobbs, 1980:23, figs. 8, 9.

Orconectes (Gremicambarus) holti.—Fitzpatrick, 1987a:54.

TYPES.—Holotype, allotype, and morphotype, USNM 147149, 147150, 147151 (male I, female, male II); paratypes, USNM.

TYPE LOCALITY.—Bogue Chitto Creek, 2.3 miles (3.7 km) west of Marion on State Route 14 (Sec. 11, T. 19N, R. 7E), Perry County, Alabama.

RANGE.—Alabama River basin in Dallas, Lowndes, Montgomery, Perry, and Wilcox counties, Alabama.

bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1989. "An Illustrated Checklist of the American Crayfishes (Decapoda, Astacidae, Cambaridae, Parastacidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-236. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.480

Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Orconectes compressus (Faxon)

Cambarus compressus Faxon, 1884:127; 1885a:105, pl. 5: fig. 6; pl. 10: figs 2, 2′, 2a, 2a′.

Cambarus (Faxonius) compressus.—Ortmann, 1905c: 112.

Faxonius compressus.—Creaser, 19S3a:3 [by implication]; 1962:2 [by implication].

Faxonius (Faxonius) compressus.—Creaser, 1933b: 16 [by implication].

Orconectes compressus.—Hobbs, 1942a:352 [by implication]; 1949a: 17.—Fitzpatrick, 1963:61 [by implication].

Orconectes (Orconectes) compressus.—Hobbs, 1942b: 154 [by implication].

TYPES.—Syntypes, USNM 4878 (11I, 13 ), USNM 4879 (5 I, 3, II), MCZ 3583 (3 I, 2 , II).

TYPE-LOCALITY.—Second Creek, Waterloo, Lauderdale County, Alabama. Restricted by Faxon (1914:419).

RANGE.—Tributaries of the Tennessee River in Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee; tributaries of the Cumberland River in Tennessee and Kentucky; and tributaries of the Barren River in Tennessee and Kentucky.

HABITAT.—Clear, rock- or gravel-bedded streams.
bibliographic citation
Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1974. "A Checklist of the North and Middle American Crayfishes (Decapoda: Astacidae and Cambaridae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-161. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.166