Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Procambarus (Ortmannicus) pallidus (Hobbs)
Cambarus acherontis.—Hobbs, 1937:154.
Cambarus acherontis pallidus Hobbs, 1938:90–91 [nomen nudum].
Cambarus pallidus Hobbs, 1940:387, 389, 394–398, fig. 16; 1942b:9; 1942c:56, pl. 1: figs. 11, 12.
Procambarus pallidus.—Hobbs, 1942a:343, 349; 1942b:12, 21, 31, 129, 130, 134, 135, 137–142, 147, figs. 161–165; 1944:8; 1958a:160; 1958b:73, 77, 79, 81, 83, 86, 87, fig. 20; 1959:884; 1962:286, fig. 43; 1971b:114-115, 123, figs. 15. 19b.—Pennak, 1953:458.—Chace, 1954:322.—Walton and Hobbs, 1959:119.—Hobbs and Hart, 1959:149.—Nicholas, 1960: 134.—Warren, 1961:8, 10.—Mohr and Poulson, 1966:135, 204.—Franz, 1970:74.—Hobbs and Barr, 1972:4.—Hobbs and Means, 1972:393, 408.—D. G. Hart and C. W. Hart, 1974:131.—Peck, 1974c:56.—Relyea and Sutton, 1975a:173-174; 1975b:235.—Cooper and Cooper, 1975:4.
Procambarus,—Mohr and Poulson, 1966:136-140.
procambarus pallidus.—Padgett, 1970:19.
Procambarus (Ortmannicus) pallidus.—Hobbs, 1972a:10; 1972b:54, 151, figs. 9b, 45c; 1974b:59, fig. 229; 1975a:15.—Caine, 1974a:490 [by implication].—Relyea and Sutton, 1975c:8, 14 [by implication].—Hobbs III, 1975:276.
Crayfish.—Peck, 1974b:31 [in part].
Procambrus pallidus.—Relyea and Sutton, 1975a:174, fig. 1 [erroneous spelling].
DIAGNOSIS.—Albinistic, eyes reduced, lacking facets and pigment. Areola 38.0 to 43.0 percent of total length of carapace. Single pair of cervical spines present. Hook on ischium of fourth pereiopod of male overreaching basioischial articulation but not opposed by tubercle on basis; first pleopod of first form male with cephalic process partially hooding central projection, latter beaklike. Female with caudally directed prominences on caudal margin of sternum immediately cephalic to annulus ventralis.
SIZE.—Carapace length 39.6 mm; postorbital carapace length 32.5 mm.
TYPES—Holotype and allotype, USNM 76591 ( I, ); “morphotype,” USNM 79350 ( II); paratypes, MCZ, USNM.
TYPE-LOCALITY.—Warren's Cave, 11 miles (17.7 km) NW of Gainesville, Alachua County (Sec. 13, T. 9S, R. 18E), Florida, U.S.A.
RANGE.—U.S.A. Known only from Florida where it occurs in the northwestern part of Alachua County, southwestern Columbia County, and western Suwannee County. Tentatively assigned to the species are specimens from southern Marion and eastern Madison counties.
Florida. Alachua County: (1) type-locality; (2) Hog Sink, Sec. 24, T. 10S, R. 18E (Hobbs, 1942b:140); (3) Devil's Hole, Sec. 18, T. 10S, R. 18E (Hobbs, 1942b: 140); (4) Pallidus Sink, Sec. 15, T. 8E, R. 17E (Hobbs, 1942b: 140); (5) High Springs Cave, Sec. 2, T. 8S, R. 17E (Hobbs, 1942b:140); (6) Squirrel Chimney, Sec. 21, T. 9S, R. 18E (Hobbs, 1942b:140); (7) Protheroe Sink, Sec. 24, T. 10S, R. 18E (Warren, 1961:8); (8) Still Sink, Sec. 29, T. 9S, R. 18E (Warren, 1961:8); (9) Pumped from well, 150 feet (45 m) deep, across road from Four O'clock Church [= Fort Clark Church], W of Gainesville, 11 Nov 1954, Babb and Pirkle, coll.; (10) Chimney Sink, 0.5 mi (0.8 km) N of Newberry on U. S. Highway 41, 6 May 1939, W. M. McLane and H.H.H., Jr., coll.; (11) Hornsby Sink near High Springs, 26 Dec 1968, W. Hulet, coll.; (12) Goat Sink, about 11 mi (18 km) W of Gainesville, Sec. 20, T. 9S, R. 18E (Franz and Sutton, in press). Columbia County: (13) River Bed Cave, 3 mi (4.8 km) W of High Springs on U.S. Highway 27, Sec, 13, T. 7S, R, 16E (Hobbs, 1940:398). Madison County: (14) Suwanacoochee Spring, Ellaville, 4 Jul 1971, S. Maegerlein, coll. Marion County: (15) Eichelburger's Cave, 1.2 mi (2 km) W and 1 mi (1.6 km) S of Bellview, NW ¼, Sec. 2, T. 17S, R. 22E, 23 Sep 1952, R. B. Cumming, coll. Suwannee County: (16) unnamed sink in Peacock Slough system, about 3 mi (5 km) E of Lauraville, 9 Jul 1970, W. F. Smith-Vaniz, coll.
Localities cited previously for Leon and Wakulla counties, Florida, are based on erroneous determinations of P. (Ortmannicus) orcinus. See the synonomy for the latter.
- bibliographic citation
- Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr., Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, III, and Daniel, M. A. 1977. "A Review of the Troglobitic Decapod Crustaceans of the Americas." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-183.
Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Procambarus (Ortmannicus) pallidus (Hobbs)
Cambarus acherontis.—Hobbs, 1937:154.
Cambarus acherontis pallidus Hobbs, 1938b:90 [nomen nudum].
Cambarus pallidus Hobbs, 1940a:394, fig. 16.
Procambarus pallidus.—Hobbs, 1942a:343.
procambarus pallidus.—Padgett, 1970:19 [lapsus calami].
Procambarus (Ortmannicus) pallidus.—Hobbs, 1972a:10; 1974b:59, fig. 229.—Hobbs, Hobbs, and Daniel, 1977:132, figs. 4, 62.—Franz and Lee, 1982:61, fig. 4.
Procambrus pallidus.—Relyea and Sutton, 1975a:174, fig. 1 [erroneous spelling].
TYPES.—Holotype and allotype, USNM 76591 (male I, female); “morphotype,” USNM 79350 (male II); paratypes, MCZ, USNM, FSBC.
TYPE LOCALITY.—Warren's Cave, 11 miles (17.6 km) northwest of Gainesville, Alachua County, Florida (Sec. 13, T. 9S, R. 18E).
RANGE.—Subterranean waters from the northwestern part of Alachua and northeastern Levy counties to the Suwannee River basin in southern Suwannee County, Florida.
HABITAT.—Subterranean waters.
- bibliographic citation
- Hobbs, Horton Holcombe, Jr. 1989. "An Illustrated Checklist of the American Crayfishes (Decapoda, Astacidae, Cambaridae, Parastacidae)." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-236.