Diagnostic Description
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This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following characters: presence of a flat posterior dorsal surface of the basihyal (vs. ridge); with 12 or fewer teeth on pharyngobranchial (vs. 14); a small body cavity usually with less than 14 pre-caudal vertebrae present (vs. 14); without a crown of thorny projections present at border of parietals and supraoccipital (vs. present in patriciae, orthos) (shared with duccis, orinoco, rex, raptor, schotti, sima); with a deep caudal peduncle, 27-42% HL (vs. 15-21% HL) (Ref. 126780).Description: unique tail shape and the following associated characters: unusually deep caudal peduncle and electric organ; caudal peduncle depth at end of anal fin contained 12-18 times in LEA (length from snout tip to end of anal-fin base), 0.7-2.5 times in its length, and electric organ depth at end of anal fin about equal to or a little greater than snout length; caudal peduncle abruptly tapering before caudal fin; hemal spines above middle third of anal fin elongate, nearly twice longer than adjacent proximal anal-fin radials; two rows of intermuscular bones visible along ventral and ventrolateral sides of posteriorly deepening electric organ; precaudal vertebrae 13-15 including 4 vertebrae of the Weberian complex (Ref. 93342).
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Analsoft rays: 147 - 165; Vertebrae: 77 - 79