Holotype SMF 1618, A: fragments from holotype, B: long thin style (broken), B1 detail of head of long thin style, C: short thin style, C1 detail of head of short thin style, D short thick style, D1 detail of head of short thick style, E polyactines (From Van Soest et al. 2012).
Habit and SEM images of spicules, A1: Californian holotype, USNM 33630, encrusting a rock (scale = 1 cm), A2: Mexican Pacific specimen LEB-ICML-UNAM 1497, B cross section of peripheral region, C: thick section of basal mass of polyactines, D: fragments of long thin style, D1 microphoto of detail of rounded apex of long thin style, E: short thin style, F: short thick styles, G: three- to five-claded polyactines showing prominent bulbous ending of lateral cladi.
Holotype USNM 21412, A: massively encrusting shape with irregular surface (scale = 1 cm), B: long thin style, B1 detail of rounded end showing subterminal tyle, C: short thin centrotylote (strongylo-)style C1 detail of swollen roughened apex of short thin (strongylo-)style, D: short thick style, E: polyactines, E1 detail of basal cladus of polyactine, F diactinal polyactine.
Photo from one of Dendy's non-type slides showing polyactine with spined basal cladus and smooth lateral cladi.
Holotype AHF D33, A: shape of holotype (photo Phyllis Sun), B: long thin style, B1 detail of head of long thin style, C: details of short thin style, D: polyactines, D1 reduced diactinal polyactine, D2 detail of spination of basal clade of three-claded polyactine, D3 detail of apex of lateral clade of three-claded polyactine, E: trichodragmas.
Holotype BMNH 1848.10.4.6,habit and SEM images of spicules, A: shape of holotype specimen (size bar = 1 cm), B: details of apices of long thin style, C: short thin style, C1 detail of rounded head of short thin style, D: oxeas, E: polyactine, F: trichodragma.