Lateral. Specimen ID: 13540652. Field no.: M150_475-1. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Anterior. Specimen ID: 13540653. Field no.: M150_534-1. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Posterior. Specimen ID: 13540653. Field no.: M150_534-1. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Anterior. Specimen ID: 13540654. Field no.: M150_534-1. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
Posterior. Specimen ID: 13540654. Field no.: M150_534-1. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.499.
In situ. Specimen ID: 6378904. Field no.: S_102. Taxon rep.: Theonella. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Naturalis Biodiversity Center. Year: 2013. Contact: Naturalis DNA barcoding facility.
Barcode of Life Data Systems
Dorsal. Catalog no.: RMNH.5013279. Specimen ID: 6970020. Taxon rep.: Erylinae. Image quality: 1. Aspect ratio: 1.333.
Bilamellate form. Holotype NIWA 89736: Subantarctic region of New Zealand, Bounty Platform, NZOI Station A751; 47.743° S, 179.124° E; depth 155 m; 16 Nov. 1962; NIWA 89736 leg.; Agassiz medium trawl. A small piece of the holotype is deposited at the Museum of Evolution in Uppsala, Sweden, UPSZTY 178605.
Multilamellate, foliose, fan sponge, 160 mm high, 104 mm wide, with a short thick stalk about 2 cm thick. Lamella up to 2 cm thick in places, attenuating to curled margins. Oscules were not visible on the holotype. Texture firm, compressible, flexible, granular and smooth to the touch. Colour in preservative tan. Subantarctic region of New Zealand, east of Snares Island Platform, NIWA Station TRIP3072/8; 48.5° S, 168.0° E; depth 125–213 m; 21 Oct. 2010; NIWA 61944
Solid stalk of sponge of unknown morphology Subantarctic region of New Zealand, Seamount 5, Macquarie Ridge, NIWA Station TAN0803/48; 51.096° S, 161.976° E; depth 462–524 m; 4 Apr. 2008; NIWA 52640
Ruecallan, Rathlin Island, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, -29 m, 55 18.478N 6 16.127W. 6th June 2006 collector B. E. Picton. Ulster Museum Catalogue number Mc3395.
Picture of wet specimen taken by P. Cárdenas in Sept. 2008.
Picture taken by P. Cárdenas in Sept. 2008.
Upper side of holotype (MZS P0195), dry. (Picture: P. Cárdenas)
Lower side of holotype (MZS P0195), dry. (Picture: P. Cárdenas)
3PP cave, Marseille, France. 23-07-2005
Habitus of Exsuperantia archipelagus sp. nov. A: Holotype MNHN DT 782/1, B: Paratype MNHN DT 782/2, C: Paratype: DOP1976 (Carvalho & Pisera, 2019, Figure 1). Photos taken by Carvalho & Pisera.
(A) Dichotriaenes; (B) Pseudocalthrop; (C) Mesodichotriaenes (paratype MUZAC 6314); (D) Oxeas I; (E) Oxeas II; (F) Acanthomicroxea; Spirasters (G) type I; (H) type II; (I) type III; (J) Plesiasters. Scale bars: A, B, C, D, E = 100 µm; F = 20 µm; G, H, I, J = 5 µm. Similar picture to Fig. 3 (Cardone et al., 2019).
(A) Holotype SARD10b [MSNG 57361] on coral Madrepora oculata; (B) skeletal architecture of the holotype (transverse section). Pictures from Frine Cardone.
(a,b): Paratype specimen MNHN-IP-2019-3; (a): lateral view; (b): top view. (c–e): Holotype specimen MNHN-IP-2019-2; (c): top view, (d,e): lateral views
Holotype UFSPOR 1130 (picture: Danilo Almeida) scale = 1 cm