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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
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Português do Brasil
names in breadcrumbs
Cellular Organisms
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
Scientific Names
Preferred Names
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World List of Trematoda in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Prosorhynchoides sibi
Species recognized by
wikipedia NL
Prosorhynchoides sibi
(Yamaguti 1940) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Species recognized by
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Prosorhynchoides sibi
(Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
Species recognized by
GBIF classification
Prosorhynchoides sibi
Species recognized by
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
, and
Global Biotic Interactions
Prosorhynchoides sibi
Recognized by
BHL data coverage
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
Species recognized by
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
World Register of Marine Species
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
, and
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Alternative Names
Bucephaloides sibi (Yanaguti 1940)
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World List of Trematoda in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Bucephalopsis sibi Yamaguti 1940
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Reference taxon from World List of Trematoda in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life
Bucephaloides sibi
(Yanaguti 1940)
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Bucephalopsis sibi
Yamaguti 1940
Synonym according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Bucephaloides sibi (Yanaguti 1940)
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Bucephaloides sibi (Yanaguti 1940) Fischthal & Kuntz 1964
Not accepted according to
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Bucephaloides sibi (Yanaguti 1940) Fischthal & Kuntz 1964
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Bucephalopsis sibi Yamaguti 1940
Not accepted according to
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Bucephalopsis sibi Yamaguti 1940
Synonym according to
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Common Names
There are no common names associated with this taxon.
Curated hierarchies for Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy April 2022
Cellular Organisms
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li ex Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao & Fu
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939)
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928)
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng & Wang 1995)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng & Wang 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusillus (Stafford 1904) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xia
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952)
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
Catalogue of Life 26 March 2024
Platyhelminthes Minot 1876
Rhabditophora Ehlers 1985
Digenea Carus 1863
Plagiorchiida La Rue 1957
Bucephalata La Rue 1926
Bucephaloidea Poche 1907
Bucephalidae Poche 1907
Bucephalinae Poche 1907
Prosorhynchoides Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides aspinosus Malsawmtluangi & Lalramliana 2022
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li ex Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939) Pérez-Ponce de León, Garcia-Prieto & Mendoza-Garfias 2007
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides extenuatus Curran & Calhoun ex Curran, Calhoun, Tkach, Warren & Bullard 2022
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides galaktionovi Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kohnae Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928) Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng & Wang 1995)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng & Wang 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusillus (Stafford 1904) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.3
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li ex Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao & Fu
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939)
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928)
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng & Wang 1995)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng & Wang 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusillus (Stafford 1904) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xia
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952)
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1
Cellular Organisms
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu et al. 2010
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li ex Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu et al. 2010
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939)
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819)
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1970)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968) Overstreet & Curran
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951)
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928)
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940)
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962)
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aljoshkina 1985) Gaevskaja 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1970)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng Wei 1997)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu et al. 2010
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900)
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1970)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961)
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng Wei 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusilla (Stafford 1904)
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu et al. 2010
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968)
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu et al. 2010
Prosorhynchoides serrani (Gupta & Tandon 1982)
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954)
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955)
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952)
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
EOL Dynamic Hierarchy Version 2.2.4
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides aspinosus Malsawmtluangi & Lalramliana 2022
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li in Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939) Pérez-Ponce de León, Garcia-Prieto & Mendoza-Garfias 2007
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides extenuatus Curran & Calhoun in Curran, Calhoun, Tkach, Warren & Bullard 2022
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides galaktionovi Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kohnae Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928) Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng & Wang 1995)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng & Wang 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusillus (Stafford 1904) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
GBIF classification
Prosorhynchoides Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis Lunaschi 2004
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Muñoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao & Fu
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939)
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides fabulus Barger 2016
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides haimeana (Lacaze-Duthiers 1854)
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis (Akhmerov 1963)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928)
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis (Chakrabarti & Baugh 1974)
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides magnus (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides mystis (Feng & Wang 1995)
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri (Pandey 1969)
Prosorhynchoides ozakii (Nagaty 1937) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata (Chakrabarti 1968)
Prosorhynchoides percocypri (Feng & Wang 1997)
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri (Wang 1980)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides pusillus (Stafford 1904) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xia
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu & Gao
Prosorhynchoides siamensis Purivirojkul & Sirikanchana 2006
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937)
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952)
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides wui (Long & Lee 1964)
Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS) Taxonomic Hierarchy
Platyhelminthes Minot 1876
Rhabditophora Ehlers 1985
Bucephalidae Larue 1926
Prosorhynchoides sibi
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides arcuata
Prosorhynchoides basargini
Prosorhynchoides cybii
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens
Prosorhynchoides labiatus
Prosorhynchoides ozakii
wikidata_hierarchy tar gz
Prosorhynchoides sibi
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus
Prosorhynchoides apogonis
Prosorhynchoides arcuata
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus
Prosorhynchoides attenuata
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus
Prosorhynchoides basargini
Prosorhynchoides belonea
Prosorhynchoides bennetti
Prosorhynchoides bipapillosa
Prosorhynchoides borealis
Prosorhynchoides brayi
Prosorhynchoides caecorum
Prosorhynchoides callicotyle
Prosorhynchoides cambapuntaensis
Prosorhynchoides carvajali
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi
Prosorhynchoides clara
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei
Prosorhynchoides cybii
Prosorhynchoides elongatus
Prosorhynchoides exilis
Prosorhynchoides fabulus
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis
Prosorhynchoides fusiformis
Prosorhynchoides galaktionovi
Prosorhynchoides garuai
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens
Prosorhynchoides haimeana
Prosorhynchoides hemirhamphi
Prosorhynchoides hexaglandulata
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis
Prosorhynchoides iskaensis
Prosorhynchoides karvei
Prosorhynchoides kohnae
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis
Prosorhynchoides labiatus
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli
Prosorhynchoides latus
Prosorhynchoides lenti
Prosorhynchoides linguiformis
Prosorhynchoides longicirrus
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus
Prosorhynchoides magnus
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus
Prosorhynchoides minima
Prosorhynchoides modiolae
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis
Prosorhynchoides multiglandulata
Prosorhynchoides mystis
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis
Prosorhynchoides ovatus
Prosorhynchoides oxygasteri
Prosorhynchoides ozakii
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis
Prosorhynchoides pentaglandulata
Prosorhynchoides percocypri
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis
Prosorhynchoides potamoensis
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis
Prosorhynchoides pseni
Prosorhynchoides pseudobagri
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo
Prosorhynchoides pusilla
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus
Prosorhynchoides scombropis
Prosorhynchoides serrani
Prosorhynchoides siamensis
Prosorhynchoides southwelli
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae
Prosorhynchoides tenuis
Prosorhynchoides tergestinum
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus
Prosorhynchoides thapari
Prosorhynchoides thomasi
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri
Prosorhynchoides triglae
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae
Prosorhynchoides wui
World Register of Marine Species
Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti 1940) Love & Moser 1983
(this page)
Prosorhynchoides ablennus (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides apogonis Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides arcuatus (Linton 1900) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides attenuatus (Siddiqi & Cable 1960) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides basargini (Layman 1930) Margolis & Arthur 1979
Prosorhynchoides bennetti (Hopkins & Sparks 1958) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides borealis Bartoli, Gibson & Bray 2006
Prosorhynchoides brayi (Ahmad 1987) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides caecorum (Hopkins 1956) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides carvajali Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides chorinemi (Gupta & Ahmad 1976) Madhavi 2011
Prosorhynchoides clara (Komiya 1943)
Prosorhynchoides collichthydis (Qiu & Li ex Shen & Qiu 1995) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides cutmorei Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides cybii (Park 1939) Pérez-Ponce de León, Garcia-Prieto & Mendoza-Garfias 2007
Prosorhynchoides elongatus (Ozaki 1928) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides exilis (Nicoll 1915)
Prosorhynchoides fijiensis (Manter 1963) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides galaktionovi Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides garuai (Verma 1936) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides ghanensis (Fischthal & Thomas 1968)
Prosorhynchoides gracilescens (Rudolphi 1819) Stunkard 1976
Prosorhynchoides hupehensis (Wang & Pan 1964)
Prosorhynchoides karvei (Bhalerao 1937) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides kohnae Hammond, Cribb, Nolan & Bott 2020
Prosorhynchoides kweiyangensis (Chu 1950) Overstreet & Curran 2002
Prosorhynchoides labiatus (Manter & Van Cleave 1951) Love & Moser 1983
Prosorhynchoides lamprelli Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides latus (Ozaki 1928) Munoz & Bott 2011
Prosorhynchoides lenti (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides longoviferus (Manter 1940) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides megacetabulus (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides megacirrus (Riggin & Sparks 1962) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides meridionalis (Gaevskaya & Aleshkina 1985) Gaevskaya 2001
Prosorhynchoides microcirrus (Chauhan 1943) Srivastava & Chauhan 1973
Prosorhynchoides modiolae (Faust 1926)
Prosorhynchoides moretonensis Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides obpyriformis (Gu & Shen 1976) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides ovatus (Linton 1900) Dollfus 1929
Prosorhynchoides paralichthydis (Corkum 1961) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez 1959) Arthur & Lumanlan-Mayo 1997
Prosorhynchoides pleuronectis (Layman 1930)
Prosorhynchoides pritchardae (Govind 1986) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides productiovalis (Lebedev 1968) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides pseni (Parukhin 1979)
Prosorhynchoides puhilaumilo (Yamaguti 1970)
Prosorhynchoides rhynchobati (Wang 1985) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides rioplatensis (Szidat 1970) Lunaschi 2003
Prosorhynchoides scomberomorus (Corkum 1968) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides scombropis (Yamaguti 1938) Liu, Peng, Gao, Fu, Wu, Lu, Gao & Xiao 2010
Prosorhynchoides southwelli (Nagaty 1937) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides strongylurae (Hopkins 1954) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tenuis (Yamaguti 1952) Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides tergestinus (Stossich 1883) Bartoli, Bray & Gibson 2005
Prosorhynchoides thapari (Dayal 1948) Bott & Cribb 2005
Prosorhynchoides thomasi Roberts-Thomson & Bott 2007
Prosorhynchoides toomboensis Bray & Justine 2011
Prosorhynchoides trachichthodi (Lebedev 1968)
Prosorhynchoides trichiuri (Sogandares-Bernal 1955) Curran & Overstreet 2009
Prosorhynchoides tylosuris (Ozaki & Ozaki 1952) Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018
Prosorhynchoides waeschenbachae Hammond, Cribb & Bott 2018