
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Kulgaphoxus borralus

DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE.—Head about 15 percent of total body length, greatest width about 95 percent of length; rostrum constricted, broad, short, exceeding middle of article 1 on antenna 1. Eyes medium, largely occluded with pigment. Article 1 on peduncle of antenna 1 about 1.4 times as long as wide, about 2.7 times as wide as article 2, ventral margin with 6–8 setules, weakly produced dorsal apex with 2 setules; article 2 about 1.1 times as long as article 1, with proximoventral cycle of 7–8 setae; primary flagellum with 8 articles, about 0.45 times as long as peduncle, bearing several aesthetascs; accessory flagellum with 8 articles. Spine formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = 1–3–8 or 1–3–7, dorsal margin with notch bearing 2 setae, ventral margin with 7 groups of 2–3 long to short setae, one ventrodistal long spine; article 5 about 0.7 times as long as article 4, facial spine formula = 1–1, dorsal margin naked, ventral margin with 4 sets of one long seta, 2 ventrodistal long spines, one set facially; flagellum about 1.2 times as long as articles 4–5 of peduncle combined, with 12 articles. Mandibles with weak palpar hump; right incisor with 3 teeth and notch; left incisor with 6 humps in 2 branches; right lacinia mobilis bifid, distal branch little shorter than proximal, flabellate, denticulate, proximal branch simple, pointed, with marginal denticles and facial hump; left lacinia mobilis with 4 teeth plus one accessory tooth; right rakers 8; left rakers 10; molar in form of short protrusion demarcated mainly by spines, right molar with 8 primarily long spines, none disjunct, left molar with 10 (3 hidden) primarily long spines, none disjunct; palp article 1 slightly elongate, article 2 with one short inner apical seta and 3 other shorter inner setae, article 3 about 1.05 times as long as article 2, oblique apex with 7 spine-setae, basofacial formula = 0–1. Inner plate of maxilla 1 elongate, thin, bearing one long apical pluseta, one longer apicomedial seta, 2 apicolateral much shorter setae, palp article 2 with 4 apicalmedial marginal spines and 2 submarginal setae. Plates of maxilla 2 extending subequally, outer broader than inner, outer with 3 apicolateral setae, inner with 2 medial setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 2 large, thick apical spines, 3 apicofacial thick setae, 4 medial thick setae; outer plate with 5 medial and apical spines, no apicolateral setae; palp article 1 with apicolateral seta, article 2 with 2 apicolateral setae, medial margin of article 2 weakly setose, article 3 with 2 facial setae, no lateral setae, nail of article 4 long, with 2 accessory setules. Coxa 1 not expanded distally, anterior margin weakly convex; main ventral setae of coxae 1–4 = 7–8–8–0, posteriormost seta of coxae 1–3 shortened; anterior and posterior margins of coxa 4 divergent, posterior margin oblique, straight, posterodorsal corner sharp, posterodorsal margin short, almost straight, width-length ratio of coxa 4 = 16:17. Long posterior setae on article 2 of gnathopods 1–2 and pereopods 1–2 = 5–7–7–4, short posteriors = 0–0–1–1, long anteriors = 7–8–0–0, short anteriors = 4–3–4–2. Gnathopods elongate; width ratios of articles 5–6 on gnathopods 1–2 = 25:30 and 27:32, length ratios = 93:63 and 88:62, palmar humps ordinary, palms weakly oblique; article 5 of gnathopods 1–2 elongate, ovate, posterior margin flat, long. Pereopods 1–2 similar, facial setae formula on article 4 = 5–6 and 4, on article 5 = 5 and 4, main spine of article 5 extending to M. 80 on article 6, article 5 with 3 proximoposterior spines, spine formula of article 6 = 5 + 7 and 6 + 7 plus tiny vestigial middistal seta, some spines especially long; acclivity on inner margin of dactyls of pereopods 1–2 sharp, produced as tooth, setule fully immersed, midfacial seta nonplumose (plumose on pereopods 3–5). Coxae 5–7 posteroventral seta formula = 6–13–16. Articles 4–5 of pereopods 3–4 broad; facial spine rows dense, facial ridge formula on article 2 of pereopods 3–5 = 1–2–2; width ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 3 = 53:54:38:18, of pereopod 4 = 80:80:40:20, of pereopod 5 = 87:20:15:7, length ratios of pereopod 3 = 78:44:35:27, of pereopod 4 = 104:60:40:40, of pereopod 5 = 110:22:22:22, article 2 of pereopod 5 almost reaching apex of article 5, article 2 of pereopod 3 with sharp tooth at posterodorsal corner; medial apex on article 6 of pereopod 5 bearing 4 weak digital processes, dactyl vestigial. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 1 rounded, posterior margin deeply convex, anteroventral margin with 8 long to medium setae, posteroventral face with 3 long setae, anterior pair set vertically; posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 rounded, posterior margin strongly convex, facial setae = 8, posteriormost pair set vertically; posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 weakly protuberant, with 2 setule sinuses, posterior margin straight, with 2 setule notches, ventral marign naked, face with oblique row of 10 setae in middle, epimeron 3 with setule on posterodorsal margin set in deep notch. Urosomite 1 naked, articulation line almost complete; urosomite 3 with large hook dorsally. Rami of uropods 1–2 with articulate enlarged apical nails, inner rami of uropods 1–2 each with two accessory nails, outer ramus of uropod 1 with 2 dorsal spines, inner with one, outer ramus of uropod 2 with 2 dorsal spines, inner with none; peduncle of uropod 1 with 3 apicolateral spines and one basofacial spinule, medially with 2 marginal setules and apical enlarged spine; peduncle of uropod 2 with 7 dorsal spines, medially with one apical setule. Peduncle of uropod 3 with 5 ventral spines, dorsally with one lateral spine, one medial spine and setule; rami submasculine, inner extending to M. 90 on article 1 of outer ramus, apex with 2 setae, medial and lateral margins setose, article 2 of outer ramus short, 0.18, bearing 2 long setae, apicomedial margin of article 1 with 2 setae, lateral margin with 3 acclivities, spine formula = 2–2–2–2, setal formula = 0. Telson especially long, length-width ratio = 14:11, not fully cleft, each apex of medium width, undulant, lateral acclivity narrow, bearing ordinary lateral setule, spine next medial longer than setule, second spine next medial as long as setule, midlateral setules diverse. Cuticle with ordinary bulbar setules mixed with occasional pipes and spicules, emergent setules ordinary but weakly branched and thorned.

OBSERVATIONS.—Prebuccal mass rounded anteriorly; female “w” with 3 dorsal spines on outer ramus of uropod 1, 9 facial spines on epimeron 3 and 7 facial setae on epimeron 2; juvenile “j” spine formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = 4–5, peduncle of uropod 1 with 2 apicolateral spines, of uropod 2 with 5 dorsal spines, outer ramus of uropod 2 with only one dorsal spine, formula on article 1 on outer ramus of uropod 3 = 2–2; epimeron 3 with 7 facial spines.

ILLUSTRATIONS.—View of prebuccal mass from anterior aspect with upper lip not fully flattened; lower lip with narrower illustrated outer lobe not fully flattened, broader lobe fully flattened; apical setae on primary flagellum of antenna 1 broken off; illustration of pereopod 3 reduced to 83 percent of size in pereopods 4–5; outer ramus of uropod 3 with one spine missing on article 1. One side of telson with spines missing.

HOLOTYPE.—NMV, female “a,” 4.90 mm.

TYPE-LOCALITY.—PPBES 974/3, 13 Oct 1971, Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia, 5 m, sand.

VOUCHER MATERIAL.—PPBES 974/4, female “w,” 3.87 mm; WPBES 1725/3, juvenile “j,” 3.32 mm. Male unknown.

RELATIONSHIP.—Kulgaphoxus borralus shares with Tickalerus birubi the following characters not shared with Kulgaphoxus cadgeeus; normal telson, unexpanded coxa 1, unstunted article 6 of pereopods 1–2, and the special bevel on article 2 of pereopod 5.

MATERIAL.—PPBES, 2 samples from one station (1): WPBES, 2 samples from one station (2).

DISTRIBUTION.—Victoria: Port Phillip Bay and Western Port, 5–13 m, sand.