Comprehensive Description
provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Foxiphalus obtusidens (Alderman)
Pontharpinia obtusidens Alderman, 1936:54–56, figs. 1–13, 19.—Hewatt, 1946:199.—J.L. Barnard, 1954:4.
Paraphoxus obtusidens.—J.L. Barnard, 1960:249–259, pl. 33–37 [in part, not major and not pl. 33: fig. F, G, pl. 36: fig. G–K, P, pl. 37; see F. golfensis, F. secasius, and sur phenotype herein]; 1964a:105, chart 6; 1964b:244; 1966a:89; 1966b:29; 1969a:197; 1971:70.
DESCRIPTION OF FEMALE “k” (typical form).—Head about 23 percent of total body length, greatest width about 70 percent of length, rostrum unconstricted, broad, elongate, almost reaching apex of article 2 on antenna 1. Eyes medium, largely occluded with pigment, ommatidia ordinary. Article 1 of peduncle on antenna 1 about 1.6 times as long as wide, about 2.4 times as wide as article 2, ventral margin with about 11 setules, weakly produced dorsal apex with 2 setules–setae, article 2 about 0.5 times as long as article 1, with ventral narrowly spread doubled crescent of 11 setae and 3 apicofacial setae, primary flagellum with 10 articles, about 0.6 times as long as peduncle, bearing 1 short aesthetasc on each of articles 6–9, accessory flagellum with 8 articles. Antenna 2 strongly ensiform, article 3 with small anterodorsal setule besides normal facial armaments, spine formula of article 4 = 1–3–4–6, dorsal margin with 2 notches each bearing 3 spine-setae and 1 spine, ventral margin with 9 groups of 1–4 long to medium setae, 1 ventrodistal long spine, article 5 about 0.85 times as long as article 4, facial spine formula = 5, dorsal–margin bearing 3 sets of 1–2 small setae, ventral margin with 6 sets of 1–2 long to short setae, 3 ventral long to medium spines set facially; flagellum about 0.7 times as long as articles 4–5 of peduncle combined, with 10 articles.
Epistome unproduced. Mandibles with medium palpar hump, right incisor with 3 teeth, third almost in middle of medial edge, left incisor with 3 humps in 2 branches, right lacinia mobilis bifid, distal branch shorter than proximal, narrow, proximal branch simple, pointed, left lacinia mobilis with 5 teeth, middle teeth slightly shortened, right rakers 7 plus 1 rudimentary, left rakers 7, molars composed of elongate plaques, right molar with 7 primarily long spines plus 1 short spine strongly disjunct, left molar with 5 primarily medium spines plus 1 short spine strongly disjunct, each molar with plume; palp article 1 short, article 2 with 3 medium inner apical setae and 5 other medium and short inner setae, article 3 about 0.95 times as long as article 2, oblique apex with 13 spine-setae, basofacial formula = 0–4. Each outer lobe of lower lip with 1 cone. Inner plate of maxilla 1 ordinary, bearing 1 medium apical pluseta, 1 shorter apicomedial seta, 2 apicolateral shorter setae, outer plate with 11 spines, palp article 2 with 1 apical spine, 1 apicolateral, 2–3 medial and 2–3 submarginal setae.
Plates of maxilla 2 extending subequally, outer not broader than inner, outer with 5 apicolateral setae, inner with 2 medial setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 1 large thick apical spine, 3 apicofacial setae, 3 medial setae, outer plate with 7 medial spines, 3 lateral setae, palp article 1 with 1 apicolateral seta, article 2 with 4 groups of 5 lateral setae, medial margin of article 2 moderately setose, article 3 with 10 facial setae, 6 lateral setae, nail of article 4 fully fused, with 2 accessory setules.
Coxa 1 strongly expanded apically, anterior margin weakly concave, main ventral setae of coxae 1–4 = 11–11–11–13, posteriormost seta of coxae 1–3 slightly shortened; anterior and posterior margins of coxa 4 almost parallel, posterior margin almost straight, posterodorsal corner rounded, posterodorsal margin ordinary, concave, width-length ratio = 29:33. Gnathopods generally ordinary, width ratios on articles 5–6 of gnathopods 1–2 = 30:35 and 29:36, length ratios = 65:75 and 51:70, palmar humps ordinary, palms strongly oblique, article 5 of gnathopod 1 elongate, ovate, posterior margin rounded, article 5 of gnathopod 2 short, ovate; posterior margin rounded, short, triangular.
Pereopod 4 slightly stouter than pereopod 3, formula on article 4 = 7pine of article 5 ext and 5, almost parallel to apex, on article 5 = 9 and 9, main sending to M. 90 on article 6, article 5 with no proximoposterior spines, spine formula of article 6 = 7 + 7 and 7 + 7 plus small middistal seta, no spines especially long, acclivity on inner margin of dactyls of pereopods 3–4 obsolescent, setule almost fully immersed, midfacial pluseta ordinary. Coxae 5–7 posteroventral setae formula = 18–19–12. Articles 4–5 of pereopods 5–6 narrow, facial spine rows moderately developed, facial ridge formula of article 2 on pereopods 5–7 = 0–1–1. Width ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 5 = 45:31:28:16, of pereopod 6 = 71:34:23:11, of pereopod 7 = 87:22:20:9, length ratios of pereopod 5 = 74:34:40:40, of pereopod 6 = 90:62:52:75, of pereopod 7 = 100:26:26:30, article 2 of pereopod 7 reaching apex of article 4, posterior margin with 6 small serrations, medial apex of article 6 very weakly combed, bearing 2 weak digital processes.
Posteroventral corner of epimeron 1 rounded-quadrate, posterior margin straight, weakly serrate, setose (7), corner without setule, anteroventral margin with 9 long to medium setae, posteroventral face with 1 long seta, ventral margin with 4 narrowly constrained posterior setae. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 rounded, weakly protuberant, posterior margin straight, weakly serrate, setose (12), facial setae = 9, posteriormost pair set obliquely. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 rounded, weakly protuberant, posterior margin weakly concave, serrate, setose (16), without setule notches, ventral margin with 8 setae.
Urosomite 1 with 2 lateral facial setae, articulation line almost complete, urosomite 3 unprotuberant dorsally. Rami of uropods 1–2 with articulate but tightly fixed apical nails, except inner ramus of uropod 1 with flexible nail, outer ramus of uropod 1 with 5 dorsal spines, inner with 3, outer ramus of uropod 2 with 4 dorsal spines, inner with no dorsomedial spines, peduncle of uropod 1 with 3–4 basofacial setae and 3 apicolateral spines, medially with 7 medium marginal widely spread spines, apicalmost ordinary plus enlarged displaced spine. Peduncle of uropod 2 with 11 dorsal spines and setae, apicalmost shortest and stoutest, medially with 1 small apical spine, apicolateral corners of peduncles on uropods 1–2 without comb. Peduncle of uropod 3 with 10 ventral spines, dorsally with 1 lateral spine, 1 medial spine, and 1 setule, rami submasculine, inner extending to M. 100 on article 1 of outer ramus, apex with 2 setae, medial and lateral margins with 2 and 1 setae each, article 2 of outer ramus ordinary to elongate, 0.27, bearing 2 medium setae, medial margin of article 1 with 3 setae, lateral margin with 4 acclivities, spine formula = 2–2–2–2–2, setal formula = 0. Telson especially long, moderately glandular, length-width ratio = 7:6, almost fully cleft, each apex wide, rounded, lateral acclivities narrow, weak, with 1–2 lateral and 1–2 medial spines separated by setule, latter position variable, dorsal surface of each lobe with 3 supernumerary spines, midlateral setules diverse, largest medium, at M. 25.
VARIANTS.—Female “n” (of Rocky Point, California, USNM Acc. 100940): Extremely well developed but cannot be identified as F. major because the dorsolateral telsonic setule pairs are at M. 30; each lobe of the telson has 4 or 5 supernumerary dorsal spines; some glandular material is present in the telson but not to the degree found in F. major.
Female “o” (from Velero IV AHF 5606): Typical except for the poorly ensiform antenna 2; this is followed up later in the phenotype called “sur” from southern waters.
BAY FORM.—Inside bays such as Bahía de San Quintín, Baja California, F. obtusidens appears to have a phenotype characterized especially by the poor development of posterior setae on epimeron 2 and the absence of supernumerary telsonic spines. Specimens of this form are described below (female “h” and male “g”).
Description of Female “h” (San Quintín form = bay form): Head about 23 percent of total body length, greatest width about 65 percent of length, rostrum unconstricted, broad, elongate, almost reaching apex of article 2 on antenna 1. Eyes medium to large for female, largely occluded with pigment, ommatidia ordinary. Article 1 of peduncle on antenna 1 about 1.4 times as long as wide, about twice as wide as article 2, ventral margin with 7 setules, produced dorsal apex with 2 setules-setae, article 2 about 0.45 times as long as article 1, with widely spread ventral doubled crescent of 12 setae and 3 apicofacial setae, primary flagellum with 7 articles, about 0.45 times as long as peduncle, aesthetasc formula = 0–0–0–0–1–1–0, accessory flagellum with 8 articles. Antenna 2 strongly ensiform, article 3 with 1 anterodorsal setule, spine formula of article 4 = 1–3–4–5, dorsal margin with notch bearing 3 setae and 1 spine, ventral margin with 8 groups of 1–3 long to short setae, 1 ventrodistal long spine, article 5 about 0.7 times as long as article 4, facial spine formula = 5, dorsal margin bearing 2 sets of small setae, ventral margin with 4 sets of 1–2 long to short setae, 3 ventrodistal long to medium spines, flagellum about 0.9 times as long as articles 4–5 of peduncle combined, with 9 articles.
Epistome unproduced. Mandibles with weak palpar hump, right incisor with 3 teeth (normal), left incisor with 3 humps in 2 branches, right lacinia mobilis bifid, distal branch much shorter than proximal, broad, subbifid, proximal branch simple, pointed, without marginal denticles, left lacinia mobilis with 4 teeth plus 2 accessory teeth, middle teeth shortened; right rakers 7, left rakers 9; molars composed of bulbous hump on right and elongate plaque on left, right molar with 8 primarily short to medium spines plus 1 short spine strongly disjunct, left molar with 5 primarily medium spines plus 1 short spine strongly disjunct, each molar with plume; palp article 1 short, with 1 setule, article 2 with 3 medium inner apical setae and 6 other long and short inner setae, article 3 about 1.1 times as long as article 2, oblique apex with 14 spine-setae, basofacial formula = 1–3. Each outer lobe of lower lip with 1 cone. Inner plate of maxilla 1 broad, bearing 1 medium apical pluseta, 1 similar apicomedial seta, 2 apicolateral slightly shorter setae, outer plate with 11 spines, palp article 2 with 1 apical spine, and 1 apicolateral and 4 medial and 2 submarginal setae. Inner plate of maxilla 2 scarcely shorter than outer, outer slightly broader than inner, outer with 4 apicolateral setae, inner with 2 medial setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 1 large thick apical spine, 2 apicofacial setae, 2 medial setae, outer plate with 7 medial spines, 2 apicolateral setae and 3 cusps, palp article 1 without apicolateral seta, article 2 with 2 groups of 7 lateral setae, medial margin of article 2 strongly setose, article 3 with 8 facial setae, pair of lateral setae, nail of article 4 short, almost fully fused, with 2–3 accessory setules.
Coxa 1 expanded apically, anterior margin weakly concave, main ventral setae of coxae 1–4 = 9–10–11–8, posteriormost seta of coxae 1–3 shortest; anterior and posterior margins of coxa 4 almost parallel, posterior margin convex, not setose, posterodorsal corner rounded, posterodorsal margin ordinary, concave, width-length ratio of coxa 4 = 6:7. Coxal gills 2–7. Gnathopods generally ordinary, width ratios on articles 5–6 of gnathopods 1–2 = 26:32 and 25:34, length ratios = 49:59 and 41:57, palmar humps ordinary, palms oblique, article 5 of gnathopod 1 not elongate, ovate, posterior margin rounded, short, article 5 of gnathopod 2 short, triangular, posterior margin rounded, short, produced. Pereopods 3–4 similar, facial setae formula on article 4 = 5 and 4, parallel to apex, on article 5 = 9 and 8, main spine of article 5 extending to M. 95 on article 6, article 5 without proximoposterior spines, spine formula of article 6 = 6 + 5 and 6 + 5 plus middistal setule, no spines especially long, acclivity on inner margin of dactyls of pereopods 3–4 absent, emergent setule short, midfacial pluseta ordinary. Coxae 5–7 posteroventral seta formula = 10–12–5; articles 4–5 of pereopods 5–6 narrow to ordinary in width, facial spine rows sparse, facial ridge formula of article 2 on pereopods 5–7 = 0–1–1. Width ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 5 = 45:31:30:16, of pereopod 6 = 70:32:21:10, of pereopod 7 = 89:23:20:10, length ratios of pereopod 5 = 75:31:37:39, of pereopod 6 = 85:56:45:63, of pereopod 7 = 100:25:25:28, article 2 of pereopod 7 reaching middle of article 4, posterior margin with 7–8 small serrations, medial apex of article 6 finely combed, bearing 2–3 digital processes, moderately spinose.
Posteroventral corner of epimeron 7 rounded, posterior margin straight, with 2 setules, anteroventral margin with 7 long to medium setae, posteroventral face with 3 long setae in groups of 1 and 2, latter set vertically. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 weakly protuberant, posterior margin straight, weakly serrate, setose (5), facial setae = 11, no pair set vertically. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 weakly protuberant, posterior margin straight or weakly concave, serrate, setose (11), without setule notches, ventral margin with 5 setae mainly posterior.
Urosomite 1 with lateral setule at base of uropod 1, face with pair of setae, articulation line short, urosomite 3 unprotuberant dorsally. Rami of uropods 1–2 with articulate but tightly fixed apical nails, except inner ramus of uropod 1 with flexible nail, outer ramus of uropod 1 with 4 dorsal spines, inner with 2, outer ramus of uropod 2 with 4 dorsal spines, inner without dorsomedial spines. Peduncle of uropod 1 with 2 small apicolateral spines, medially with 6 medium marginal widely spread spines, apicalmost ordinary plus enlarged displaced spine. Peduncle of uropod 2 with 8 mostly elongate (except apicalmost) dorsal spines, medially with 1 small apical spine; apicolateral corners of peduncles on uropods 1–2 without comb. Peduncle of uropod 3 with 7 ventral spines, dorsally with 1 lateral spine and setule, 1 medial spine and setule, rami submasculine, inner extending to M. 95 on article 1 of outer ramus, apex with 2 setae, medial and lateral margins with 2 and 1 setae respectively, article 2 of outer ramus ordinary, 0.19, bearing 2 medium setae, apicomedial margin of article 1 with 3 setae, lateral margin with 3 acclivities, spine formula = 2–2–2–2, setal formula = 0. Telson especially long, poorly glandular, length-width ratio = 14:11, almost fully cleft, each apex wide, rounded, lateral acclivities shallow, narrow, with short lateral and medium medial spines separated by medium setule, no dorsal supernumerary armaments, mid-lateral setules diverse, largest medium, at M. 30.
Male “g”: Rostrum scarcely narrower than in female. Article 2 of antenna 1 with 6 narrowly confined ventral setae, primary flagellum with 11 articles, 1 calceolus each on articles 2–6, aesthetascs weakly developed. Ventral setae on antenna 2 sparse, facial spine formula on article 4 = 3–4–3, formula on article 5 = 4, latter with 3 dorsal sets of male setae and 1 calceolus, ventrodistral apex with 2 thin spines, flagellum formula = 2, 3, 4, 6, 8…n. Basofacial setal formula of article 3 on mandibular palp = 0–3; right incisor with only 2 teeth, left with 2 sharp branches; right lacinia mobilis bifid (illustrated), left with 5 sharp teeth, middle 3 shortened. Article 2 of pereopods 5, 6, 7 narrower than in female. Epimera 1–3 broadened, posterior margin of epimeron 3 not shortened, setal formulas, epimeron 1 anteroventral = 8, posteroventral = 3, all on margin, epimeron 2 facial = 9, posterior = 4; epimeron 3 posterior = 9, facial = 0, ventral = 5 short. Spine formulas of uropods, uropod 1 peduncle apicolateral = 3, basofacial = 5, uropod 2 peduncle dorsal = 10, dorsal spines on outer ramus of uropod 1 = 3 crowded, of uropod 2 = 3 crowded small, inner ramus of uropod 1 = 1 larger, of uropod 2 = 0, ventral spines on peduncle of uropod 3 = 5, small spine formula on article 1 of outer ramus = 1–1–1–1–1, setal formula = 0–1–1–1–1; article 2 length = 0.09. Telson not elongate, slightly broadened, distal spines shortened, each lobe with 1 dorsolateral spine at M. 50 and long dorsal denticle row in single file.
THE SUR PHENOTYPE.—At first our reanalysis of F. obtusidens in Hancock collections produced a taxon we considered to be a distinct species in which article 5 of pereopods 3–4 bears a strong proximal posterior spine apart from the long distoposterior spine normal to most phoxocephalids in this phyletic vicinity. As more and more specimens were encountered, the variability in correlation of the pereopodal spine with greater or lesser degrees of setosity on epimeron 2, greater and lesser degrees of ensiformity on antenna 2 (especially in AHF 2788), and presence of 0, 1, or 2 of the stated pereopodal spines in various specimens, seemed to negate the clear distinction needed to consider this a distinct species. It is therefore called a “sur phenotype” and occurs mostly in warm southern waters of the northeastern Pacific south of California.
Specimens of this form already are shown in J.L. Barnard, 1960, on pi. 33: fig. F, pi. 35: fig. A, and pi. 36: figures G–K in AHF samples 478 and 442. Two females (sur females “p” and “s”) are described below to show the congruence with normal F. obtusidens.
Description of Sur Female “p”: Head about 20 percent of total body length, appearing stubby, greatest width about 65 percent of length, rostrum unconstricted, broad, elongate, almost reaching apex of article 2 on antenna 1. Eyes medium to large, mostly occluded with pigment, ommatidia ordinary. Article 1 of peduncle on antenna 1 about 1.45 times as long as wide, about 2.2 times as wide as article 2, ventral margin with about 16 setules, weakly produced dorsal apex with 2 setules-setae, article 2 about 0.45 times as long as article 1, with 2 tightly confined ventral rows of 7 and 2 setae, and 6 lateral setae, primary flagellum with 17 articles, about 1.2 times as long as peduncle, bearing 1 short aesthetasc each on articles 5–16; accessory flagellum with 14 articles. Antenna 2 not ensiform, article 3 with 1 anterodistal setule, spine formula of article 4 = 1–3–3–5, dorsal margin with notch bearing 2 setae and 1 spine, ventral margin with 7 groups of 1–6 long to medium setae, 1 ventrodistal long spine, article 5 about 0.9 times as long as article 4, facial spine formula = 3–4, dorsal margin bearing 2 sets of short setae, ventral margin with 5 sets of 1–3 long to short setae, 1 ventrodistal medium subdistal facial spine; flagellum about 1.5 times as long as articles 4–5 of peduncle combined, with 18 articles.
Mandibles with medium palpar hump, right incisor with 3 teeth, third about in middle of medial edge, left incisor with 3 humps in 2 branches; right lacinia mobilis bifid, distal branch little shorter than proximal, distal branch flabellate, narrow, proximal branch simple, pointed, left lacinia mobilis with 5 short teeth, middle teeth not shortened; right rakers 10 plus 2 rudimentaries, left rakers 12 plus 1 rudimentary; molars composed of elongate plaques, right molar with 6 primarily long spines plus 1 shorter spine strongly disjunct, left molar with 8 primarily long spines plus 1 shorter spine strongly disjunct, each molar with plume; palp article 1 short, article 2 with 1 long medium inner apical seta and 4 other medium and short inner setae, article 3 about 0.9 times as long as article 2, oblique apex with 8–9 spine-setae, basofacial formula = 0–2 or 0–3. Each outer lobe of lower lip with 1 cone. Inner plate of maxilla 1 especially large, bearing 1 long apicomedial pluseta, 1 shorter similar faciomedial seta, 2 apicolateral much shorter setae, outer plate with 11 spines, palp article 2 very thin, with 1 apical spine, 1 apicolateral spine-seta, 11 medial spines mostly in pairs on margin. Plates of maxilla 2 extending equally, outer not broader than inner, outer with 7 apicolateral setae, inner with 5 medial setae. Inner plate of maxilliped with 2 large thick apical spines, 3 apicofacial setae, 5 medial setae, outer plate with 13 medial and apical spines, 7 apicolateral setae, palp article 1 without apicolateral seta, article 2 with 2 apicolateral setae, medial margin of article 2 moderately setose, article 3 with 12–13 facial setae, 5–6 lateral setae, article 4 with 2–4 accessory setules, nail absent.
Coxa 1 strongly expanded apically, anterior margin weakly concave, main ventral setae of coxae 1–4 = 8–7–7–3, posteriormost seta of coxae 1–2 shortest, anterior and posterior margins of coxa 4 strongly divergent, posterior margin almost straight, posterodorsal corner rounded, posterodorsal margin ordinary, almost straight, width-length ratio of coxa 4 = 20:21. Gnathopods generally ordinary, width ratios on articles 5–6 of gnathopods 1–2 = 25:37 and 28:42, length ratios = 65:64 and 54:64, palmar humps ordinary to large, palms strongly oblique, article 5 of gnathopod 1 elongate, ovate, posterior margin rounded, long, article 5 of gnathopod 2 ovate, posterior margin rounded, short, almost lobate.
Pereopod 4 stouter than pereopod 3 especially on article 4, facial setae formula on article 4 = 3 + 4, parallel to apex, on article 5 = 3 + 5, main spine of article 5 extending to M. 90 on article 6, article 5 with 3 and 2 proximoposterior spines, spine formula of article 6 = 4 + 5 and 4 + 5 plus small middistal seta, some spines especially long, acclivity on inner margin of dactyls of pereopods 3–4 obsolescent, emergent setule almost fully immersed, midfacial pluseta ordinary. Coxae 5–7 posteroventral setae formula = 7–?–8; articles 4–5 of pereopods 5–6 narrow, facial spine rows sparse, facial ridge formula of article 2 on pereopods 5–7 = 0–1–1; width ratios of articles 2, 4, 5, 6 of pereopod 5 = 50:30:30:12, of pereopod 6 = 70:30:20:11, of pereopod 7 = 83:17:17:8, length ratios of pereopod 5 = 86:35:41:51, of pereopod 6 = 97:67:50:77, of pereopod 7 = 100:25:29:38, article 2 of pereopod 5 tapering slightly apically and lacking posteroventral lobe, article 2 of pereopod 7 reaching middle of article 4, posterior margin with 8 small serrations, medial apex of article 6 very weakly combed, bearing 5 weak digital processes.
Posteroventral corner of epimeron 1 rounded, posterior margin weakly convex, with 5 short setae or setules, anteroventral margin with 14 short to medium setae, posteroventral margin with 3 long setae. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 2 rounded, posterior margin straight, with 6 setules, facial setae = 5, none set vertically. Posteroventral corner of epimeron 3 rounded, posterior margin straight, with 4 setae at corner, ventral margin naked.
Urosomite 1 with lateral setule at base of uropod 1, articulation line almost complete, urosomite 3 unprotuberant dorsally. Rami of uropods 1–2 with articulate but tightly fixed apical nails, except inner ramus of uropod 1 with flexible nail, outer ramus of uropod 1 with 7 tightly packed dorsal spines, inner with 2 larger spines, outer ramus of uropod 2 with 6 dorsal spines, inner with 1 large dorsomedial spine. Peduncle of uropod 1 with 5 basofacial setal spines and 6 apicolateral spines, medially with 5 marginal spines, apicalmost an ordinary spine plus enlarged displaced spine. Peduncle of uropod 2 with 11 short distal spines, medially with 1 small apical spine; apicolateral corners of peduncles on uropods 1–2 without comb. Peduncle of uropod 3 with 6 ventral spines, dorsally with 1 lateral spine and setule, 1 medial spine and setule, rami submasculine, inner extending to M. 95 on article 1 of outer ramus, apex with 2 setae, medial and lateral margins setose, article 2 of outer ramus short, 0.10, bearing 2 medium setae, medial margin of article 1 setose, lateral margin with 4 acclivities, spine formula = 2–2–2–2–1, short setal formula = 0–0–0–0–2. Telson especially long, length-width ratio = 4:3, almost fully cleft, each apex of medium width but attenuate, lateral acclivity broad, shallow, with short lateral and medial spines separated by longer setule, plus small lateral spine at M. 55, midlateral setules diverse, largest of medium size.
Sur Female “s”: Smaller and more normal (less extremely developed than sur female “p”); ventral setae on article 2 of antenna 1 = 4, lateral = 3, primary flagellum with 13 articles, accessory with 10. Facial spine formula on article 4 of antenna 2 = 1–3–4–5, dorsal notch with 1 spine and 3 setae; facial formula on article 5 = 5, apical face with 3 medium to long spines, 1 set fully facial, flagellum with 14 articles.
Setal formula on coxae 1–7 = 6–6–6–3–5–6–4. Armament formulas on article 4 of pereopods 3–4 = 3 and 3, setae on face, article 5 facial setae = 4 and 4, posteroproximal spines 2 and 1, spine formula on article 6 = 4 + 4 + 1 on both pairs. Article 2 of pereopod 7 with 9 posterior serrations.
Epimeral setae, epimeron 1 anteroventral = 5, posteroventral = 2, facial oblique = 2, posterior margin = 2 setules; epimeron 2 facial = 5, and 2 verticals, posterior = 2 setules; epimeron 3, ventral 2, posterior = 7–8, not widely spread.
Urosomite 1 with 1 setule at lateral base of uropod 1. Setal and spine formulas on uropods, uropod 1 peduncle basofacial = 3, peduncle apicolateral = 6, outer ramus = 3, inner 1; uropod 2 peduncle dorsolateral = 10, outer ramus = 3, inner = 10; uropod 3 ventral peduncle = 5, inner ramus reaching to M. 70 on article 1 of outer, setose apicomedially and laterally, spine formula on article 1 outer ramus lateral = 2–2–2–2, short setae = 0–0–0–2, article 2 = 0.23 times length of article 1.
Apex of telsonic lobe with 2 spines separated by setule, dorsolateral setule pairs at M. 60.
VOUCHER MATERIAL.—AHF Velero IV 5606, southern California, 32 m, female “k,” 7.73 mm; Velero IV 5045, same, 24 m, female “a,” 7.73 mm; Bahía de San Quintín, Mexico, Beaudette Foundation, 21 Apr 1960, 18–24 feet (5–7 m), male “g,” 5.77 mm; SQ-12, 22 Apr 1960, 7 feet (2 m), female “h,” 5.62 mm; sur phenotype, Velero III 478–35, Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica, 1.5 fms (3 m), female “s,” 7.45 mm; Velero III 285, Thurloe Head, Baja California, 30 fms (55 m), female “p,” 13.55 mm.
OTHER MATERIAL.—Velero III and IV samples: 871 (1), 888 (14), 889 (1), 1140 (1), 1169 (1), 1197 (1), 1205 (2), 1232 (2), 1241 (3), 1295 (1), 1372 (1), 1390 (1), 1598 (1), 2018 (7), 2026 (1), 2032 (2), 2125 (1), 2126 (5), 2232 (2), 2291 (1), 2311 (1), 2312 (7), 2313 (2), 2348 (5), 2394 (1), 2444 (14), 2496 (3), 2497 (3), 2498 (2), 2501 (2), 2606 (4), 2629 (1), 3047 (3), 3048 (7), 3161 (24), 3162 (34), 3164 (2), 3204 (2), 3213 (12), 3394 (1), 3727 (9), 4746 (1), 4767 (3), 4769 (7), 4779 (1), 4810 (3), 4818 (9), 4853 (20), 5098 (1), 5605 (1); southern California samples from other sources: off Corona del Mar, G.E. MacGinitie, 15 Jul 1937, 12 fms (22 m) (6, form A) (6, form A–1); same area 31 Jan to 3 Mar 1933, near bell buoy, 15 fms (27 m), G.E. MacGinitie (14); San Diego, Sunset Cliffs, tidepool of sand, 13 Mar 1949, T.E. Bowman (2); off San Diego at 32°36.1′N, 117°13′W, sandy bottom, 20 fms (36 m), 31 Mar 1949, coll R. Cifelli (1); AHF, Hubbs 47–86 [locality unknown] (1); AHF, Rocky Point, California, 10 May 1924, Acc. A.R. Ulrey, University of Southern California (1); AHF, Santa Catalina Island, Avalon 16 and 24, 1951, C. Horvath and J.L. Mohr (4); AHF, Coronado Islands, 16 Mar 1949, sandy bottom, 8 fms (15 m), coll. T.E. Bowman (2); same, 10 Aug 1949, larvae trap, 7:05–9:10 P.M. (8); Bahía de San Quintín, Mexico, 6 Apr 1950, various samples coll. by D.J. Reish and R.J. Menzies (45); same, Beaudette Foundation, coll. J.L. Barnard and party, SQ-12 and SQ-18 (for additional material see “Voucher Material”); Isla Cedros, Mexico, 9 May 1950, nightlight, dip net, 2000–2400 hours, coll. Back-with and Huffer (23 males).
MATERIAL OF SUR PHENOTYPE.—Velero III and IV samples: 259 (1), 279 (2), 283 (1), 285 (1), 442 (2), 477 (1), 478 (18), 564 (1), 582 (1), 1140 (1), 2091 (2), 2611 (2), 2788 (17), 2967 (2), 5043 (1 male); Pt. Fermin, California, 21 Oct 1949, intertidal on Phyllospadix, coll. J.L. Barnard (1); La Jolla, California, 9 Mar 1949, sand in tidepool, coll. T.E. Bowman (1).
DISTRIBUTION.—Based on new analysis of restricted material; typical phenotype, California from Monterey Bay southward to Isla Cedros, Baja California, including Bahía de San Quintín and all Channel Islands, 0–210 m, males often in neritic nightlights or traps, sur phenotype ranging from Redondo Beach, California, south to Bahía Piñas, Panama, 0–55 m, including Santa Catalina Island only (of Channel Islands as far as known), Bahía Salinas, Costa Rica, Bahiá Tangola Tangola, Bahía Santa Maria (Baja California), Thurloe Head, and into the Gulf of California at Isla Tiburón and Isla San Marcos.
- bibliographic citation
- Barnard, J. L. and Barnard, C. M. 1982. "Revision of Foxiphalus and Eobrolgus (Crustacea: Amphipoda: Phoxocephalidae) from American oceans." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-35.