USNM 1450305 - Specimen Image 3
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 6
USNM 1450305 - Specimen Image 1
USNM 1450305 - Specimen Image 2
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28450; Anterior Nectophore; image 11; Scale Bar = 1 mm
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 2
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28445; Gonophore; image 13; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 29309; Anterior Nectophore; image 16; Scale Bar = 3 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28446; Gonophore; image 12; Scale Bar = 0.5 mm
USNM 1450305 - Specimen Image 4
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 4
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 3
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28444; Gonophore; image 15; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 29309; Anterior Nectophore; image 17; Scale Bar = 3 mm
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 7
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 5
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28454; Anterior Nectophore; image 14; Scale Bar = 1 mm
USNM 1449594 - Specimen Image 1
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28368; Anterior Nectophore; image 5; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28366; Anterior Nectophore; image 2; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28368; Anterior Nectophore; image 6; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28368; Gonophore; image 4; Scale Bar = 1 mm
Microsope specimen image of IZ COE 28367; Anterior Nectophore; image 3; Scale Bar = 1 mm