Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchio Sea
Acanthostomela norvegica from the Chukchi Sea
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in August 2012.
Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in 2012, station 14 of the Araoan Cruise 3
Arctic Sex - Conjugation in Acanthostomella norvegica. Sample from the Arctic Sea (Chukchi Sea) in August 2012.
Coxiella form of Acanthostomella norvegica. From the Chukchi Sea in 2012.
Arctic Sex a pair of conjugating Acanthostomella norvegica
Found in a sample from the Bering Sea taken by Diane Stoecker.
Found in a sample from the Bering Sea taken by Diane Stoecker.
Specimen from the Bering Sea
Specimen from the Chukchi Sea in 2012
From the Arctic in summer 2012
A conjugating pair of Acanthostomella norvegica from the Chukchi Sea in 2012. Z stack of images made with a 60x objective, DIC optics, lugol's preserved specimens.