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Fountain Thistle

Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jepson


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Monocarpic perennials, 50–220 cm; woody tap-rooted caudices with numerous coarse, fibrous lateral roots, sometimes forming new rosettes from root sprouts. Stems 1–several, erect, loosely arachnoid-tomentose, glandular-pilose; branches several to many, spreading. Leaves: blades oblanceolate to oblong or elliptic, 20–70 × 5–16 cm, strongly undulate, shallowly to deeply pinnatifid, lobes coarsely toothed or with triangular secondary lobes, main spines 3–15 mm, abaxial faces more densely tomentose, adaxial densely glandular with short, multicellular trichomes and ± tomentose with fine, arachnoid, non-septate trichomes; basal often present at flowering, petiolate; principal cauline well distributed, becoming sessile, gradually reduced distally, bases auriculate-decurrent with broad, spiny-margined wings 3 cm or less; distal cauline leaves progressively reduced, ± bractlike. Heads few–many, ± nodding, in paniculiform or corymbiform arrays, bracts leafy or much reduced. Peduncles 0–7 cm. Involucres (green to purple), hemispheric or campanulate, 1.5–3 × 2–5 cm, glabrous or puberulent. Phyllaries in 6–10 series, imbricate, ovate to lanceolate, abaxial faces without glutinous ridge; outer and mid bases appressed, short, bodies entire to erose or ciliolate (rarely outer spine-margined), apices spreading to recurved or reflexed, long, dilated, adaxially puberulent, spines 1–6 mm; apices of inner erect or reflexed, flattened or tipped with short spines. Corollas white to pinkish or lavender, 14.5–22 mm, tubes 5–8 mm, throats 4.5–9 mm, lobes 3–8 mm; style tips 2.5–4.5 mm. Cypselae brownish, 3.4–5 mm, apical collars tan; pappi 12–15 mm.
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 102, 161 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
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Cnicus fontinalis Greene, Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2: 151. 1886
Missouri Botanical Garden, 4344 Shaw Boulevard, St. Louis, MO, 63110 USA
bibliographic citation
Flora of North America Vol. 19: 102, 161 in eFloras.org, Missouri Botanical Garden. Accessed Nov 12, 2008.
Flora of North America @ eFloras.org
Flora of North America Editorial Committee
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Cirsium fontinale

provided by wikipedia EN

Cirsium fontinale, the fountain thistle, is a flowering perennial herb in the family Asteraceae. It is endemic to California. The genus Cirsium is commonly known as the "thistle" genus, Cirsium being the Greek word for 'thistle.'


The species is endemic to limited regions within northern and central California, at elevations not exceeding 750 metres (2,460 ft). Occurrences appear limited to serpentine seeps and streams within the California Coast Ranges, in areas of the San Francisco Bay Area and of San Luis Obispo County.

There are three recognized varieties of this species:

  • Cirsium fontinale var. campylon — Mount Hamilton thistle; Diablo Range and southern Santa Clara Valley, San Francisco Bay Area. (Federal candidate for listing)
  • Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale — Fountain thistle; San Mateo County. (Federal and State of California Endangered species)
  • Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense — Chorro Creek bog thistle; San Luis Obispo County. (Federal and State of California Endangered species)


All the taxa within Cirsium fontinale have erect stems with leaves very strongly wavy margins.[2] These tall plants may attain a height of 2.2 metres (7.2 ft), but may exist in the form of only 0.5 metres (1.6 ft). A given plant may have one or more stems, and the plants are sometimes short-lived, dying after flowering only once, even though the species is acknowledged to be perennial. Lower leaves are typically petioled or tapered, but mostly spiny-lobed; petioles are either spiny-lobed or toothed.

Inflorescences are characterized by prickly heads more or less grouped in a panicle-like cluster, closely subtended by the higher leaves. Involucres are either hemispheric or bell-shaped, with purple to green coloration. Phyllaries range from a lanceolate to ovate shape. There are characteristically many flowers with white, pink or lavender corollae about 20 millimeters in length.

Anther bases are sharply sagittate, with oblong tips; the ends of the styles manifest a somewhat swollen node, with a cylindrical superior appendage. The smooth brownish fruits are four to five millimeters in diameter, but distinctly ovoid; many pappus bristles are exhibited.


The 3 varieties of Cirsium fontinale have specific limited distribution ranges, and distinctive features.

Cirsium fontinale var. campylon

Cirsium fontinale var. campylon, the Mount Hamilton thistle, is uncommon, but occurs in widely distributed locations in Santa Clara, Alameda and Stanislaus County, in the southeastern San Francisco Bay Area.[3][4][5] Elevations of this variety are from 300–750 metres (980–2,460 ft) in the southern Santa Clara Valley and the Diablo Range, including Mount Hamilton.

As with the other species varieties, the Mount Hamilton thistle prefers moist areas on serpentine soil slopes including seeps, riparian stream environments, and other wetlands. The California Natural Diversity Database—CNDDB lists 39 location for this variety, of which 33 are in Santa Clara County, 3 are in Alameda County and 3 are in Stanislaus County. It is a candidate for listing on the federal endangered species list.


Morphological differences of the C. f. var. campylon compared to other varieties of this species manifest first in a green stem which has a maximum height of 2 metres (6.6 ft). The leaves are densely tomentose and glandular hairs are not evident.

Compared to the other varieties, the flowering heads of C. f. var. campylon are strongly and permanently nodding; moreover, its outer phyllaries present a greenish color and have a length of 20 to 30 millimeters. The phyllaries are distinctly recurved and channeled, with the widest dimension below the middle; the upper phyllary element becoming a spine of three to five millimeters. Corolla tubes are five to six millimeters long with a throat of double the tube; lobes are four toe five millimeters and style branches are about the same size as lobes. Fruits are ovoid and smooth.

Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale

Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale, the fountain thistle, is endemic to the eastern Santa Cruz Mountains foothills within San Mateo County, in the southwestern San Francisco Bay Area.[6] It is found at elevations of approximately 120 metres (390 ft), which implies a distribution on the lower slopes of the Montara Mountain Block, within the Santa Cruz Mountains foothills. Habitats are seeps, wetlands and riparian areas associated with serpentine soils.

The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB), maintained by the California Department of Fish and Game, lists 5 occurrences for this variety.[7] However at two of these locations, in or near Edgewood County Park, plants have not been observed for several years, and these populations are presumed extinct. One colony of C. f. var. fontinale was found in the 1980s on serpentine soil along the east side of Upper Crystal Springs Reservoir.[8] A new population was found along a creek in Redwood City within Stulsaft Park in the 2000s. Another population was found in the Town of Woodside, growing on PG&E land on the east side of I-280 between Woodside Road and Farm Hill Blvd. along a perennial stream, while conducting a vegetation survey to replacing their L-109 gas pipeline.[9] Historically this variety occurred in a broader range throughout San Mateo and Santa Clara Counties.[10]

This fontinale variety of Cirsium fontinale was the first to be listed as endangered by the state of California (July, 1979).[11] It is also a federal listed endangered species.[12]


The stem of Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale is generally less than 1.3 metres (4.3 ft) in height, and reddish in color. Leaves are distinctly glandular and thinly tomentose.

The inflorescence heads are generally nodding when in bloom, but typically are erect in the fruiting stage. The outer reddish phyllaries are 15 to 20 millimeters in size, and are somewhat recurved: these structures are wider above the middle, but abruptly tipped with a one to two millimeter spine. The corolla tube extends 10 millimeters, with a throat dimension of five to six millimeters and lobes approximately the same size; the style branches have a dimension of three to four millimeters. The ovoid fruits are smooth, and chromosomes are characterized as: 2n=34 +1.

Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense

Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense, the Chorro Creek bog thistle, occurs only in limited portions of the Santa Lucia Mountains, of the outer southern California Coast Ranges within San Luis Obispo County in central California.[13] Its occurrence is principally associated with Chorro Creek.

The CNDDB lists 13 occurrences for this variety.[12] As with the other varieties it prefers riparian or seep areas, typically on slopes. It is found at elevations less than 300 metres (980 ft). The Chorro Creek bog thistle was listed as a federally endangered species in 1994 and is classified as endangered for its entire range.[12][14][15]


The green to purplish stem of C. f. var. obispoense is always less than 2 metres (6.6 ft) in height, producing densely tomentose leaves, particularly for lower surfaces. When in bloom, the flowering heads have a nodding habit, but at the fruiting stage, they are erect.

The plant's outer green to dark purple phyllaries are of dimension 15 to 20 millimeters; moreover these structures are strongly recurved and somewhat channeled, with the upper half tapering to a one to four millimeter spine. The corolla tube of Chorro Creek bog thistle is seven millimeters in size with a throat ever so slightly larger; the lobes are approximately five millimeters and the style branches of approximately the same scale. Fruits are smooth, ovoid and minutely scabrous above.


  1. ^ The Plant List, Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jeps.
  2. ^ Jepson Manual, University of California Press (1993)
  3. ^ Jepson Manual: Cirsium fontinale var. campylon
  4. ^ CalFlora Database: Cirsium fontinale var. campylon
  5. ^ USDA PLANTS Profile for Cirsium fontinale var. campylon (Mount Hamilton thistle)
  6. ^ Jepson Manual: Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale
  7. ^ California Department of Fish and Wildlife: California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB).
  8. ^ Earth Metrics Inc., Report of endangered species search and vegetative survey of the Polhemus Property at the northeast corner of the intersection of Ralston Avenue and State Route 92, San Mateo, prepared for San Mateo County, California, July, 1989
  9. ^ "Conceptual Special-status Plant and Sensitive Habitat Restoration. PG&E Gas Transmission Line 109 Farm Hill Blvd. Pipeline replacement Project." Pacific Gas and Electric.[no author(s), no date on document]. Release date October 31, 2014.
  10. ^ Sacramento Fish & Wildlife Office, Species Account: Cirsium fontinale var. fontinale, Recovery Plan for Serpentine Soil Species of the San Francisco Bay Area, September 30, 1998
  11. ^ State of California listing of endangered species, October, 2006
  12. ^ a b c California Dept. of Fish and Wildlife: California Natural Diversity Database—CNDDB listing of Endangered, Threatened and Rare species. Archived July 1, 2013, at the Wayback Machine — state and federal listings as of January 2013. | accessed 4.8.2013
  13. ^ Jepson Manual Treatment of Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense
  14. ^ U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listing details for Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense
  15. ^ USDA Plants Profile for Cirsium fontinale var. obispoense (Chorro Creek Bog thistle)

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Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary

provided by wikipedia EN

Cirsium fontinale, the fountain thistle, is a flowering perennial herb in the family Asteraceae. It is endemic to California. The genus Cirsium is commonly known as the "thistle" genus, Cirsium being the Greek word for 'thistle.'

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Cirsium fontinale ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Cirsium fontinale Es una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae, es endémica del centro y norte de California en alturas que no exceden los 750 msnm.


Es una planta herbácea perenne con tallos erectos y hojas con los márgenes fuertemente ondulados.[1]​ Alcanza los 2.2 metros de altura pero también los hay de 0.5 metros. Pueden tener uno o más tallos. Tienen corta vida muriendo después de florecer. Las hojas más bajas son pecioladas, espinosas, lobadas y dentadas. Las inflorescencias agrupadas en panículas en lo más alto de las hojas con el involucro de forma esférica o acampanada de color verde o púrpura y las flores muy numerosas de color blanco, rosa o lavanda.


Cirsium fontinale fue descrita por Greene Jeps. y publicado en A Flora of Western Middle California 505. 1901.[2]


Cirsium: nombre genérico que deriva de la palabra griega: kirsos = varices ; de esta raíz deriva el nombre kirsion, una palabra que parece servir para identificar una planta que se utiliza para el tratamiento de este tipo de enfermedad. De kirsion, en los tiempos modernos, el botánico francés Tournefort (1656 - 708) ha derivado el nombre Cirsium del género.

fontinale: epíteto latino que significa "de manantiales".[3]


Hay tres subespecies:

  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. fontinale
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. campylon
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. obispoense
  • Carduus fontinalis (Greene) Greene
  • Cnicus fontinalis Greene[4]


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Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary ( Spanish; Castilian )

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Cirsium fontinale Es una especie de planta fanerógama perteneciente a la familia Asteraceae, es endémica del centro y norte de California en alturas que no exceden los 750 msnm.

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Cirsium fontinale ( Basque )

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Cirsium fontinale Asteraceae familiako loredun landare bat da, Kaliforniako erdigune eta iparrean dauden 750 msnm altuera baino gutxiagoko lekuetan endemikoa dena.

Landare belarkara iraunkorra da, zurtoin zutitua eta hostoak ertzetan gogorki izurtuak dituena.[1] 2.2 metroko altueraraino hazi dezake, baina ere 0,5 metrokoak badaude. Zurtoin bat edo gehiago euki ditzake. Bizitza laburra dute, loretu ondoren hil eginez. Baxuen dauden hostoak peziolatuak, arantzadunak, lobaduak eta horzdunak dira.

Hiru subespezie daude:

  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. fontinale
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. campylon
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. obispoense


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Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary ( Basque )

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Cirsium fontinale Asteraceae familiako loredun landare bat da, Kaliforniako erdigune eta iparrean dauden 750 msnm altuera baino gutxiagoko lekuetan endemikoa dena.

Landare belarkara iraunkorra da, zurtoin zutitua eta hostoak ertzetan gogorki izurtuak dituena. 2.2 metroko altueraraino hazi dezake, baina ere 0,5 metrokoak badaude. Zurtoin bat edo gehiago euki ditzake. Bizitza laburra dute, loretu ondoren hil eginez. Baxuen dauden hostoak peziolatuak, arantzadunak, lobaduak eta horzdunak dira.

Hiru subespezie daude:

Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. fontinale Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. campylon Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. obispoense
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Cirsium fontinale ( Finnish )

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Cirsium fontinale on monivuotinen asterikasveihin kuuluva yrtti. Lajia esiintyy pienellä alueella pohjois- ja keski-Kaliforniassa alle 750 metrin korkeudessa. Laji on luokiteltu erittäin uhanalaiseksi.

Cirsium fontinalella on varsi, josta kasvaa voimakkaan aaltomaisia lehtiä. Kasvit voivat olla 0,5–2,2 metriä korkeita. Kasvilla voi olla yksi tai useampia varsia ja jotkin kasvit voivat kuolla kukinnan jälkeen, huolimatta siitä, että kasvi on luokiteltu monivuotiseksi.


  1. Catalogue of Life: Cirsium fontinale catalogueoflife.org. Viitattu 13.7.2012.
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Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary ( Finnish )

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Cirsium fontinale on monivuotinen asterikasveihin kuuluva yrtti. Lajia esiintyy pienellä alueella pohjois- ja keski-Kaliforniassa alle 750 metrin korkeudessa. Laji on luokiteltu erittäin uhanalaiseksi.

Cirsium fontinalella on varsi, josta kasvaa voimakkaan aaltomaisia lehtiä. Kasvit voivat olla 0,5–2,2 metriä korkeita. Kasvilla voi olla yksi tai useampia varsia ja jotkin kasvit voivat kuolla kukinnan jälkeen, huolimatta siitä, että kasvi on luokiteltu monivuotiseksi.

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Cirsium fontinale ( Vietnamese )

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Cirsium fontinale là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (Greene) Jeps. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.[1]

Chú thích

  1. ^ The Plant List (2010). Cirsium fontinale. Truy cập ngày 4 tháng 6 năm 2013.

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Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary ( Vietnamese )

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Cirsium fontinale là một loài thực vật có hoa trong họ Cúc. Loài này được (Greene) Jeps. mô tả khoa học đầu tiên năm 1901.

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Cirsium fontinale ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Царство: Растения
Подцарство: Зелёные растения
Отдел: Цветковые
Надпорядок: Asteranae
Порядок: Астроцветные
Семейство: Астровые
Подсемейство: Чертополоховые
Подтриба: Чертополоховые
Род: Бодяк
Вид: Cirsium fontinale
Международное научное название

Cirsium fontinale (Greene) Jeps. (1901)

на Викискладе
ITIS 36370NCBI 196718EOL 468286IPNI 59023-2TPL gcc-129085

Cirsium fontinale — многолетнее травянистое растение, вид рода Бодяк (Cirsium) семейства Астровые (Asteraceae), эндемик северной и центральной Калифорнии (на высоте не более 750 метров).

Впервые вид был описан Эдвардом Ли Грином в 1893 году и включён в род Чертополох (Carduus) под названием Carduus fontinalis. В 1901 году вид был реклассифицирован Уиллисом Джепсоном и включён в род Бодяк.

Выделяют три разновидности:

  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. fontinale, «фонтанный чертополох», под угрозой исчезновения;
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. campylon (H.Sharsm.) Pilz ex D.J.Keil & C.E.Turner (1992), «чертополох горы Гамильтон», кандидат на включение в список исчезающих видов;
  • Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. obispoense, «чертополох болота Чорро Крик», под угрозой исчезновения.


  1. Об условности указания класса двудольных в качестве вышестоящего таксона для описываемой в данной статье группы растений см. раздел «Системы APG» статьи «Двудольные».
Авторы и редакторы Википедии

Cirsium fontinale: Brief Summary ( Russian )

provided by wikipedia русскую Википедию

Cirsium fontinale — многолетнее травянистое растение, вид рода Бодяк (Cirsium) семейства Астровые (Asteraceae), эндемик северной и центральной Калифорнии (на высоте не более 750 метров).

Впервые вид был описан Эдвардом Ли Грином в 1893 году и включён в род Чертополох (Carduus) под названием Carduus fontinalis. В 1901 году вид был реклассифицирован Уиллисом Джепсоном и включён в род Бодяк.

Выделяют три разновидности:

Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. fontinale, «фонтанный чертополох», под угрозой исчезновения; Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. campylon (H.Sharsm.) Pilz ex D.J.Keil & C.E.Turner (1992), «чертополох горы Гамильтон», кандидат на включение в список исчезающих видов; Cirsium fontinale (E. Greene) Jepson var. obispoense, «чертополох болота Чорро Крик», под угрозой исчезновения.
Авторы и редакторы Википедии