Unresolved name

Symphysodontella madhusoodananii Manju & Rajesh


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
Main stem long, creeping on bark, 3–5 cm long, scale leaves present, branches yellowish green to brownish, primary branch 5–7 cm long, secondary branches up to 2 cm long, mostly with flagelliform branches, flagella 2.5 cm long, erect to drooping, leaves oblong-lanceolate, lax erect-spreading, 2.5 × 0.9 mm, leaves on main shoot lax, ovate, long acuminate, acumen 0.9 mm long, two very short distinct costa at base, leaves on main shoot and secondary branches dense, patent to squarrose, complanate, plicate, tip tortuose in some leaves, long apiculate, margin denticulate at tip, recurved below, cells at acumen elongate linear, up to 50 µm long, thick walled above, middle cells 60–70 µm × 20–25 µm, less thick but with porose walls below, 35–45 µm × 28–35 µm, costa and cells at stem attachment yellowish brown, alar cells not prominently differentiated in size but with deep brown, rectangular porose cells, 40–45 × 25–35 µm, porose in some cells, leaf insertion to the stem is U shaped; cells at flagella almost same size and shape; sporophyte not seen (Figure 1 a–s).
C. N. Manju, K.P. Rajesh
bibliographic citation
Manju C, Rajesh K (2012) Symphysodontella madhusoodananii (Pterobryaceae, Moss) a new species from the Western Ghats of India PhytoKeys 18: 39–44
C. N. Manju
K.P. Rajesh
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)


provided by Phytokeys (archived)
It is distributed in the shola forests (Southern montane wet temperate forests) of New Amarambalam of Kerala and Mukuruty National Park of Tamil Nadu in the Western Ghats of India.
C. N. Manju, K.P. Rajesh
bibliographic citation
Manju C, Rajesh K (2012) Symphysodontella madhusoodananii (Pterobryaceae, Moss) a new species from the Western Ghats of India PhytoKeys 18: 39–44
C. N. Manju
K.P. Rajesh
partner site
Phytokeys (archived)