Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 11.Orthomorpha picturata sp. n., ♂ holotype (B–H) and ♀ paratype (A, I–L). A habitus, live coloration B, C, J, K anterior part of body, dorsal, lateral, dorsal and lateral views, respectively D, E, I, J segments 10 and 11, dorsal, lateral, dorsal and lateral views, respectively F-H posterior part of body, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectively.
Sergei I. Golovatch, Youbang Li, Weixin Liu, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy
Figure 1.Desmoxytes eupterygota sp. n., ♂ paratype from near Tianhe. A–C anterior part of body, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectively D midbody segments, dorsal view E telson, ventral view F midbody leg, front view.Photographed not to scale.
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 1.Size comparison of the left gonopod (posterior view), of six Boreohesperus species: A Boreohesperus capensis Shear, 1992 B Boreohesperus curiosus sp. n. C Boreohesperus delicatus sp. n. D Boreohesperus dubitalis sp. n. E Boreohesperus furcosus sp. n. F Boreohesperus undulatus sp. n. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 1.Size comparison of the left gonopod (posterior view), of six Boreohesperus species: A Boreohesperus capensis Shear, 1992 B Boreohesperus curiosus sp. n. C Boreohesperus delicatus sp. n. D Boreohesperus dubitalis sp. n. E Boreohesperus furcosus sp. n. F Boreohesperus undulatus sp. n. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.
Robert Mesibov, Catherine A. Car
Figures 1–2.Hoplatessara luxuriosa (Silvestri, 1895), female ex AM KS.120531. Whole animal (1, scale bar = 10 mm) and dorsal view of midbody rings (2, scale bar = 1 mm).
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 4.Distribution of Tetracentrosternus species. 1,2 Tetracentrosternus subspinosus (1 Carin Cheba (= Bia-po) 2 Puepoli) 3 Tetracentrosternus hoffmani (Mt Gaoligong Shan) 4,5 Tetracentrosternus theelorsuensis sp. n. (4 Thee Lor Sue Waterfall 5 Pa Wai Waterfall).
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Orthomorpha paviei Brölemann, 1896, ♂ from Laos. A habitus, live coloration; B, C anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectivelyD, E segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively F–H posterior part of body, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectivelyI, J sternal cones between coxae 4, subcaudal and sublateral views, respectively.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Tylopus corrugatus sp. n., ♂ holotype; A habitus, live coloration B, C anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively D, E segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively F–H posterior part of body, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectively I, J sternal cones between coxae 4, subcaudal and sublateral views, respectively.
Chao-Chun Chen, Sergei I. Golovatch, Hsueh-Wen Chang, Shyh-Hwang Chen
Figures 17–24.Chamberlinius pessior sp. n., holotype. 17 Entire body, dorsal view 18 Anterior body portion, lateral 19, 20 segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively 21, 22 Epiproct, dorsal and lateral views, respectively 23 Hypoproct, ventral view 24 Spiracle-bearing cones lateral to gonopod aperture (arrows). Scale bar: 1.0 mm. s10 and s11: segments 10 and 11 separately.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 12.Orthomorpha picturata sp. n., ♂ holotype. A, B right gonopod, lateral and mesal views, respectively. Scale bar: 0.5 mm.
Sergei I. Golovatch, Youbang Li, Weixin Liu, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy
Figure 2.Desmoxytes eupterygota sp. n., ♂ paratype from near Tianhe. A sternal cones between coxae 4, ventral view B and C right gonopod, mesal and lateral views, respectively. Scale bar: 1.0 (A) and 0.5 mm (B, C). Designations: fe femorite sph solenophore sl solenomere ll lamina lateralis lm lamina medialis s spinule on lm
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 2.Boreohesperus capensis Shear, 1992. A–B Male (WAM T44397) habitus: A lateral view B dorsal view C–F Male (WAM T44397) left gonopod: C posterior view D anterior view E medial view F lateral view. bs solenomere base C coxa F femur NSB non-seminiferous branch PF prefemur S solenomere. Scale bars: A–B = 2 mm; C–F = 0.5 mm.
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 4.Boreohesperus delicatus sp. n. A–B Holotype male (WAM T76070) habitus: A lateral view B dorsal view C–F Holotype male left gonopod: C posterior view D anterior view E medial view F lateral view. bs solenomere base C coxa F femur NSB non-seminiferous branch nsbp non-seminiferous branch process PF prefemur S solenomere stp solenomere tip process. Scale bars: A = 1 mm; B = 1 mm; C–F = 0.2 mm.
Robert Mesibov, Catherine A. Car
Figure 3–4.3 Hoplatessara luxuriosa (Silvestri, 1895), female ex AM KS.120531, right lateral view of midbody spiracles (anterior to right) 4 Grassy forest habitat of Hoplatessara luxuriosa (Silvestri, 1895) along Daylight Creek Road near Sunny Corner, NSW, on 30 April 2013.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 1.Tetracentrosternus theelorsuensis sp. n., ♂ holotype. A habitus, live coloration B, D anterior part of body, lateral and dorsal views, respectively C, E, G segments 10 and 11, dorsal, ventral and lateral views, respectively F, H posterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively I, J sternal lobe between coxae 4, sublateral and subcaudal views, respectively.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 2.Orthomorpha paviei Brölemann, 1896, ♂ from Laos, left gonopod. A, B lateral and mesal views, respectively C, D telopodite, lateral and mesal views, respectively E, F distal part, subcaudal and suboral views, respectively. Scale bar: 0.2 mm.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 2.Tylopus corrugatus sp. n., ♂ holotype; A–C right gonopod, lateral, mesal and anteromesal views, respectively, scale bar: 0.2 mm D sternum of segment 10. E, F leg of segment 10, depicted not to scale.
Chao-Chun Chen, Sergei I. Golovatch, Hsueh-Wen Chang, Shyh-Hwang Chen
Figures 33–38.33–35 Chamberlinius hualienensis Wang, 1956, ♂ from CiiLan Forest Amusement Park (棲蘭森林遊樂園), left gonopod (33–35). 33 Entire gonopod, sublateral view 34 Tip of telopodite, sublateral view. Arrows: a bifid solenophore 35 Entire gonopod, medial view. Figures 36–38. Chamberlinius pessior sp. n., holotype, right gonopod. 36, 37 Entire gonopod and tip of solenophore (arrow), respectively, submedial view 38 Apical part of telopodite, medial and slightly ventral view. Scale bars = 0.5 mm (33, 35, 36); 0.1 mm (34, 37); 0.25 mm (38). co: coxa; dp: dentiform process; f: femorite; m: apical lamina; l: membranous lobe; pof: postfemoral region; prf: prefemur; sl: solenomere; sph: solenophore.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 103.Orthomorpha subelevata sp. n., ♂ holotype. A, B anterior part of body, dorsal and lateral views, respectively C, D segments 10 and 11, dorsal and lateral views, respectively D, E, F posterior part of body, lateral, dorsal and ventral views, respectively H, I sternal cones between coxae 4, subcaudal and sublateral views, respectively.
Sergei I. Golovatch, Youbang Li, Weixin Liu, Jean-Jacques Geoffroy
Figure 3.Desmoxytes spinissima sp. n., ♂ holotype. A anterior part of body, lateral view B midbody segments, lateral view C posterior part of body, dorsal view D telson, ventral view E femora 6 and 7, lateral view.Photographed not to scale.
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 9.Map of the Pilbara region of north-western Australia showing distributions of Boreohesperus species.
Catherine A. Car, Mark S. Harvey
Figure 9.Map of the Pilbara region of north-western Australia showing distributions of Boreohesperus species.
Robert Mesibov, Catherine A. Car
Figures 5–8.Hoplatessara luxuriosa (Silvestri, 1895), male ex AM KS.120532. Posterior (5), medial (6), anterior (7) and lateral (8) views of left gonopod, not to same scale. Scale bar in Fig. 6 = 1 mm.
Natdanai Likhitrakarn, Sergei I. Golovatch, Somsak Panha
Figure 3.Tetracentrosternus theelorsuensis sp. n., ♂ holotype. A left first leg B, C left gonopod, mesal and lateral views, respectively.