
Comprehensive Description

provided by Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology
Tiphia (Tiphia) maria

T. maria is known only from the holotype male. Because of the transverse carina on tergum 1, the lack of enlarged and dimpled punctures on the intermediate terga, it runs to the same couplet in the key to males of the Peru-Equador-Bolivia area as T. monsonia. It differs from that species in many characters including the lack of a transverse carina on the back edge of the vertex, a more diffuse dispersion of punctures on the upper front, the smoother dorsal propodeum, and the more slender apical cell.

HOLOTYPE.—♂; Monson Valley, Tingo Maria, Peru, 11–XII–1954 (E. I. Schlinger and E. S. Ross) (CAS).

MALE.—Front with punctures of first-degree density on lower third and bordering eyes to level of lowest ocellus, upper middle of third-degree density without spaces as wide as an ocellus. Head width 2.2 times least distance between eyes. Cheek about as wide as an antennal fossa. Mandible without preapical denticle.

Dorsal pronotum with a high, sharp-crested transverse carina; bordering sulcus with a few obscure cross ridges; punctures of uniform size and distribution, generally of third-degree density. Lateral pronotum without escarpment across middle disc. Mesopleuron with small primary punctures generally of third-degree density, with very numerous fine, very long microsetae on most of anterior slope above middle and continuous over subtegular area. Legs black. Hind tibia without carina on inner face. Tegula shagreened on outer slope, without groove on outer margin. Forewing with slightly infumate membrane; radial cell 3 2 times as long as wide and greatly exceeding second cubital cell in lateral extension; sectors of second cubital cell in terms of inner sector (itob) are 10:29:16:21.

Dorsal propodeum polished except for faint aciculations; areola widest near base, its length 2 times and its base about one and two-thirds apical width. Tergum 1 with a faint transverse carina; preapical band not impressed and consisting of punctures separated by less than their average diameter and 2 to 3 punctures wide. Abdominal terga with punctures relatively uniform in size and distribution; apices over middles without microgrooves. Sternum 5 without lateral denticle.

Length 9.9 mm.

bibliographic citation
Allen, Harry W. 1972. "A monographic study of the subfamily Tiphiinae (Hymenoptera: Tiphiidae) of South America." Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology. 1-76. https://doi.org/10.5479/si.00810282.113