Report on the zoological collections made in the Indo-Pacific Ocean during the voyage of H.M.S. 'Alert' 1881-2.London :Printed by order of the Trustees,1884.
Die Sugthiere in Abbildungen nach der Natur /.Erlangen :Expedition des Schreber'schen sugthier- und des Esper'schen Schmetterlingswerkes [etc.,1774]
Natural History Museum: Coleoptera Section
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Ecuador, Pichincha. Puerto Quito. 200m. CooperDet: Wolfgang SchillerNote: A specimen det. by Wegrzynowicz is from Colombia and differs slightly in having the third black elytral transverse bound interrupted at sutura.
[syn. Chamaesyce multiformis var. multiformis]Akoko, ekoko, koko or kkmlei EuphorbiaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsWaianae-Kai Trail (Mkaha), OahuThe name akoko comes from the Hawaiian word koko for blood. They get their name from the red, or blood-colored, seed capsules appearing as drops of blood on the plant on some varieties and species.
[syn. Chamaesyce multiformis var. multiformis]Akoko, ekoko, koko or kkmlei EuphorbiaceaeEndemic to the Hawaiian IslandsWaianae-Kai Trail (Mkaha), OahuThe name akoko comes from the Hawaiian word koko for blood. They get their name from the red, or blood-colored, seed capsules appearing as drops of blood on the plant on some varieties and species.