Chelus orinocensis is a freshwater turtle found in South America, primarily in the Orinoco basin. It was split off from Chelus fimbriata in 2020.
A genomic analysis of the mata mata was reported in 2020, which showed a deep split between the populations in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. The authors proposed that the Orinoco population be assigned to a new species, Chelus orinocensis, with the Amazon population retaining the Chelus fimbriatus species designation.[1]
Prior to its description as a separate species, observations of distinctive morphological differences had already been noted among specimens in the populations of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.[2]
Chelus orinocensis is a freshwater turtle found in South America, primarily in the Orinoco basin. It was split off from Chelus fimbriata in 2020.