Lille Skovsgård, Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 192455: Schizophyllum amplum (Lév.) Nakasone
Mushroom Observer Image 1014163: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Mushroom Observer Image 322693: Schizophyllum Fr.
Lille Skovsgård, Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 708593: Schizophyllum amplum (Lév.) Nakasone
Mushroom Observer Image 1021731: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Mushroom Observer Image 887663: Schizophyllum Fr.
Lille Skovsgård, Mariager Fjord, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 708595: Schizophyllum amplum (Lév.) Nakasone
Mushroom Observer Image 1026680: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Store Øksø, Rold Skov, Danmark
Mushroom Observer Image 1029809: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Slo.: pahljacica, navadna cepilistka
Allindelille Fredskov, Ringsted
Mushroom Observer Image 1029810: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Allindelille Fredskov, Ringsted
Mushroom Observer Image 1029811: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Allindelille Fredskov, Ringsted
Mushroom Observer Image 1029812: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Hobro Skov
Mushroom Observer Image 1029813: Schizophyllum commune Fr.
Magnified 1125X, twice that of PHIL 10891, this photomicrograph revealed the presence of the fungal organism, Schizophyllum commune, which is made evident by the visible S. commune mycelium. The mycelium is composed of of numerous branching filaments known as hyphae, and is considered the vegetative portion of the mould.Created: 1973
Vrangeskov, Midtsjælland