
Dicranella hilariana linn

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Dicranella hilariana (Mont.) Mitt. Jour. linn
Soc. 12 : 31. 1869.
Dicranum Hilarianum Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 12: 52. 1839. Dicranum dehile Wilson, in Drummond, So. Mosses 51. 1841. Dicranum ienuirostre Kunze; (Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. II. 14: 347; hyponym. 1840) Schwaegr.
Suppl. 4: pi. 108a. 1842. Angstroemia Liebmanniana C. Mull. Syn. 2: 605. 1851. Dicranella Liebmanniana Mitt. Jour. Linn. Soc. 12: 32. 1869. Campylochaetium mexicanum Besch. Mem. Soc. Sci. Cherbourg 16: 168. 1872. Angstroemia mexicana C. Mull. Linnaea 38: 630. 1874. Angstroemia trematodonti folia C. Mull. I/Innaea 38: 630. 1874.
Dicranella mexicana Jaeger & Sauerb. Ber. St. Gall. Nat. Ges. 1877-78: 373. 1879. Dicranella trematodontifolia Jaeger & Sauerb. Ber. St. Gall. Nat. Ges. 1877-78: 376, 1879. Dicranella debilis I^esq. & James, Man. 66. 1884.
Dicranella leptorhyncha Ren. & Card. Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 31 1 : 143. 1893. Dicranella laxiretis Ren. & Card. Rev. Bryol. 20: 30. 1893. Angstroemia pseudo -debilis C. Mull. Hedwigia 37: 229. 1898. ? Angstroemia Wrightii C. Mull. Hedwigia 37: 229. 1898. Microdus cubensis Paris, Index Bryol. Suppl. 244. 1900. Microdus debilis Besch.; Paris, Index Bryol. ed. 2. 3: 236. 1905. Microdus laxiretis Paris, Index Bryol. ed. 2. 3: 237. 1905. ? Microdus Wrightii Parjs, Index Bryol. ed. 2. 3: 240. 1905.
Plants in rather loose, green mats, with slender, often branching stems mostly 2-5 mm. high: stem-leaves when moist erect-spreading, sometimes slightly secund, the lower ones ovatelanceolate, blunt, about 0.5 mm. long, the upper ones up to a little more than 2 mm. long, from a slightly broader, not clasping base gradually narrowed to an almost linear or slightly tapering, grooved limb, with the apex from broadly rounded to acutish and from nearly entire to crenate or toothed; leafmargin more or less recurved and serrulate below the apex; costa stout, prominent on the back, sometimes rough or serrulate above and ending below the leaf
apex: upper leaf-cells from nearly square to short-rectangular the lower one much larger and paler, with lax, rather thin walls throughout; perichaetial leaves scarcely clasping or different from the upper stem-leaves: seta weak, flexuous, up to 12 mm. long, yellowish or brown: capsule erect or slightly nodding, oval to short-cylindric, smooth, with a mostly broad mouth, an obliquely rostrate lid nearly as long as the capsule, and a large annulus; exothecal cells with somewhat thickened not sinuous walls about 20 fi wide and 25-40 fi long; peristometeeth more than 200 x high, vertically striate below, divided about three fourths down into slender, papillose segments: spores rough, about 16 /x in diameter.
Type locality: Southern Brazil.
Distribution: Southern United States; Mexico; Central America; West Indies; also in South America.
bibliographic citation
Robert Statham Williams. 1913. (BRYALES); DICRANACEAE, LEUCOBRYACEAE. North American flora. vol 15(2). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora