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Agrostis subrepens (Hitchc.) Hitchc.

Comprehensive Description

provided by North American Flora
Agrostis subrepens (Hitehc.) Hitchcock
Agrostis hiemalis subrepens Hitehc. Bull. U. S. Dep. Agr. PI. Ind. 68: 44. 1905.
Perennial, with creeping rhizomes; culms erect, glabrous, 60-100 cm. tall, 3or 4-noded, the uppermost node about the middle of the culm; sheaths glabrous; ligule 3-5 mm. long; blades loosely involute, scaberulous, slender, not more than 1.3 mm. wide, the tip rather stiff and sharp, the uppermost above the middle of the culm; panicle open, pyramidal, 12-18 cm. long, 10-15 cm. wide, the axis glabrous, the branches slightly scabrous, slender, widely spreading, verticillate or only one or two at a node, the verticils distant 2-4 cm., the lowermost branches mostly 6-8 cm. long; spikelets brownish or purplish, somewhat crowded along the upper part of the branchlets; glumes acuminate, slightly scabrous along the keel, about 2.5 mm. long; lemma shorter than the glumes (about 2 mm. long), awnless, the callus minutely pilose; palea minute (about 0.3 mm. long).
Type locality: Base of Sierra Madre, State of Chihuahua {Pringle 1420).
Distribution: Wet places, Sierra Madre, Chihuahua {Hitchcock 7721, Nelson 6195, Townsend &* Barber 276); also in Venezuela (Fendler 2541).
bibliographic citation
Albert Spear Hitchcock. 1937. (POALES); POACEAE (pars). North American flora. vol 17(7). New York Botanical Garden, New York, NY
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North American Flora